臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

SCRIPT[Amazing Discoveries : The Robot] 5/7

2009-06-14 | Script
今日は「Amazing Discoveries」の「The Robot」のスクリプトです~


Amazing Discoveries

Where are they? Pig and Arnold are supposed to be here ages ago.
What was that?
Hello. It's alright. I didn't mean to scare you.
My name is Kipper. What's yours?
Where are you going?
Oh, dear. Perhaps, it's because you got wet.
Here. Let me give you a hand.
Yes. They're definitely stuck. Don't worry. We'll soon fix it.
Here, grab my tail. Ouch. Not too hard!

Oh, thank goodness. We're here. It's Okay, you can let go now.
Wait here. I won't be a minute.
Here we go then.
Is that better? Yes!

It's all your fault (that) we are late, Arnold.
We should've met Kipper ages ago, but didn't want coming to buggy. Oh, no. you wanted to walk.
I hope Kipper hasn't gone home.
Where're all of the ducks gone?

Go on then. You'll love it. It's a banana milk shake.
Well, well. Yes. Lovely, isn't it?
If you like milk shake, you'll love these.
What's up? Don't you like chocolate cookies?

Do you like it? It's Mr. Snake. He's one of my toys. Look, he's Big Owl.
Or You'll like Hippo. He squeaks. Listen.
Go on, then. Make it squeak.
No, Stop! You can't eat Hippo.

Wait! Where are you going?
Stop. stop.

Please. Can I have Hippo back? Please!
Hello Kipper. Sorry, we're late. It was all Arnold's fault.
Oh, what's in the box?
Hippo is in the box. Only it's not a box, it's a robot.
Oh, it doesn't look much like a robot. Where's its bits and pieces?
Well, it's sort of put them away. After it took Hippo.
Hello? Anybody in there?
It's going ever so high.
Oh, Good-bye. Hippo.

So where do you think (that) the robot came from?
I don't know.
Far as than the moon?
I wish I had Hippo back.
I wish we had some bread, and some ducks to feed.
We might as well go home.
Yeah. Suppose so. Come on then, Arnold.
Look Arnold. Bread. I wonder where it came from.
Ducks! The Ducks came back.
Hippo, you came back!
Ouch. A chocolate cookie. Um, lovely.
Two Hippos?

