ニュース news 24h


日英首脳 共同記者会見 同時通訳付きですべて掲載|ニュース 動画 NHK News

2017-08-31 17:56:05 | 日記
日英首脳 共同記者会見 同時通訳付きですべて掲載|ニュース 動画 NHK News

Japanese-U.S. Summit joint press conference All with simultaneous interpretation


Prime Minister Abe met with Prime Minister Mey of the UK who is visiting Japan and met at a joint press conference after the end that it agreed to further strengthen the pressure on North Korea and seek further role for China I made it. We posted all the press conference with simultaneous interpretation.

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中央道積み荷落下事故 トラック運転手の勤務先を捜索|ニュース 動画 NHK News

2017-08-31 17:54:32 | 日記
中央道積み荷落下事故 トラック運転手の勤務先を捜索|ニュース 動画 NHK News

Central Road Loading Accident Fall Accident Search for truck driver's office





On the 30th, a heavy-duty truck was thrusting at the site of pavement work in Gifu prefecture, a cargo dropped into the national highway, and one man who was working on the expressway died, 8 people suffered serious injuries In the accident, the police searched the logistics company on which the driver of the truck worked on 31st, and investigated whether there was no problem in the work situation etc. Before 2 pm on October 30, a large truck was thrusting into the site of pavement work on the uphill lane of Tajimi City, Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture, the raw materials of the plastic of the load dropped on the national highway running under the national road Four cars were involved.

Seiji Okishima (40) of Mizunami-shi, Gifu Prefecture, who was working on the expressway, died and this severe injury was brought to seven people together including three men and women of a passenger car running along the national highway It was.

47-year-old driver of a heavy-duty truck has also been injured and treated at a hospital, but the police are looking into suspicion of negligence driving injury or death. In relation to this, the police searched for a logistics company in Osaka-Takatsuki-shi, where the driver works, 'Daifen Logistics System'.
The police are investigating whether there were problems with the driver's work situation etc.
Daifen Logistics System 'We are very sorry'
The logistics company 'Oyufo Logistics System' which the driver of the truck causing the accident worked said, 'I can not talk to the driver and I do not know the detailed situation, I am very sorry for those who passed away and those who were injured.I want to consider countermeasures to prevent recurrence as a company. '

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片手に手錠で逃走の男 隣の市で目撃情報 群馬|ニュース 動画 NHK News

2017-08-31 17:52:49 | 日記
片手に手錠で逃走の男 隣の市で目撃情報 群馬|ニュース 動画 NHK News

A man escaped with handcuffs in one hand Sighting information in the neighboring city Gunma







A police officer in Oizumi Town, Gunma Prefecture told a man who is seen as a foreign nurse whose upper body is naked on the 31st, and when he tried to arrest himself, the man rushed away and ran away. According to the police, the police are searching for the surroundings as information that a man whose upper body is seen as a foreigner naked in the vicinity of the neighboring Ota City complex is being witnessed. A police officer who was patrolling a suspicious man who was naked at the parking lot of Oizumi-machi, Gunma Prefecture, found a car in the car and found a man asking about his duty. A man got out of the car I ran away.

Policemen tried to arrest a man on the premises of a house about 100 meters apart and arrested on suspicion of interfering with public performance, where a man ramped in a handcuffed hand, and a hand of a police officer I tried again and ran away.

When I asked for a duty, a man was with a woman in the car and that he did not have weapons such as knives.

The man is seen as an Asian foreigner, about age 30 years old, about 1 meter tall 60 cm tall, the upper body is naked and there is a tattoo on the left chest. According to the police 's investigation thereafter, it was said that the information that the man whose upper body is seen as a naked alien was seen near the apartment in Ota field, Ota - shi neighboring Oizumi - cho.
For now, no men have been found, police are searching around the estates.
In an elementary school nearby police officers are alert
In an elementary school near the scene where a foreign-style man escaped, a police officer is alarming in the vicinity and a police dog is issued to investigate the place of the man. A woman in her 40s who lives nearby
said, 'I saw a naked man running away while making a fuss and it was surprising that there was such a thing in the neighborhood.' A man in the 70s said, 'A lot of patrol cars came and it told police officers to talk to a police officer, people had run away.This area is scary because there are many people from other areas.' .

