ニュース news 24h


各地で大雪 雪崩や雪下ろし中の事故などに注意

2017-12-29 13:09:14 | 日記
各地で大雪 雪崩や雪下ろし中の事故などに注意
Attention to heavy snow avalanches and accidents during snowfall in various places





Along the mountains such as northern Japan and Hokuriku, heavy snow will occur in various places, and in many places we observe 2 to 3 times snow accumulation. Although the peak of the heavy snowflake has surpassed, it is expected that snowy conditions are likely to continue on 29th, the Japan Meteorological Agency is calling on the influence on traffic due to snow, and careful attention to avalanches and accidents during snowfall.
According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, snow has continued to heavy snow everywhere from around 25th this month, mainly on mountains in northern Japan, Hokuriku, northern Kanto due to the strong winter-style pressure arrangement.

Snow cover has reached around 2 meters from 1 meter, which is twice to three times normal in average in many places. The peak of the heavy snow in various places exceeded by the afternoon of 28th, but it is expected to be snowing by the place where snow easily falls on the 29th day, mainly in northern Japan and Hokuriku.

The Meteorological Agency is calling on attention to traffic influences, snow avalanches, accidents during snowfall, etc., due to snow accumulation mainly in areas where heavy snow has occurred.

Also, on the morning of the 29th, severe chilling is anticipated in various places, there is a possibility that the road surface may be frozen. When passing through unfamiliar roads such as homecoming and leisure, careful attention is required for driving the car.

北朝鮮の木造船の船長を窃盗罪で起訴 裁判へ

2017-12-29 13:09:01 | 日記
北朝鮮の木造船の船長を窃盗罪で起訴 裁判へ
To capture the captain of a wooden ship of North Korea for theft






船長は勾留 乗組員の今後は





The captain of a North Korean wooden ship found off Matsumae-cho, Hokkaido last month, was charged with theft of theft on 28th, stating that he stole generators and home appliances from uninhabited island huts and the like. In the future, a trial will be held and hearings will be held in public courts.
The indictment was Kan Myeong-hak (45), the captain of a wooden ship of North Korea. According to the

indictment, etc. Last month when I landed on the uninhabited island off Matsumae-cho, Hokkaido, 'Matsumae Kojima', along with other crew members, generators and household electrical appliances and solar panels etc. that were in the hut and lighthouse etc 39 It is charged with theft for theft as it stole about 5,650,000 yen for the point, amount.

The police arrested three people including two other crew members on the 9th of the month on suspicion of theft, the Hakodate District Public Prosecutors Office prosecuted on 28th that captain Kan was in the lead position . In the future, a trial will be held and hearings will be held in public courts. The prosecution was deferred as prosecutors were in a subordinate position for the two crew members arrested and other six people who were sent documents for suspicion of stealing.
Although the prosecution does not clarify the approval or disapproval of the captain, according to the police's investigation so far, 'I thought that nobody was using it, I took away generators, etc. I used it on board and ship I thought I'd try repairing it. ' For the crew of nine people except
captain, the Sapporo Immigration Bureau will decide to proceed with procedures for compulsory exit in the future.
The captain will remain detained for the captain of a wooden ship prosecuted for theft by the detainee crew in the future, a trial will be held and trial will be held in the public court in the future.

Meanwhile, two crew members arrested with the captain and charged with prosecution moved by car from the police station in Hakodate City, which had been detained on the morning of 28th, by car to the Sapporo Immigration Bureau in Sapporo city central ward and handed over It was done.
The two will be proceeding with the seven crew members who have already been handed over to the Immigration Bureau, procedures for compulsory exit based on the Immigration Control Act. According to the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, if it is ultimately judged that it should be repatriated after a survey to confirm the circumstances of illegal entry, it is to enter the departure procedure.
If there is a situation where you can not leave the country promptly, it will be temporarily accommodated in the facilities of the Ministry of Justice in Ibaraki and Nagasaki prefectures and will depart as soon as preparation is in place.
Fishermen's Cooperative Union Chief of the Fishermen's Cooperative 'Revealing the Truth' About the captain of a wooden ship being indicted, the Matsumae Cherry Blossom Fishery Cooperative Association (Matsumae Cherry Blossom Fishery Cooperative Association) who owns the hut of the uninhabited island 'Matsumae Kojima' off Matsumae-cho, Hokkaido, 'Masami Sato union chief said,' I was relieved a little when I heard that even the captain alone was prosecuted, we hopefully reveal the truth of taking home appliances and other items from the island in the exclusive economic zones of Japan I want to clarify the actual condition of illegal operation of squid fishing being done '. As a result of investigation by the fishermen's cooperative, more than 50 items such as household electrical appliances have been lost or broken down from island huts and the damage amount has reached nearly 8 million yen.
The fishermen's cooperative and Matsumae-cho established a council that accepts donations on 27th, as it is requested that donation offers are requested from all over the country for this to be useful for recovery.
The fishermen's cooperative and the town will make use of the donation in the future, and aim for recovery of damage by March next year.

