ニュース news 24h


森友学園問題 売却4年前のごみ撤去費用は8000万円余

2017-12-07 21:37:10 | 日記
森友学園問題 売却4年前のごみ撤去費用は8000万円余
Moriho Gakuen problem The garbage removal cost 4 years before selling is more than 80 million yen





The union affairs panel of the Upper House was held and the Ministry of Finance announced that the state owned land was sold to the 'Mori Tomo Gakuen' as a garbage removal cost etc. as much as 800 million yen discounted and sold four years before the sale ' Evaluation document 'was created, it was revealed that the cost of removing garbage was estimated to be around 80 million yen.
On sale of state-owned land to Osaka's school corporation 'Moriho Gakuen', in June last year, it was sold for about 134 million yen, about 820 million yen discounted as removal cost of underground garbage etc. However, the Board of Audit points out that it is difficult to verify the discount amount deemed appropriate because the 'evaluation record' necessary for the calculation was not prepared. On this matter, on July 7, the Liberal Democratic Party president Yuuko Forest, the secretary general of the Liberal Party, said, 'In the report of the Accounting and Audit Office, 'Moriho Gakuen' buys Four years ago, another school corporation requested purchase, there was a report that it was making 'evaluation record' at that time, how much is it evaluated? ' On the contrary, in response to the fact that the person in charge of the Ministry of Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Finance presented the intention to buy land from another school corporation, it consigned to an external contractor and created 'evaluation record' In recognition of that, in doing so, the cost of removing garbage was estimated to be 8437.2643 yen, and it was revealed that the valuation price of the land deducting this was set at 903 million yen. About this, the Ministry of Finance says, 'Before the buried objects deep in the ground are found, and since the method of appraisal and the method of appraisal are different from the time of' Moriho Gakuen ', the price such as garbage removal cost etc There is plenty of potential difference. '

小2女児を刺したか 同級生の母親を逮捕 奈良

2017-12-07 21:36:49 | 日記
小2女児を刺したか 同級生の母親を逮捕 奈良
Small 2 arrested a mother of a classmate who stabbed a girl Nara




On the evening of 7th, a girl in the second grade of elementary school was stabbed with a knife at a residence in Ikoma-shi, Nara prefecture and receiving treatment at a hospital. Police arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and is investigating detailed situation because girls classmate and admitted that mother of male child living in this house stabbed. On the 7th at 4 p.m., an 8 - year - old girl in elementary school living nearby living in Kanno Tanan in Ikoma shi, Nara prefecture was stabbed with a knife.
According to the police, the girls are receiving treatment at the hospital, but when they are transported they are conscious and able to answer.

The police arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, because a girls classmate, admitted that a mother of a male child living in this house stabbed with a knife.
Mr. Toshie Chika (41), a part-time employee, was arrested and the police are investigating the detailed situation.

The scene is a residential area about 1 km away from the Gakken Nara Tomiigaoka station of Kintetsu Keihanna Line.
According to the fire department, at 11:12 pm, there was a report of 119 'The child is injured' by the voice of a woman, the voice was excited and did not know well what he was saying It is that.

パトカー追跡で3キロ暴走し衝突 36歳男を逮捕 大阪

2017-12-07 21:36:34 | 日記
パトカー追跡で3キロ暴走し衝突 36歳男を逮捕 大阪
3 kilometers runaway by police car chase and arrested collision 36-year old man Osaka

7日午後、大阪 浪速区で軽乗用車がふらついて走っていたため、警察が停止を求めましたが、車はこれに応じず、パトカーの追跡を受けながらおよそ3キロにわたって暴走を続けたうえ、国道を逆走して別の車に衝突しました。運転していた36歳の男はその場で逮捕され、警察は詳しいいきさつを調べています。
7日午後1時半前、大阪 浪速区大国で軽乗用車がふらついて走っているのをパトロール中の警察官が見つけて停止するよう求めました。


警察によりますと、軽トラックの49歳の男性が右足に軽いけがをしました。警察は運転していた大阪 西成区の土木作業員、長江正弘容疑者(36)を道路交通法違反の疑いでその場で逮捕して、暴走したいきさつなどを調べています。



The police asked for a stop because the mini passenger car ran steadily in Osaka Naniwa Ward on the 7th afternoon, but the car did not respond to this, continued to runaway for about 3 kilometers while being tracked by the police car, I ran into a different car by running in the reverse direction. The 36-year-old man who was driving was arrested on the spot and the police are looking into the detailed guidance. A police officer in patrol asked to stop and stop the mini passenger car running in the Osaka Naniwa - ku superpower before 1:30 p.m.
7 pm.

