ニュース news 24h


支援者に感謝のそば打ち 九州北部豪雨

2017-12-16 14:56:19 | 日記
支援者に感謝のそば打ち 九州北部豪雨
Thanks to the supporters Beyond the end of the heavy rain in northern Kyushu







We brought a soba by inviting people who have delivered relief supplies etc. by local people using this buckwheat noodle in the field of Asakura city in Fukuoka prefecture barely escaping the damage of torrential rain in northern Kyushu in July It was. In the pine trees area of ​​Asakura city, Fukuoka prefecture where great damage was caused by heavy rain in Kyushu, soba was cultivated by using idle rice fields, but due to the heavy rain, damage such as sediment and driftwood flowing in many fields received. On September 16th, a soba - making experience session was held in autumn that used safely buckwheat noodles, inviting people who delivered aid supplies etc. immediately after the disaster, in this autonomous field. Approximately 40 people participated in the

society, and Mutsumi Ito, president of Matsuzaki Regional Community Council, said, 'Thank you for various support immediately after the disaster, thanks to you guys we were able to have hope' I mentioned my gratitude.
After this, the participants challenged for buckwheat using harvested buckwheat flour, and they seemed to be having fun while talking with local people and making conversations. A woman in her 70s in Asakura, who carried the aid, said, 'I thought that it is important not just for disasters but also for continuing exchanges and continuing long-term support.'

Also, the 56-year-old man of the victim said, 'Restoration reconstruction is not yet complete, but it was good to have a fun place together like this'

「内密出産」導入を検討 熊本の民間病院

2017-12-16 14:56:08 | 日記
「内密出産」導入を検討 熊本の民間病院
Consider introducing 'confidential birth' Kumamoto's private hospital






The private hospital in Kumamoto City, which operates the so-called 'baby post' that accepts children who can not be raised parents anonymously, will hold a press conference on the 16th, accepting childbirth of an anonymous pregnant woman, We are examining the introduction of a 'confidential childbirth system' that we can know. The hospital wants to prevent a dangerous birth at home such as reason.
At the Chihi Hospital in Nishi Ward, Kumamoto City, which operates the baby post, Mr. Taro Hasuda and other presidents met at the morning on Monday, and revealed that it began studying towards introduction of the 'confidential childbirth system.'

'Private childbirth system' started in Germany three years ago, mothers give birth anonymously in hospitals, but only to consultation organizations to reveal their identity, when children become 16 years old, It is a mechanism that allows parents to know parents if they wish. At the

press conference, Mr. Hasuda said that he is considering introducing a confidential childbirth system, 'The dangerous births at home such as unfamiliar are increasing, there are voices wishing to give birth in anonymity, mother I would like to provide assistance that is close to the situation. ' There are 26 children in the baby post for 10 years, and as of the end of March there are 26 children who do not know who their parents are, and Ken Henida said, 'As children secure their mothers and children, parents It is meaningful to the life of the child that we can know. '

Hospital wants to aim for introduction while discussing with Kumamoto-shi.

将棋 藤井聡太四段 A級棋士に公式戦初勝利

2017-12-16 14:55:58 | 日記
将棋 藤井聡太四段 A級棋士に公式戦初勝利
Shogi Fujii Sota Official first victory for 4th-grade A-class players






Shogi 's junior high school student chess player, Satoshi Fujii four - tiered won the top players enrolled in the top 'A grade' in the ranking competition on 15th. It is the first time that Fujii Yotsuji won the A grade shogun in the official game.
Fujii Sota 4th stage (15) won the 29th consecutive wins from the debut game and after winning the record of the biggest consecutive victory of Shogi for the first time in 30 years, he won again and won the 50th win of the official game on the 21st of last month.

Fujii Quadruple faces the second preliminaries of 'Asahi Cup Shogi Open Fight' at the Shogi Hall in Tokyo, currently enrolled in the top class 'A class' in the first round in the morning I played against one of the top 11 players, Shinnoyuki Kuroda (45).

Game opponent each time with a '40 minutes worth of quick-battle', with the ninth level of the house dropped to the 102 th hand, and Fujii four-tiered the close battle. It was the third time that Fujii Yotsuji won the A-class shogi player at the official game against the third time and won the game.

Fujii Yotsui won also Matsuo Gakuza (37) at the second qualifying final in the afternoon, decided to advance to the main game of the Asahi Cup the youngest in history.

After the opponent Kiyoshi Fujii said, 'I think that I became very confident that I could compete for a crowd of myself in the A class who is fighting the best in the shogi world .