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台風15号北へ 小笠原諸島はあすにかけ暴風・高波に警戒|ニュース 動画 NHK News

2017-08-31 17:51:14 | 日記
台風15号北へ 小笠原諸島はあすにかけ暴風・高波に警戒|ニュース 動画 NHK News

Typhoon No. 15 To the north The Ogasawara Islands are vigilant against morning storms and high waves







A large typhoon 15 goes slowly north while involving the Ogasawara Islands in the storm area. Because of the slow movement of the typhoon, the Ogasawara archipelago is expected to have strong winds on September 1 and the fierce brawls of the sea will continue, and the Meteorological Agency is calling for vigilance such as storms and high waves.
According to the announcement by the Meteorological Agency, the large typhoon No. 15 seems to be going north at the speed of 6 o'clock of the Ogasawara Islands' Chichijima 40 km north-northwest at a slow speed.
The center pressure is 965 hectopascal, the maximum wind speed in the center is 30 meters, the maximum instantaneous wind speed is 45 meters, and windstorms with wind speeds of 25 meters or more are blowing within 170 kilometers from the center.

The Ogasawara Islands continue to enter the stormy area of ​​the typhoon from around noon on the 30th, the wind has become very strong and the sea is a fierce bashon.
Typhoon is expected to proceed to the north after this, but because of the slow movement the Ogasawara archipelago is expected to have a very strong wind condition on September 1, with maximum wind speed of 35 meters, maximum instantaneous wind speed of 50 meters It is expected that the nine-meter fierce slope will continue, reaching the height of the waves.

Also on the dawn of September 1 there will be local thunder and there is a risk of very heavy rain of 50 mm or more per hour, and the amount of rain falling by the evening of September 1 is 200 It is expected to be millimeter.

The Meteorological Agency is calling for vigilance against storms, high waves, sediment-related disasters and so on.

Meanwhile, due to typhoons and fronts, the wind is increasing even on the coasts of the Izu Islands and the Kanto region, 25.7 meters at Miyakejima in the Izu Islands before 4 pm, Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture around 4:10 pm I observed a maximum instantaneous wind speed of 21.6 meters.
On the coast of the Izu Islands and the Kanto region, the wind is expected to intensify mainly on the sea on September 1, the maximum wind speed reaches 20 meters, the maximum instantaneous wind speed reaches 30 meters, the wave height is 6 meters It is anticipated that it will be avoided, and careful attention is required for strong winds and high waves.

In addition, along with the north of the typhoon, the wind and rain will be strengthened in Hokkaido and Tohoku since Saturday the 2nd, and the wave will be higher in the coastal area, the Meteorological Agency is calling for attention to future typhoon information.

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年賀はがきは52円に据え置き スマホ活用のサービスも|ニュース 動画 NHK News

2017-08-31 17:49:06 | 日記
年賀はがきは52円に据え置き スマホ活用のサービスも|ニュース 動画 NHK News

New Year's postcard is unchanged at 52 yen and service of utilizing smartphone is also done





In order to stop the younger senior citizens 'departure from New Year' s cards, Japan Post has decided to start a new service linked with smartphones, keeping the rate of new year cards next year to 52 yen.
New Year's postcard continues its declining trend due to the growing number of young people who finish greetings by smartphone applications and e-mails, and the number of cards issued next year will remain at only 2,586 million less than the current amount by 267 million It is a prospect.

Because of this, Nippon Mail raised to normal price in June, normal postcard went up to 62 yen, but next year's New Year's cards will be cast from December 15th, which is the reception period, to January 7th next year We will keep it at 52 yen subject to the condition.

In addition to using the popular dog character in design, I will also accept a New Year's postcard at LINE, a free communication application, and also deliver it to my home.
We will also introduce dog photos posted on Instagram for New Year's Day postcard on a dedicated site, print out to the desired people and deliver new services linked with smartphones.

Japanese postal stamp post office room manager Atsuo Shinoda said, 'I'd like to stop the decline in sales by incorporating young people with efforts to make New Year's cards a topic on the net.'
The sale of New Year's cards next year will begin on November 1st.

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