もの想う鷲 (A thinking eagle)


6月16日 (June 16) 労働安全衛生法 (Labour Safety and Hygiene Law)

2011-06-16 16:44:36 | 日記
6月16日 (June 16) 骨抜きの労働安全衛生法 (Mutilated Labour Safety and Hygiene Law)

原発に 働く人に 償い謝すべし 直ちに直せ 欠陥法規
Apologize to and compensate the people working in the nuclear power plants, immediately revise the faulty and mutilated Labour Safety and Hygiene Law.

真宗ブックレット No.9 (命を奪う原発)によると、阪南病院の医師の方が次のように仰っています。





In the booklet "SHINSHUH BOOKLET NO.9 ( Nuclear Power Plants--killing people's lives)", a physician from HANNAN (SOUTH OSAKA) HOSPITAL says as follows.

Japan's 'Labour Safety and Hygiene Law' stipulates "regarding the work which will inflicts retarded health hazards (which are verified by epidemiological investigations) , etc. on its workers or the work which necessitates its worker to contact substances (which may lead to illness very difficult to cure), the period and content of the work of each worker has to be kept for 30 years, and 'Health keeping pocket notebook' has to be given to the worker who is engaged in the works which may lead to cancers or serious health hazards such as contacting the specified chemical substances, like heavy metals, etc. or breathing in dust, when he resigns from the work." Therefore the pocket notebook enables the worker to receive the regular health diagnoses at the specified medical institutes with government subsidy after his resign and if his health is damaged, he can have the means to verify cause-effect reationship between his illness and his work. Nonetheless the work of handling the radioactive substances is not designated as that which may lead to cancers or serious health hazards, and the radioactive substances are not designated as the specified chemical substances. Furthermore the health check received before and after handling radioactive substances is not so much to find out any radioactive related health problem as one of the usual health check. In conclusion these health checks are carried out on the premises that any radioactive related health problem does not take place in the work of being exposed to radioactivity.

As explained above, Japan's 'Labour Safety and Hygiene Law' does not protect the people who are working in the environment exposed to radioactivity. We have to move forwards to revise this law in order to protect the people who jeopardize their lives in such dangerous environment. Faulty and mutilated Japan's 'Labour Safety and Hygiene Law' is what an advanced country should not have.

To the Diet members, related government officials, related company presidents,related academicians, and related researchers, who have been stealthily promoting nuclear power plants as a important national policy, I will yell out

Immediately revise this law!

The end
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