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渋谷のスクランブル交差点にパトカー追跡の車、あわや大惨事|動画ニュース JNN

2017-09-26 08:31:24 | 日記
渋谷のスクランブル交差点にパトカー追跡の車、あわや大惨事|動画ニュース JNN

Car in the police car tracking at the scramble intersection in Shibuya, awaited catastrophe

 東京・渋谷のスクランブル交差点で「あわや大惨事」でした。 渋谷のスクランブル交差点の25日午後10時前の映像です。歩行者の信号が青になり、多くの人が横断歩道を歩き始めたところに、突然、ワゴン車が進入し、歩行者をかすめるように走って行きました。ワゴン車の後を、警視庁のパトカーがサイレンを鳴らしながら追跡していきます。すると、その後、再びワゴン車は道路をUターンしたとみられ、交差点に進入していきます。多くの歩行者があわてて逃げる様子が確認できます。


At the scramble intersection of Tokyo and Shibuya, it was "Awa Catastrophe". It is a picture of the scrambled intersection in Shibuya before 10 pm on the 25th. When the pedestrian's signal became blue and a lot of people began walking on a crosswalk, suddenly a wagon car entered and ran as grazing a pedestrian. After the wagon car, the police car of the Metropolitan Police Department keeps tracking while sounding a siren. Then, after that, it seems that the wagon car has made a U - turn road again and it will enter the intersection. You can see how many pedestrians rush in a hurry.

According to the Metropolitan Police Department, a police officer found a suspicious wagon car and asked his duties, it means that he ran away at a tremendous speed. I was afraid that collateral would come out and I gave up pursuit, so there was no injured person.

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Unknown (Unknown)
2017-09-26 15:57:43
