もの想う鷲 (A thinking eagle)


3月30日(March 30)レポート提出(Report submission)

2011-03-30 22:55:09 | 日記
3月30日(March 30)レポート提出(Report submission)

厄介な レポート提出 終わりにき 市の担当の 助言戴き

Burdensome report making was completed and the report was submitted today With the help of the city officer in charge.

県から戴いている 村の農業資源保全の為の助成金 に 関する 2010年会計年度の報告書を提出した。私は書記の役を務めている.このプロジェクトに関係された諸氏と助言を戴いた市の担当者に衷心より感謝します。

Today we submitted the required report for the fiscal 2010 regarding the subsidy from Hyogo Prefecture to conserve the agricultural resources in our village. I have been working as a secretary of the beneficiary body of this subsidy. I would like to heartily thank many villagers who have contributed to this project and the city officer in charge who helped us to perform the necessary work.

完(The end)
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