ニュース news 24h


全日本空手 女子個人組手 植草が3連覇

2017-12-11 12:19:14 | 日記
全日本空手 女子個人組手 植草が3連覇
All Japan Karate Women's Individual Assembly hand trial won 3 consecutive years








The Tokyo Olympics 'additional competition, the all-Japan championship contesting Japan's best karate, was held in Tokyo on October 10, and the world champion's planting footwear fought for the third consecutive win with girls' personal group.
The all-Japan championship contesting karate for Japan in Tokyo held at Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, the fourth event of the individual warfare on October 10 was held, and approximately 11,000 spectators visited.

Kumager was confronted with weight indiscriminately and the girls 'individuals appeared in the last year' s world championship championship players who won the championships, piling points with a sharp stab and a stable kick and winning. In the final, the battlefield became a close battle, and the weed grass players attained the third consecutive match of the competition by breaking the opponent by 2: 1, by successfully avoiding the attack of the opponent just before the end when it greeted one-on-one.

Meanwhile, at the men's individual group, Daisuke Watanabe won the first victory after a close battle with Ryutaro Araka who is aiming for the fourth consecutive title by the final.

In addition, in 'shape' where performance of performance and competing for the accuracy and speed of the skill compete, men 's Rika Kiyonomi showed overwhelming strength and won the six consecutive victories, girls got 5 consecutive victories for Shimizu rare player I did it.
Plant plant 'It is relieved'
Girls 'step player who achieved 3 consecutive victories with individual girls' team, said: 'All competitors who played against us today are very strong and I am relieved and I am relieved. I want to become stronger. ' Daisuke Watanabe who won the first victory after defeating Ryutaro Araka who was in a row of five consecutive games in the
men's personal group finishes 'I could do without changing my style firmly and I could do it without being blurred, There was no mistake. '

Rika Kiyomi who achieved six consecutive victories in the form of male individuals said, 'The cheers cheered up after the performance, and it was a pleasant feeling.Welcome to the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020, cherish each match and carefully match each game I want to show myself that evolves with each other. '

And the Shimizu rare player who played 5 consecutive victories in the form of women's individuals said, 'I went to the tournament to concentrate on my performance without consciousness, and I was encouraged by this result I would like to devote my everyday with the feeling of constantly challenging the Tokyo Olympic Games. '

新潟 村上の伝統行事「お里様」

2017-12-11 12:19:02 | 日記
新潟 村上の伝統行事「お里様」
Traditional event of Niigata Murakami "Mr.





A male who wore a girlfriend in Murakami-shi, Niigata prefecture, held a traditional event 'Ori-sama' dedicated to the local shrine to the local shrine.
Murakami City Continuing for over 300 years in the Shiono-machi district of Murakami City, 'Ori-sama' dedicates Scales to the local Kumano shrine, hoping for the safety of work in five grains and mountains, the intangible folk cultural property of the city It is also becoming.

'Sato-sama' is an event that it was supposed that Shimezu was going to join the Kumano shrine where the god of women is dedicated, men of the role playing the telena, wearing clothes, making fancy make-up I participated. The men who carried the shrimp with a length of 5 meters and a weight of 80 kilograms behaved like a god to people in the settlements while walking about a half hour to the shrine about an hour and a half . A man who carried the

Shinnena talked, 'I felt keenly feeling being a traditional event and walked.'

河川敷で大量の銃弾見つかる 大阪 西淀川区

2017-12-11 12:18:50 | 日記
河川敷で大量の銃弾見つかる 大阪 西淀川区
Osaka Nishiyodogawa Ward where massive bullets can be found in riverbed

10日午後、大阪 西淀川区の淀川の河川敷で、ライフル銃などの銃弾、100発余りが一斗缶に入った状態で見つかりました。銃弾には使用された形跡がないということで、警察は、何者かが不法に廃棄したと見て詳しく調べています。
10日午後2時すぎ、大阪 西淀川区姫島の淀川の河川敷沿いの道路に「散弾銃の弾が落ちている」と男性から通報がありました。





On the afternoon of the 10th, in the riverbed of the Yodo River in Osaka Nishiyodogawa Ward, we found that bullets such as rifles such as rifles, more than 100 are in a canister. The bullet seems to have no evidence of use, so the police are investigating in detail as if someone illegally discarded it.
2 o'clock in the afternoon of 10th, there was a report from the man 'Shotgun bullet is falling' on the road along the riverbed of the Yodogawa in Osaka Nishiyodogawa Ward.

Police officers investigated on the scene, it means that more than 100 bullets of rifles and shotguns were found in one can. According to the police, the one can is rusty about 40 cm tall and the newspaper was laid on the inside.

In the riverbed, usually the practice of juvenile baseball is being carried out, police asked from the guardian, and one drink can was left untouched for several days. In the

bullets that there is no evidence of use, the police are investigating in detail as someone suspects that they have illegally discarded the bullets and are suspected of violating the Explosives Control Law.

The site is an area where houses close to Hanshin Electric Railway / Himejima station are densely populated.

サンタ7000人がチャリティーマラソン スペイン

2017-12-11 12:18:36 | 日記
サンタ7000人がチャリティーマラソン スペイン
7,000 Santa Charity Marathon Spain






Before Christmas, a charity marathon tournament where 7,000 citizens who went to Santa Claus in Spain runs in the city at the same time was held.
This is the fifth competition in this year 's tournament held in Madrid, Spain' s capital, at this time before Christmas every year.

On the local site, on the 10th, red clothes and hats, and 7,000 citizens who wore a white beard and went to Santa Claus ran with the start signal at once.

The participants ran 5 kilometers of course with a small snow dance and the city of Madrid was filled with a group of bright red Santa Claus. Some of them also ran a baby on a baby stroller wearing a Santa Claus costume and others drove with a dog dressed in a special costume and the participants enjoyed the race while receiving cheering on the roadside.

The participating male said that 'There is not such a suitable event at the beginning of the Christmas season'. According to the

organizer, 1 euro per person from 7000 participants and 130 yen in Japanese yen are collected and used for cancer treatment and research.

日UAE外相会談 海上油田の権益延長で協力要請

2017-12-11 12:18:22 | 日記
日UAE外相会談 海上油田の権益延長で協力要請
Japan-UAE Foreign Ministers' Meeting Request for Cooperation on Extension of Contracts of Ocean Oil Field





Minister for Foreign Affairs Kono will meet with Foreign Minister Abdullah at the visiting UAE = Abadra Foreign Minister and will be able to continue to secure interests of offshore oil fields possessed by Japanese companies whose renewal is a subject of deadlines next March We asked for cooperation.
Foreign Minister Kono visited the UAE in the Middle East = United Arab Emirates and met with Foreign Minister Abdullah late in the evening of 10th Japan time. Among them, Minister Kono stated that 'I would like Japanese firms to continue doing business' about the maritime oil field's interests held by the Japanese companies in the country in March, and will continue to secure interests We requested cooperation from the UAE side. In response, Foreign Minister Abdullah responded 'I fully consider the fact that I have established a historically good relationship with Japan, I would like to welcome it.' In addition, both foreign ministers agreed on the recognition that America's involvement is necessary to realize peace in the Middle East, in response to President Trump of America recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he also expressed opinions on the situation in the Middle East Did. After the talks, Minister Kono told reporters: 'It is necessary to create a multilayered relationship with the Middle East, it is important to make a relationship with stakeholders as a foreign minister, and for Japanese companies to be involved in various projects It is also important to engage, I'd like to take a lot of time to strengthen the relationship with the Middle East. '