ニュース news 24h


国連事務次長が北朝鮮に到着 高官らと会談へ

2017-12-05 19:21:25 | 日記
国連事務次長が北朝鮮に到着 高官らと会談へ
United Nations deputy director to talks with high-ranking officials arriving in North Korea








United Nations Secretary-General Feltman will visit Pyongyang in North Korea on 5th and will encourage North Korean officials to stop provoking such as launching ballistic missiles.
Deputy Feltman, who is in charge of political affairs at the United Nations, departed to North Korea via Beijing, China on May 5, arriving at Pyongyang airport. According to the United Nations, this visit is due to invitation from the North Korean side, Secretary-General Feltmann will meet with the North Korean officials including Lee Young-ho (Li Kei Tiger) foreign minister during his stay, It is to meet with the stakeholders.

The UN Secretary General in charge of political affairs visited North Korea in the United Nations for the first time in seven years, since it was dispatched as the special envoy of Bang Ki-moon (Ban Ki-moon) at that time in 2010.

At the talks with the North Korean side, the United Nations said, 'We will discuss broadly about policies etc.' and will encourage North Korea to accelerate nuclear and missile development, such as launching ballistic missiles, to stop further provocation It is seen.

Meanwhile, North Korea has stated that the sanctions are unfair because North Korea has sought sanctions by the United Nations Security Council and has claimed that international humanitarian activities are greatly affected by international organizations, and that nuclear weapons and missiles It seems that it will appeal that development is a self-defense measure against the United States.
South Korea 'Hoping to respond to dialogue on the occasion of the visit'
On November 15, the official of the Ministry of Unification of the Ministry of Unification of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Nations visiting North Korea said, 'UN Secretary General Guterres has repeatedly acted as an intermediary We understand that we have been declared to be responsible 'and evaluated our efforts so far.

In addition, 'I hope North will respond to the dialogue with the international community as a result of this visit,' and I showed my expectations for the visit. With regard to the position of the South Korean government, 'As for the nuclear issue in the North, we will progress negotiations step by step with denuclearization as the final goal. Now we strive to respond to dialogue through sanctions and pressure We should explain that pressure is important in the present situation where North Korea is proceeding with the development of nuclear weapons and missiles.

津波の際 自動的に閉まる水門完成 千葉 旭

2017-12-05 19:21:09 | 日記
津波の際 自動的に閉まる水門完成 千葉 旭
Flood gates closed automatically in the event of a tsunami Chiba Asahi






In order to prevent the damage of urban areas due to the tsunami, a floodgate that automatically closes by hydraulic pressure when the tsunami strikes the estuary is completed in Asahi-shi, Chiba Prefecture facing the Pacific Ocean.
In the Great East Japan Earthquake, the work of closing the floodgates and the firefighters of various places in the evacuation guidance were sacrificed. With this lesson as a lesson, Chiba Prefecture installed a floodgate at the mouth of the Yagukawa, 20 meters wide, flowing through Asahi. Four water gates of 2 meters in 70 centimeters in width and 4 meters in 50 centimeters in width are lining horizontally, and when the tsunami is trying to trace back to the river, the stainless steel door is automatically closed by water pressure, and a structure preventing the water from being pushed into the city area is. The

prefecture is also planning to improve these water gates in 15 other rivers along the Kujukurihama facing the Pacific Ocean, and to complete it in the next fiscal year.

Mr. Kazuhiro Ishibashi, deputy head office of Chiba prefecture officials, said, 'I think that it is necessary equipment to protect the safety of firefighters, I would like to take measures on other rivers as well.' .

Also, a man in his 60s who lives nearby said that 'the sense of security has risen because there is a possibility that not only the tsunami caused by the earthquake but also the damage of storm surges can be prevented,' he said.

三菱マテリアル爆発事故 工場長ら2人を書類送検

2017-12-05 19:20:58 | 日記
三菱マテリアル爆発事故 工場長ら2人を書類送検
Mitsubishi Materials Explosion Accident Plant Chiefs and others sent documents





2014, occurred explosion in the Mitsubishi Materials Yokkaichi plant in Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture, five people were killed, in an accident in which 13 people were injured, police five days, at the time of the factory length, et al. On suspicion of professional negligence resulting in death and injury I sent two documents to the public prosecutors office. Among them, he said that he could not say that he was able to foresee the accident sufficiently, and put an opinion not to ask for prosecution.
In January Heisei 20, Mitsubishi Material Yokkaichi Plant in Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture, an explosion occurred during the cleaning work of facilities called heat exchangers, five workers died and 13 people were injured.

The accident occurred in the process of adding moisture to the heat exchanger to decompose the compound, and since the police conducted a subsequent investigation, the moisture was not enough, a chemical substance with high explosive power was generated inside the heat exchanger It was found that it was ignited by the impact when removing the cover, and it was found that the possibility of explosion was high.

Police said that negotiating safety management, such as instructing to add moisture sufficiently, the documents of factory chief (60) and sub-factory director (58) of those days were all 5 I sent it to the Tsu District Public Prosecutors Office on the day.