However, the car ignored the signal and ran away, continuing to runaway for about 3 kilometers such as striking a police car and striking a road of a residential area against a street light or a wall of a house, continuing the runaway, in the center of Osaka I struck a light truck that had been stopping at the point where I reached national highway 25 that continued from Midosuji about 8 meters in the reverse direction and stopped. According to the police, a 49 - year - old man on a light truck got a slight injury on his right leg. Police arrested Mr. Masahiro Yagae (36) civil worker in Nishinari Ward, Osaka, who was driving, on the spot on suspicion of violating the Road Traffic Law and is investigating the runaway and the like.
Eyewitness 'It was a tremendous speed'
The woman who was watching the scene said, 'A smelly smell got burned in the neighborhood, a man was being caught by a police officer, so it was nice to be caught, because there are many people' I was talking.
A man who was also watching 'If I thought that the siren was ringing, the mini car was being chased by a police car, I thought it was dangerous because it was a bad speed, I thought that caused the accident,' I was talking.

Another man said, 'A car came suddenly from a side street and ran in reverse, immediately stopped bumping into another car, and a few police officers were holding the place where the man driving was caught' I was talking.

北朝鮮木造船 荒らされた小屋の内部明らかに 北海道

2017-12-07 21:36:07 | 日記
北朝鮮木造船 荒らされた小屋の内部明らかに 北海道
North Korean wooden ship Inside of broken hut obviously Hokkaido





On the uninhabited island off Matsumae-cho, Hokkaido, where a wooden ship from North Korea anchored, the inside of the haunted cabin was revealed with images obtained by NHK. In the image you can see the boilers are broken.
On the uninhabited island 'Matsumae Kojima' off the coast of Matsumae-cho, Hokkaido, a wooden ship from North Korea anchored on the 28th last month and some of the ten crew members landed, but the police and other By examination, I know that television and small motorbikes were being brought out from the hut of the island.

This time, the inside of the broken hut was revealed for the first time from the three images that NHK got from stakeholders. Among them, the boiler which was installed was removed in the washroom, it was broken by the mess, the internal wiring etc was exposed. You can see the handles are gone when you look at the door of the room.

In the image of another room, the door of the large generator is plucked, it seems that it seems that the interior of the generator is colored. Even in another nearby cabin, the poly tank was also scattered, and the generator was missing from the pedestal.

Police said that some crew members 'brought home appliances, etc. from the island' to the police 's investigation so far, police investigated suspected theft by listening to circumstances from crew members doing.

台風被害の観光名所「江の島岩屋」 復旧工事はじまる

2017-12-07 18:41:33 | 日記
台風被害の観光名所「江の島岩屋」 復旧工事はじまる
The typhoon damage tourist attraction 'Enoshima Iwaya' restoration work begins





Restoration works of Enoshima Iwaoya, a sightseeing spot in Enoshima in Kanagawa prefecture Fujisawa city, where the public was canceled due to the storm surge caused by Typhoon No.21 in October, began.
'Enoshima Iwaoya' was a cave made by wave erosion, and many tourists were visiting, but due to the storm surge caused by Typhoon No. 21 in October, it suffered damage such as rocks flowing inside , The publication has been canceled.

Restoration work began this month, On July 7, people wearing life jackets were repairing the passage to Iwaya. According to Fujisawa city, the damage of 'Enoshima Iwaya' will be at least 141.6 million yen. In the vicinity of

Iwaya, the number of tourists is decreasing, the shop owner of the eating and drinking establishment said that 'Iwaya closed and the customer was scarce enough to be surprised and it is nice to start construction.'

We are not yet decided when the publication will be resumed, assistant manager Yoshifumi Kimura of the Fujisawa City Tourism City Promotion Division 'We will start from the maintenance of the aisle to advance the construction work so that Iwa-ya can be released as soon as possible I will work on it. '