ニュース news 24h


スペイン ラホイ首相 プチデモン氏との対話を事実上拒否

2017-12-23 10:16:39 | 日記
スペイン ラホイ首相 プチデモン氏との対話を事実上拒否
Virtually refusing dialogue with Mr. Petit deem Spain's Prime Minister Lahoy





Putidemon, who was the state prime minister, took a positive attitude towards dialogue with the Spanish government in response to the fact that independent supporters won the majority of the seats in the provincial assembly elections in the state of Catalonia where independence from Spain became an issue. In contrast, Prime Minister Rahui showed the idea of ​​effectively rejecting this.
In the province of Catalonia in the northeastern part of Spain, the state legislature election has been held on 21st, following the fact that the state legislature, which passed a unilateral declaration of independence from Spain, was forcibly dissolved by the central government, The faction won the majority of the seats. Mr. Petit deemon, who was dismissed from the state's prime minister, told a news conference in Belgium on 22nd, after receiving the election result, is willing to take over as the premier again as a prerequisite under the guarantee that it will not be detained by the authorities Respectively. In addition, he showed a positive attitude towards dialogue with Spanish government Prime Minister Rahay.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Lahoy who pressed a news conference said, 'We will talk with the formally appointed provincial prime minister in accordance with the law', and Dr. Petit de Mont escapes the arrest warrant of the Spanish authorities Dialogue in an illegal state I emphasized the idea that I can not, effectively rejected the dialogue.

Also, Prime Minister Rahay said on Treaty of the State Department of Catalunya, who was elected as candidate for election despite being suspicious of suspicion of rebellion against the state, 'whether to release is not affected by election results 'He indicated that he would not be released on account of the election.

勤務時間に上限の目安など 教員の働き方改革で中間報告

2017-12-23 10:16:30 | 日記
勤務時間に上限の目安など 教員の働き方改革で中間報告
Mid-term report by reform of working method of teachers such as guideline of upper limit on working hours
















While the long-term work of faculty is a problem, the council of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology reconsider faculty work methods such as establishing an upper limit on the working hours of faculty members, and utilizing external human resources for departmental work etc. I summarized the interim report for. About the work of the faculty last year, as a result of the survey carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on the 4,600 teachers of the junior high school, the case that there is a risk that the overtime work will be over 80 hours a month It became clear that it will rise. For this reason, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry = Central Education Council examined repeatedly in order to review the way workers work, and summarized the interim report on 22nd. Unlike ordinary civil servants, the work system of faculty members is structured so that no overtime fee will be paid, but in the report, the principals of the manager and the board of education are less conscious of managing duty I point out. Therefore, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) said that in order to improve long-term work, guidelines should be prepared showing the upper limit of working hours.

In addition, as a result of reviewing the work that the faculty should take, as a result of answering surveys and statistics, responding to holiday time and cleaning activities, and departmental activities, utilize office staff and external instructors We should also positively consider it.

The Council decides to compile a final report within next year.
About duty of faculty Assuming that it is difficult for faculty members to work on children, it is difficult to set working hours, which is different from regular civil servants. Specifically, 4% of monthly salary is paid instead of being paid for overtime work such as overtime work. However, overtime work, which was on average about 8 hours a month in the Showa 40s system, was greatly increased after that. In the survey conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology last year, it became clear that about 60% of cases that overtime work might exceed 80 hours a month, which is said to be the 'death line of overwork'. In addition, schools that record time to leave using time cards etc. are less than 30% of elementary and junior high schools, so improvement is an urgent issue.
Specialist 'To explore measures with local community and parents'
Mr. Masatoshi Seno, a member of the middle school judge who is familiar with school management, said, 'In school education in Japan, teachers comprehensively make children child Although it is a good aspect to see, it is also a good aspect, but as a result teachers have become involved in their work and have become labor for a long time.While the school communicates these problem awareness to the community and parents etc., I think that it is necessary to seek out together and seek support as we can, 'he said.
Trial and error at school site
Teachers work way We continue trial and error at the school site for reform.

At the 1st junior high school in Omachi-shi, Nagano prefecture, the working hours of teachers had been self-declared before, but since July I have been revised to manage with IC card. We will return monthly data to everyone and strive to understand the importance of time management.

We also set up a 'complete leave day' in which everyone will leave the office by 7:30 pm for about two days a month.

In addition, we also proceeded with the scrap of work, so that after-school departmental activities allowed parents to watch the activities of their students. As a result of these efforts, average overtime work has decreased by 8 hours in the last 5 months. One of the faculty members said, 'I thought it was natural to get late at work, but I am aware of efficiency, now I can afford to spare my mind as soon as I got home so I could face the students firmly' I was talking.

