


2008-01-12 16:36:42 | 英語の学習と研究
 (1) Did the typhoon (   ) any harm to your house?
      1. do  2. give  3. put  4. set
 (2) Could you do (   )?
      1. me a favor  2. for my being a favor  3. a favor to me  4. favoring of me
 (3) If I buy a second-hand computer, it will (   ) me hundreds of dollars.
      1. add  2. help  3. keep  4. save
 (4)  This computer cost (   ) my whole salary last month.
      1. me  2. to me  3. of me  4. for me
 (5) The landlord of the apartment (   ) him about 90,000 yen per month in rent.
      1. costs  2. charges  3. takes  4. pays
 (6)  I don't have a pen with me. Can you (   )me one, please?
      1. lend  2. borrow  3. rent  4. hire
 (7) We (   ) the problem till late at night.
      1. talked with  2. talked  3. talked about  4. talked to
 (8)  I don't know why they told me (   ) on the corner. The bus stop was in the middle of the block.
      1. having to wait  2. to be waited  3. to have waited  4. to wait
 (9) What did he (   ) to you? Anything interesting?
      1. ask  2. say  3. talk  4. tell
(10) The seven o'clock news (   ) it's going to rain.
      1. say  2. says  3. was said  4. are saying
(11) Can you (   ) me which one is his?
      1. talk  2. speak  3. say  4. tell
(12) It is very difficult for me to (   ) this matter.
      1. discuss about  2. talk  3. speak about  4. tell
(13) When I look at this picture, it always (   ) me of my grandmother.
      1. recalls  2. reminds  3. remembers  4. recognizes
(14) Please inform (   ) the economic situation in China after you get there.
      1. me of  2. me  3. for me about  4. to me
(15) Someone has robbed us (   ) all our money.
      1. from  2. at  3. by  4. of
(16) A train crash prevented him (   ) the meeting.
      1. attended  2. by attending  3. from attending  4. to attend
(17) The man built a fire in order to keep his hands (   ) freezing.
      1. from  2. out of  3. away  4. for
(18) Minors are prohibited (   ) smoking in our country.
      1. for  2. from  3. in  4. of
(19) A few minutes' walk (   ) me to the ruins of Olympia.
      1. arrived  2. brought  3. came  4. reached

解答:順に1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 2

英作文 語句整序対応
( you/ change/ to/ caused/ what/ your/ mind )?
( his pride/ would/ him/ any/ not/ to/ accept/ allow/ reward ).
( the/ Brenda/ to/ doctor/ stop/ advised/ smoking ).
( sickness/ of/ pleasure/ you/ deprived/ the/ seeing/ of/ me ).
( a/ you are/ that/ wrong/ little/ will/ you/ consideration/ tell ).
( medicine/ will/ you/ do/ this/ good ).

1. What caused you to change your mind?
2. His pride would not allow him to accept any reward.
3. The doctor advised Brenda to stop smoking.
4. Sickness deprived me of the pleasure of seeing you.
5. A little consideration will tell you that you are wrong.
6. This medicine will do you good.



2008-01-12 15:06:31 | 英語の学習と研究

 (1) I got wet in the rain on my way home, so I (   ) cold now.
      1. take  2. get  3. feel  4. make
 (2) The students (   ) the future of Japan.
      1. discussed  2. discussed about  3. discussed of  4. discussed with
 (3) The carpet was (   ) in the living room.
      1. lay   2. lied  3. lain  4. laid
 (4) Some drugs can (   ) you harm.
      1. take  2. do  3. feel  4. help
 (5) I asked him how to answer the question, but he didn't (   ).
      1. explain me it  2. explain it me  3. explain to me it  4. explain it to me
 (6) He is absent today, so I'll (   ) him the story later.
      1. say  2. tell  3. speak  4. talk
 (7) This picture (   ) me of my childhood.
      1. reminds  2. memembers  3. recalls  4. memorizes
 (8) Nancy was (   ) of her new bag.
      1. robbed  2. stolen  3. taken  4. made
 (9) Nothing (   ) her from becoming a singer.
      1. avoided  2. ended  3. made  4. stopped