In this factory accident over the heat exchanger had occurred twice in the past, but because the cause and the mechanism are different from the accident this time, the factory manager and two others predict sufficiently this accident He said that he could not say that he was able to do it, and put an opinion not to ask for prosecution.
'Sincerely apologize'
Mitsubishi Materials Affairs Department Public Relations Office is full cooperation 'to the investigation of the relationship authorities will continue to faithfully support. As well as choice and a re-deceased for the souls of, sincerely to the bereaved family I will apologize to you. '

「スパコン」ベンチャー企業社長を逮捕 助成金詐欺の疑い

2017-12-05 19:20:48 | 日記
「スパコン」ベンチャー企業社長を逮捕 助成金詐欺の疑い
Arrested 'President of' supercomputer 'venture company Suspected grant fraud

逮捕されたのはスーパーコンピューターの開発を手がける東京・千代田区のベンチャー企業「PEZY Computing」の社長の齊藤元章容疑者(49)と元事業開発部長の鈴木大介容疑者(47)で、東京地検特捜部は、会社や齊藤社長の自宅などを捜索しました。



「PEZY Computing」など齊藤社長が経営するベンチャー企業2社はことし10月、計算速度が国内最速で、世界トップクラスの省エネ性能を誇るスーパーコンピューター「Gyoukou(暁光)」の開発に成功したと発表し、注目を集めていました。

NEDOによりますと「PEZY Computing」はこれまでにNEDOから5つの事業で合わせて35億円余りの助成金を受け取っているということで、特捜部はスーパーコンピューターの開発をめぐる多額の資金の流れについて実態解明を進めるものと見られます。


有識者「国からの補助金が頼り 今後が心配」

そうした中、ことし11月のランキングで『PEZY Computing』が開発した『Gyoukou(暁光)』が4位に入り、今後の応用に向けて期待が集まっていたところだった。会社は製品を売っているわけではなく、国からの補助金が頼りだったはずで、会社がつぶれるようなことになれば、期待された技術だけに今後どうなるのか非常に心配だ」と話していました。


そして7年ほど前に東京に拠点を移し「PEZY Computing」など2社がことし10月に開発に成功したと発表したスーパーコンピューターやAIの開発に乗り出しました。
そしてことし10月、斉藤社長が経営する「PEZY Computing」など2社は計算速度が国内最速で世界トップクラスの省エネ性能を誇るスーパーコンピューター「Gyoukou(暁光)」(ぎょうこう)の開発に成功したと発表し、ベンチャー企業が少ない人員で大手企業などを上回る性能のスーパーコンピューターを開発したとして注目を集めました。


齊藤社長が経営する「PEZY Computing」など2社がことし10月に開発に成功したと発表したスーパーコンピューター「Gyoukou(暁光)」は1秒当たり、1京4130兆回の計算速度を記録し、富士通が開発した「Oakforest-PACS」の記録を超えて、国内最速を達成しました。



スーパーコンピューターの開発では大型化に伴う消費電力の抑制が課題となりますが、「PEZY Computing」などは独自に開発したプロセッサーを電気を通さない特殊な液体に浸して冷やすことで、速い計算速度と高い省エネ性能を実現したということです。




木造船の乗組員 無人島に上陸後しばらく滞在か

2017-12-05 19:20:36 | 日記
木造船の乗組員 無人島に上陸後しばらく滞在か
A crew member of a wooden boat staying for a while after it landed on a desert island

北朝鮮から来たと見られる木造船は先月28日、北海道松前町の沖合で見つかり、近くの無人島 松前小島の港にも一時、停泊して、乗組員の一部が島に上陸していたことが確認されています。




On the uninhabited island off Matsumae-cho, Hokkaido, where a wooden ship, which was seen to have come from North Korea, temporarily stopped, we knew that a black ship was being witnessed as of the 17th of last month by interviewing local fishermen. Since traces like meals were found on the island, the police and maritime security headquarters are investigating the detailed situation, thinking that there is a possibility that the crewmembers might have stayed for a while after landing.
A wooden ship, which is believed to have come from North Korea, was found off the coast of Matsumae-cho, Hokkaido last month, and temporarily stopped at the port of the nearby desert island Matsumae Kojima, part of the crew landed on the island It has been confirmed.

We found out that a black ship was being witnessed at the port of the island witnessed by the local fisherman in the morning of the 17 th month before that about 10 days ago. In the field survey etc. of the town so far, the crew members who landed have found traces like catching fish and eating with fishing gear that was on a deserted island.

Therefore, the police and maritime security headquarters are investigating the detailed situation at the time, thinking that there is a possibility that the crewmembers had stayed on the island for a while after the landing. Also, police are continuing to investigate on suspicion of theft as the hut of the uninhabited island is destroyed and some crew members talk about 'bringing out home appliances and small motorbikes.'
A fisherman, Mr. Koji Kaneko, a fisherman in Matsumae-cho, Hokkaido, witnessed a black ship anchored at Matsumae Kojima port on the uninhabited island on the 17th of last month.

Kenko said, 'When I stopped by the fishing port of Matsumae Kojima at 5:30 am on the 17th, due to a break during the hockey fishing, the black vessel was anchored in the port and approached about 10 meters, I did not seem to be a ship in Japan and soon came home with frightening.I think now, I'm glad I did not get close because of the shaking feeling.The fellows were calling for attention but they have not reported to the police etc 'I was talking.