ニュース news 24h


日本刀の打ち初め式 刃物の産地で

2018-01-02 13:26:20 | 日記
日本刀の打ち初め式 刃物の産地で
In the production area of ​​the knife of the Japanese sword at the beginning




In the Seki city of Gifu Prefecture, which is known as a cutting edge production site, the first Japanese ceremonial sword opening ceremony was held.
On Seki City in Gifu Prefecture every year on January 2, swordsmen who make Japanese swords are doing the beginning ceremony of dedication wishing pray for success and success of the year's work.

The palace was built at a provisional fortification site established in the shrine of a nearby shrine for refurbishment. In the ceremony, the embroidered old-fashioned swordsmen in the white chest wore powerfully with the metal climb, after steadily heating the steel which becomes the base of the sword until it got red.

A lot of Japanese sword fans came to the venue, looking into a powerful scene where the sparks scattered and putting it in the camera. A 25-year-old woman from Aichi Prefecture Ichinomiya said, 'I am interested in Japanese sword and I often go to museums, but it is my first time to see what I am making.I am impressed with the traditional technique I can see closely I did it. '