Meanwhile, Chosun Jeonghwa = the Korean Federation of Koreans in Japan tells the fishery cooperative that they would like to discuss consultations on the compensation of the damage, and the first talks were held on 25th this month, but according to the stakeholders, Instead of paying about 500,000 yen as 'visiting money', the fishermen's cooperation has broken because the fishermen's association has presented the condition that three people, including the arrested captain, are not asked to carry out the criminal disposition.
Island managers 'Quiet daily life as soon as possible'
Fishery managing the hut of 'Matsumae Kojima' on a deserted island in which a large amount of home appliances and the like were taken away about the prosecution of the captain of a wooden ship Ms. Yoshida Masao of the man said, 'Since it is not always the case that similar incidents do not happen again, I want you to punish firmly according to the law.This damage has transformed the peaceful life, so as soon as one day, I want to regain quiet daily life as it is. '
Chosun Jeonjo's 'indictment is regrettable' About the captain of the shipbuilder was prosecuted, the Hakodate branch of Korea Federation Korea Federation of Koreans inquired about the NHK interview, 'It is an act of trying to survive because of distress I feel regretful that I have been indicted and I would like the captains to return home as soon as possible from a humanitarian standpoint. '

カブールで自爆テロ 女性や子ども含む40人死亡

2017-12-29 13:08:47 | 日記
カブールで自爆テロ 女性や子ども含む40人死亡
Suicide bombings in Kabul 40 people including women and children died





At the underground meeting place in Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, there are suicide bombers that explode explosives worn by men, and 40 people including women and children have died so far.
At the basement meeting place in the west of Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, a meeting to think about the invasion of Afghanistan by the former Soviet Union 38 years ago was held and exploded explosive worn by a man was detonated. In addition, after that, the bomb that is thought to have been set on the same site has exploded two times. According to the
Afghanistan Interior Ministry, more than 100 people were seen participating in the rally, 40 people including women and children died and 30 people were injured by this suicide bombing terrorism so far. In the area where the meeting place in the field is located, the extremist group IS is a region where many Shiite schools of the minority enlisted by the Islamic state live, and Amak communication connected with IS is a crime of the IS who aimed at Shia parties I told you. However, it does not mention specific grounds such as the person who executed it and the relationship with IS. In
Afghanistan, after the majority of international troops withdrew from three years ago, in addition to the rebound of the anti-government armed forces Taliban, the regional organization of IS also emerged, the security has deteriorated rapidly, civilians The terrorism in which it is involved will not fail.

30人がインフルエンザ 院内集団感染か 80代の患者の女性死亡

2017-12-29 13:08:30 | 日記
30人がインフルエンザ 院内集団感染か 80代の患者の女性死亡
30 people have outbreaks of influenza outbreak or women dead in patients in their 80s




In Maebashi-shi hospital, 30 inpatients and staff members were diagnosed with influenza, of whom women in their 80s died on the night of 27th. Maebashi City inspected hospitals on 28th as a group infection in the hospital, and instructed thorough disinfection etc.
According to Maebashi City, 30 people including 26 inpatients and 4 staff members complained of symptoms such as fever in the hospital in the city from 12th to 25th this month, all were diagnosed as influenza B It was.

The woman in her 80's hospitalized patient died of respiratory failure on the night of 27th. The patient suddenly changed on the 27th, although it was on a recovery trend after receiving diagnosis of influenza on 24th and receiving treatment medication.
Maebashi City said that the other 25 people have recovered and 4 are headed for better. According to
city, I was informed that I was out of influenza patients from the hospital on 18th this month and was instructed to thoroughly disinfect the hospital etc. As a group infection in the hospital, Maebashi City visited the hospital on 28th, after receiving the death of the woman, instructed the hospital thoroughly to disinfect again

貴乃花親方の理事解任を提案 1月4日に審議へ

2017-12-29 13:08:17 | 日記
貴乃花親方の理事解任を提案 1月4日に審議へ
Propose dismissal of Takanohana's director Go to deliberation on January 4

大相撲の元横綱 日馬富士の傷害事件をめぐる問題で、日本相撲協会の臨時の理事会は貴乃花親方について警察に被害届を出しながら、協会の調査に協力してこなかった責任は重いとして「降格」にあたる理事の解任を、権限を持つ評議員会に提案することを全会一致で決めました。理事会で決まった貴乃花親方の理事解任の提案は、来月4日に予定されている次回の臨時評議員会で議論することになりました。
貴乃花親方は元横綱 日馬富士の傷害事件をめぐる問題で警察に被害届を出しながら、巡業部長として事案を相撲協会に報告せずその後も調査への協力を拒んでいました。

日本相撲協会は28日午前11時すぎから東京 両国の国技館で臨時の理事会を開き、貴乃花親方の聞き取りを行った危機管理委員会から報告を受けたうえで、貴乃花親方の処分について検討しました。



評議員会「皆様の意見を聞き 決議されること」
日本相撲協会の臨時の評議員会は、28日午後3時から東京 両国の国技館で始まり、元文部科学副大臣で議長を務める池坊保子氏など5人の評議員が出席しました。

この中では元横綱 日馬富士の傷害事件をめぐる問題で危機管理委員会から調査結果についての報告が行われたということです。






理事会と評議員会 どのような権限?






