ニュース news 24h


包丁持った男立てこもり、傷害の疑いで逮捕|動画ニュース JNN

2017-09-30 13:14:04 | 日記
包丁持った男立てこもり、傷害の疑いで逮捕|動画ニュース JNN

Arrested a man with a kitchen knocked down, suspected of injury

神奈川県大和市のビルの一室で男が包丁を持って立てこもりました。警察は60歳の男を傷害の疑いで現行犯逮捕しました。 一緒にいた女性は脇腹を刺されけがをしていますが、命に別状はないということです。

A man held a kitchen knife in a room of a building in Yamato City, Kanagawa prefecture. Police arrested a 60-year-old man for the current criminal on suspicion of injury. A woman who was with her is stabbed in her flank and injured, but there is no other way in life.

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日産21車種6万台の登録停止、資格ない従業員が検査|動画ニュース JNN

2017-09-30 13:12:12 | 日記
日産21車種6万台の登録停止、資格ない従業員が検査|動画ニュース JNN

Registration of 60,000 Nissan 21 models will be suspended, inspection by qualified employees

「日産自動車」は、新車の出荷直前の検査に不備があったとして、国内で製造された21車種、少なくとも6万台の販売を一時、停止すると発表しました。 検査に不備があったのは、日産の「ノート」や「新型リーフ」など21車種で、台数は少なくとも6万台に上ります。国土交通省が今月、工場に立ち入り検査したところ、資格がない従業員が出荷直前の最終検査をしていたということです。

 「日産としてこの人が検査員というのを厳密に適用するところに甘さがあって、結果的にこういうことになったと思う」(日産自動車企画・監理部 杠直樹 エキスパートリーダー)



"Nissan Motor" announced that it will suspend sales of at least 60 thousand vehicles sold 21 domestically manufactured, assuming that the inspection just before shipment of a new car was incomplete. There were 21 car models, such as Nissan's "notebook" and "new type leaf", which were defective in the inspection, the number of which is at least 60 thousand. When the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism inspected the factory this month, it means that an unqualified employee was doing the final inspection just before shipment.

"I think that the place where this person strictly applies the inspector as a Nissan has a sweetness, and I think that it was such a result" (Reika Hironaki, Nissan Motor Planning & Supervision Division)

Nissan is planning to re-inspect it after confirming the target car in the future as there are many cars that were already inadequate in the cars already sold.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism instructs Nissan to improve its operations, and other manufacturers will also check for similar problems.

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選別される民進党、小池氏「全員受け入れさらさらない」|動画ニュース JNN

2017-09-30 13:11:11 | 日記
選別される民進党、小池氏「全員受け入れさらさらない」|動画ニュース JNN

Democratic Progressive Party to be screened, Mr. Koike "We do not accept everyone"


Movement is getting busy towards the House of Representatives election to be held on the 22nd of next month. Democratic Progressive Party who decided to join the "Party of Hope" led by governor Koike, Mr. Koike talks that "It is not going to accept everyone," the outlook is uncertain.

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米大統領のアジア5か国歴訪を正式発表|動画ニュース JNN

2017-09-30 13:01:43 | 日記
米大統領のアジア5か国歴訪を正式発表|動画ニュース JNN

Formal announcement of President's visit to five Asian countries

アメリカ・ホワイトハウスはトランプ大統領が11月3日から14日までの日程で日本、韓国、中国などアジア5か国を歴訪すると発表しました。 ホワイトハウスの発表によるとトランプ大統領は日本、韓国、中国のほかに、APEC=アジア太平洋経済協力会議が開かれるベトナムと東アジアサミットなどが開かれるフィリピンを訪れるということです。



The White House announced that President Trump will visit five countries in Asia, including Japan, Korea and China on November 3rd to 14th. According to the announcement by the White House, President Trump will visit the Philippines where, in addition to Japan, Korea and China, APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference will be held in Vietnam and the East Asia Summit will be held.

In a series of visits, he emphasizes the importance of a fair and mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and its trading partners and strengthens the international community's determination to threaten North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile development .

According to government officials in Japan and the United States, President Trump has visited Japan on the 4 th to 6 th schedule, coordinated with Prime Minister Abe and got together and met with the Emperor.

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両陛下、愛媛で書家・紫舟氏の作品を鑑賞|動画ニュース JNN

2017-09-30 13:00:12 | 日記
両陛下、愛媛で書家・紫舟氏の作品を鑑賞|動画ニュース JNN

Watching the works of Mr. Shiho, a calligrapher in both Eijima and Ehime

天皇・皇后両陛下は、国民体育大会の開会式に出席するため愛媛県入りし、29日は書道家の作品展をご覧になりました。 午後1時半ごろ、特別機で愛媛県の松山空港に到着した両陛下は、空港で、大勢の市民から歓迎を受けられました。


The Emperor and Empress went to Ehime prefecture to attend the opening ceremony of the National Sports Festival and on the 29th saw the calligraphy work exhibition. When arriving at Matsuyama airport in Ehime prefecture by special aircraft at around 1:30 PM, both the Majiba and I received a welcome from a large number of citizens at the airport.

As it is, I visited the Ehime prefectural art museum and saw a work exhibition of Mr. Shioshi, a calligrapher familiar with the locality as a national culture program. The work of Mr. Shihune was made to make the book three-dimensional to let you feel the depth, both the Majesties were watching the work interestingly from various angles. Both Majors will attend the opening ceremony of the national body on the 30th.

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