Meanwhile, challenges are also left. Professor Misaki Ikuta who is in charge of the middle class 1 will return to his class as much as possible during the break between classes and communicate with the students. It is to watch for students' attitudes and facial expressions for something unusual. Although it is said that there are many office work such as creating a notification table at this time, I hope to cherish the time to be in contact with the students. In the interim report on the

22nd, it is shown that office workers and others are used to deal with off-hours and cleaning time, but it is actually difficult to execute everything.

Professor Yubata said, 'I think that it is important to watch the child's situation well even during class hours, so there are parts that can not be easily left to external people.'

福島第一原発2号機 格納容器調査に使う装置を公開

2017-12-23 10:16:20 | 日記
福島第一原発2号機 格納容器調査に使う装置を公開
Public equipment used for survey of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant No. 2







Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to investigate the inside of the containment vessel of Unit 2 next month to take out nuclear fuel melting down at the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and on 22nd, the camera and the dosimeter A stick-shaped device attached was released.

It is a rod-like device called 'guide pipe' which can extend up to 16 meters in length, and a camera, a dosimeter etc. for measuring radiation dose are attached to the tip portion.

TEPCO plans to check the inside of containment containers using this equipment next month, it was released in Yokohama City on the 22nd. In

2 Unit 2, some of the 'fuel debris' in which nuclear fuels and structures that melted in the accident intermixed were seen to be accumulating in the bottom of the containment vessel that covers the nuclear reactor, In our survey, we used a 'guide pipe' to find sediments that were not found before the accident with a working scaffold just beneath the nuclear reactor, but we can not measure radiation dose and can not confirm whether it is fuel debris did. In the next month's survey, to further investigate the area around the bottom of the containment, put the equipment up to the area just below the reactor, hang a camera and a dosimeter with cable from the improved rod-like tip, I will aim for confirmation.

The country and TEPCO are planning to determine the number and method of debris to be first taken out in FY 2019 in the schedule of the decommissioning furnace, but to what extent the situation inside the containment vessel of Unit 2 is obvious in the survey Will it be noted?

25日以降 北日本中心に荒れた天気のおそれ

2017-12-23 10:16:10 | 日記
25日以降 北日本中心に荒れた天気のおそれ
Risks of rough weather in the center of northern Japan after 25th





Due to the rapidly developing low pressure and the strong winter style pressure arrangement, it will be a rough weather where a very strong wind blows with snow, mainly in northern Japan, after 25th Monday next week. The Japan Meteorological Agency is calling on confirming the latest weather information and preparing it as soon as possible.
According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, it is expected that a low pressure will occur near the Korean Peninsula by the morning of the 24th and then the Sea of ​​Japan will proceed northeast, this low pressure will pass around Hokkaido next Monday 25th and then the Okhotsk It is expected to develop rapidly in the ocean.

Therefore, it is expected that strong winter-style atmospheric pressure arrangement will continue around Wednesday from the 25th to the 27th, so there is a possibility that it will be a rough weather with a strong wind blowing with snow, mainly in northern Japan, and 26 A strong cold will flow into the sky from the 27th of the day, so it is expected that heavy snowstorm and heavy snow will be caused by the place.

Also, it is expected that the sea ceremony will continue on the sea on and after 25th.

The Japan Meteorological Agency confirms the latest weather information and calls for the early preparation of windstorms and high waves

世界的指揮者 シャルル・デュトワ氏にセクハラ疑惑

2017-12-23 10:16:00 | 日記
世界的指揮者 シャルル・デュトワ氏にセクハラ疑惑
Sexual harassment suspicion by world conductor Conductor Charles Dutoix






Media is said to have been sexual harassment sexual harassment to female singers, etc. by world-renowned conductor, Charles Dutois, who is the principal conductor of British Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The influence is spreading, such as the cancellation of the command by the performances.
Associated Press, as a testimony of four women including soprano singer who was doing music activities with Mr. Dutois, Mr. Duto warned women against women in the waiting room, elevator etc from 1985 to 2010, etc. Sexual harassment = He told me that he had repeated sexual harassment. Women say that they have not appealed because of fear of Mr. Dutoie who is powerful in the music world. Mr. Dutoow has served as music director and principal conductor in the Canadian Montreal Symphony Orchestra and the American Philadelphia Orchestra, etc. Currently he is the principal conductor of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of England and the NHK Symphony Orchestra I am an honorary music director.

Ditoi does not comment on the press, but the influence is spreading, it is told that it will be withdrawn as a result of several performances scheduled to be near, such as the New York Philharmonic and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra .

NHK Symphony Orchestra 'It is very surprising and very seriously accepted.I currently is inquiring of Mr. Dutois management company etc. to grasp the factual relation.Dutowa's regular performance in December We plan to deal appropriately as to the schedule of appearance on the schedule. ' In

America, sexual harassment by popular producers of Hollywood has been discovered, and sexual harassment by celebrities such as politicians, actors, news casters, etc. have been revealed one after another.