ニュース news 24h


天皇陛下退位 再来年4月30日 正式決定

2017-12-08 09:47:21 | 日記
天皇陛下退位 再来年4月30日 正式決定
Her Majesty the Emperor abdicated again on April 30 the official decision







The government decided a cabinet decision on April 8 that the enforcement date of the special law that is the day of the abdication of his majesty the Emperor will be the next year, April 30, 2019, the Majesty was abdicated on April 30 the following year and the crown prince The official schedule for the immediate ranking on May 1 the next day was decided. With this, for the first time in about 200 years, the Emperor 's first abduction of the Emperor will be realized at the end of April after the Meiji era.
Based on the provisions of the special law for the abduction of the Emperor Emperor, on 1st of this month the Imperial Household Agency such as Prime Minister Abe including the heads of the three powers and the royal family, including the royal family, was held and the Majesties will visit again on April 30, 2019 The crown prince was exiled to the next May 1st and settled. Following this, the government decided on a cabinet meeting on August 8, a cabinet order with the enforcement date of the exceptional law as the day of abdication as April 30 of the coming year, 'withdrawing on April 30 th the following year, The date schedule was officially decided. This is the first time in about 200 years since the late Emperor of the Edo era since the Emperor of the Edo period, the emperor 's first abduction of the Emperor was realized at the end of April the year after the Meiji era in which the system which continued to be a lifetime was introduced .

From the beginning of May in the coming year May the Emperor 'emperor', the Empress has not been used in the history 'Empress Empress' In addition, Mr. Akishino is the first ranking of the throne 'Emperor' It will be.

The government decides to set up a committee chaired by Chief Cabinet Secretary to prepare for a smooth withdrawal, and the next ceremony in which the ceremony will be imitated, such as the way of abdication and ceremonial rituals May 1 We are planning to consider full-fledged consideration as to whether the day is a holiday or not.

The government also plans to do the reform to change the era again on May 1 the same year as the throne, and it is expected that further consideration will be given to the selection of a new era instead of Heisei and the timing of publication.

神社敷地内で4人血を流し倒れる うち1人死亡2人重体 東京

2017-12-08 09:47:12 | 日記
神社敷地内で4人血を流し倒れる うち1人死亡2人重体 東京
Four people in the shrine's site shed blood and one collapses 1 death 2 people rider Tokyo





Two men and two women were found blasting on the grounds of a shrine in Tokyo and Koto wards on the 7th night, according to the Metropolitan Police Department, one of them died and two of them died of unconscious That means it is heavy. All four people are seen as officials of the shrine, and the Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the detailed situation by seeing some trouble. Around 8:30 p.m.
7 p.m., two men and two women were found to be bleeding in the premises of Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine in Tomioka, Tokyo.
According to the Metropolitan Police Department, four were taken to the hospital for treatment, but one woman died soon, one male and one female are unconscious heavy body. The other man is conscious. In the previous survey, it is said that all four are regarded as officials of Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine and one of the women is a priest.

On the scene, the Japanese sword with blood and the survival knife had fallen. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is looking into a detailed situation by seeing some trouble.

The scene is about 300 meters to the east from Monza Nakamachi station of Tokyo Metro, there are elementary schools nearby, as well as condominiums.

宮司を弟が殺害その後自殺か 3人死亡1人大けが 東京 江東区

2017-12-08 09:47:01 | 日記
宮司を弟が殺害その後自殺か 3人死亡1人大けが 東京 江東区
My brother was killing his brother then killing himself or three people dead One big injury Tokyo Koto Ward







保育園に米軍機の落下物か 抗議集会など反発広がる

2017-12-08 09:46:50 | 日記
保育園に米軍機の落下物か 抗議集会など反発広がる
Spreading opposition such as falling objects of US military aircraft or protest gathering at nursery schools






On July 7, a problem was found on the roof of a nursery school in Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture near the Futenma base of the United States, as a falling item that could be seen as an American military aircraft, and in Okinawa, on the 7th night, an emergency Protest rallies are held and opposition is spreading. On the 7th, about 300 meters from Futenma base station in the Okinawa prefecture, Ginowan City Okinawa Prefecture, 'Midorigaoka nursery school' roof, about 9.5 cm in length written as 'US', weighing 200 g I found that the remaining tubular object was falling. There was no
injury, but the police asked the American forces that 'There are replies that it seems that the cover attached to the helicopter is off'.

Therefore, in front of 'Camp Zuigelong' where Okinawa's headquarters of the US military is located, about 100 people including members of civil society organizations opened an urgent protest rally on the 7th night, 'I will skip the US military helicopter 'I heard a voice.

Okinawa Prefecture Gov. Okinawa Prefecture Governor Okinawa prefers to strongly protest if it turns out that it is a part of the US military, 'It is a serious accident that could lead to serious injury if one step is made a mistake,' and it is a policy to strongly protest.

In addition, Mayor Makoto Saki of Ginowan City will also visit Okinawa Defense Bureau on 8th to protest.

The US military stationed in Okinawa commented, 'We are aware of reports about falling objects, we take seriously and investigate them' in response to the NHK interview.

小2女児刺されけが 逮捕の同級生の母親 二人きりの時に犯行か

2017-12-08 09:46:40 | 日記
小2女児刺されけが 逮捕の同級生の母親 二人きりの時に犯行か
Small 2 Girl bite Attacked The injury arrested Does the crime commit when a mother of a classmate alone arrests



On the 7th, a girl in the 2nd grade in elementary school in Nara prefecture residence, Nara prefecture was found stabbed by a cutlery in his classmate's mother, and the girl knew that the girl was stabbed in several places in the breast etc. by interview with the police It was. A mother of a classmate arrested on suspicion of attempted murder is believed to have committed a crime when he was alone with a girl, police are investigating the motive. On the afternoon of the 7th afternoon, an 8 - year - old girl of the second grade of elementary school living in the neighborhood of Ikoma - shikanotanan in Nara prefecture was stabbed with a knife, the police are a classmate of a girl, a part - time employee of a male child of a male child living in this house , Masae Chikasa (41) was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.
According to the police, the girl is receiving treatment at the hospital and there is no alternative to life, but that means that the breasts were stabbed in several places, there were also cuts.

Chisaka allegedly reported firefighting himself after stabbing a girl, and at that time there were three people, including his son. It is seen that the crime committed at the time of the two girls alone with the girls so far, the police are investigating the motive and detailed situation at the time.