東~西日本 気温の低い状態 今後1週間程度続く

2017-12-16 14:55:42 | 日記
東~西日本 気温の低い状態 今後1週間程度続く
East - West Japan low temperature condition lasts for about a week or so







With the influence of the strong cold air in the sky, in East Japan and West Japan, the average temperature has continued to be almost 1 to 3 degrees lower than the average temperature since mid-last month. The low temperature condition is expected to continue for about a week or so, and the Meteorological Agency is calling for careful attention to physical condition, management of agricultural crops, and freezing of the road surface.
According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, due to the influence of the cold air in the sky, at the 72th observation point nationwide by the Japan Meteorological Agency on 15th, it became the coldest season this season, the temperature did not rise much nationwide nationwide, the highest temperature during the day It was 3 times 6 minutes in Morioka City, 8 degrees 3 minutes and 10 degrees in the city center of Tokyo, 11 degrees just in Osaka City, 10 degrees 9 minutes in Nagoya City, 11 degrees 3 minutes in Hiroshima City, It was nearly 4 degrees lower than average for some places. With the influence of the strong cold in the sky, in East Japan and West Japan this low temperature condition has continued since the middle of last month.

The average temperature from 16th to 14th of last month was 5 degrees 1 minute in Niigata City, 7 degrees 7 minutes in Nagoya city, 7 degrees 8 minutes in Hiroshima City, 8 degrees 4 minutes in Takamatsu City, in the city center of Tokyo 8 degrees 6 minutes, 9 degrees in Osaka city, 9 degrees 4 minutes in Fukuoka city, etc., the average year is one to three degrees lower in each place.

Since the strong cold will flow in the future, the temperature will remain low for the next week or so.

In addition, the amount of snow is also increasing, mainly in northern Japan and Hokuriku, and in many places we observe about 2 to 5 times as much snowfall as normal.

The Japan Meteorological Agency issues 'general weather information on low temperature for a long time' to manage physical condition and agricultural crops, as well as to pay attention to snow accumulation and freezing of the road surface mainly in the mountains.

監視委 違法な天下り 新たに6件確認

2017-12-16 14:55:32 | 日記
監視委 違法な天下り 新たに6件確認
Monitoring Committee illegal culminating 6 new confirmations












The government's third-party organization and the surveillance committee for reemployment, which has been investigating under the circumstances of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, have investigated five incidents that violate the National Public Service Act, which forbids requests for reemployment by state civil servants We announced that 6 offices were newly confirmed by the agency ministries.

Following the problem of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's falling back, the government examined all the agencies and agencies for any violation of the National Public Service Act which prohibited the government officials from re-employment etc. In cases of suspicion of illegality Since 27 cases were found, the surveillance committee for reemployment etc. of government third party institutions advanced detailed investigation. On September 15, the monitoring committee said that 6 new cases were confirmed by the Cabinet Office, the Financial Services Agency, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology among the 27 government agencies in total Announced. In the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology said that the old secretary of the retirement officials at the time reported that they wanted recruitment for employees to be reemployed.

In addition, at the Financial Services Agency, last year, the manager's office at that time was communicating the retirement time and background of the staff to the company to be re-employed through OB.

Meanwhile, the monitoring committee asked the Financial Services Agency to investigate on suspicion of other cases suspected of being illegal. In response to this result, each government agency / agency decides to dispose of related officials.
Former secretary-general officials also involved
The illegal culprit newly found at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Otsuki Former employee who retired in April returned to the general public foundation 'The University of the Air and Education Promotion Organization' after two months It is a case. According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology said that Kazuo Shimakui of personnel department OB who mediated the systematic revolution of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, It is that.

Meanwhile, former Secretary General Shinichi Yamanaka at that time was directly involved in transferring the information of the foundation corporation to former employees. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology did not dispose of this newly, as Yamanaka vice-minister and former employees of the personnel department have already undergone disciplinary action, etc. over the series of problems of


Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 'I regret to regret, I'd like to try to prevent recurrence by thorough compliance in the future.'
Chairperson 'Regrettable things are regrettable'
Hiroaki Ohashi, chairman of the monitoring committee for reemployment etc., announced the comment, 'It is regrettable that six incidents found to be a violation were found out. The appointing person wishes to improve the awareness of norms of staff and we ask that we strive to restore public trust in public service. '
Chief Cabinet Secretary 'We take it seriously'
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshiro Kan said at a press conference in the afternoon, 'We take heavily in the fact that the violation has become apparent. As a government, thorough relapse so that we do not lose faith in civil servants In addition to trying to prevent it, I want to eradicate inappropriate cease-fire and I will refrain from the people's doubts about re-employment. '
Minister for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 'Great regret'
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology said at a news conference after the Cabinet meeting ' '