解答:順に3, 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 4

(10) His sister always looks (   ).
      1. beauties  2. beautiful  3. beautifully  4. beauty
(11) When she tried to bake a cake, something went (   ) and it tasted terrible.
      1. on  2. in  3. wrong  4. out
(12) "Will you (   ) me?" is a common way to propose to a woman in English.
      1. marry  2. get married  3. be married to  4. marry with
(13) Let's discuss (   ) later.
      1. the matter  2. about the matter  3. on the matter  4. to the matter
(14) Many people say to me, "You really (   ) your mother."
      1. are resembling  2. resemble  3. resemble like  4. resemble to
(15) The storm was (   ) our town.
      1. approaching  2. coming  3. arriving  4. getting
(16) You'll have to apologize to your father (   ) breaking that glass.
      1. with  2. in  3. by  4. for
(17) A: When will it be convenient to come here?
      B: Any time will (   ).
      1. good  2. be well  3. be  4. do
(18) The government is seriously thinking of (   ) income tax.
      1. rising  2. raising  3. moving  4. lying
(19) After some hesitation, he (   ) the book on the desk.
      1. laid  2. lied  3. lay  4. lain
(20) Very tired, I felt like (   ) on the bed.
      1. being lain  2. laying  3. lying  4. lying myself

解答:順に2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 2, 1, 3 

センター直前最終確認(2) 動詞の語法

2008-01-12 14:09:57 | 英語の学習と研究

ツボ1:「これからのことはto do。これまでのことはdoingで表す」

問題 空所に入れるのに最適な語句を選べ。
 (1) I've decided(   ) my secret to Emily.
 ① tell  ② telling  ③ to tell 
 (2) Remember (   ) this letter on your way to school tomorrow.
 ① mailing  ② to mail  
 (3) The doctor didn't (   ) the old lady before, but he pretended that he knew her.
 ① remember to meet  ② remember meeting  ③ forget to meet  ④ forget meeting
 (4) Our coach wants us (   ) soccer every day.
 ① to practice  ② practicing  ③  practice 


問題 空所に入れるのに最適な語句を選べ。
 (5) My mother wants to have the wall (   ).
 ① repainting  ② repaint  ③ repainted
 (6) My mother wants to have my father (   ) the wall.
 ① repainting  ② repaint  ③ repainted  ④ to repaint
 (7) It doesn't matter what order you do your work in, as long as you get it (   ).
 ① do  ② done  ③ to do  ④ doing

 (5) The wall is repainted. (The wall will be repainted.)で受動の関係。OCが受動関係の場合Cの形はdone。
 (6) My father repaints (will repaint) the wall.の関係。OCが能動関係の場合Cの形はdoまたはdoingであるが、使役動詞have + O + doでdo。
 (7) It is (will be) done.の関係なのでdone。意味は、「君の仕事はどんな順序で行ってもかまいません。但し、必ず遂行すること。」

問題 空所に入れるのに最適な語句を選べ。
 (8) You must finish (   ) the textbook before you go to bed.
 ① read  ② reading  ③ to read
 (9) I (   ) to return in December.
 ① consider  ② suppose  ③ expect  ④ assure
(10) You don't have to avoid (   ) noise when you eat Japanese noodles.
 ① to make  ② make  ③ making  ④ having made

解答:順に②、③、③ *(9)はこれからのこと。「師走には戻ってくるでしょう。」 

ツボ4:使役動詞(make/ have/ let + O + do;  get/ cause + O + to do)
問題 空所に入れるのに最適な語句を選べ。
(11) My parents let me (   ) to a concert last night.
 ① to go  ② go  ③ going
(12) Shall I have him (   ) you back later?
 ① call  ② to call  ③ called 
(13) What made you (   ) here and keep working for the village?
 ① stay  ② to stay  ③ stayed
(14) She got her baby (   ) by singing a lullaby.
 ① sleep  ② to sleep  ③ slept


問題 空所に入れるのに最適な語句を選べ。
(15) The policeman ordered that I (   ) him my license.
 ① showed  ② show  ③ to show
(16) The judge ordered that John (   ) away from her.
 ① stay  ② staying  ③ stays  ④ will stay
(17) I suggest (   ) the invitation; I feel there is something strange about it.
 ① for you to decline  ② you to decline  ③ you decline


センター直前最終確認(1) 続きの続き

2008-01-12 12:16:32 | 英語の学習と研究

(1) immediate,  appreciate,  concentrate,  accurage,  separate,  delicate,  appropriate,
communicate,  demonstrate,  associate,  desperate (-ateの二音節前)
(2) obvious,  previous,  dangerous,  infamous,  mysterious,  curious (-ousの二音節前)
 *例外:conscious, advantageous, delicious, courageous
(3) definite,  favorite,  appetite (-iteの二音節前)
(4) photograph,  paragraph (-graphの二音節前)

*注意:photographの派生語はアクセントが移動するので、共通一時の頃は頻出の語でした。photograph → photographer(カメラマン) → photographic
(1) record:記録(名詞) record:記録する(動詞)
(2) desert:砂漠(名詞)  desert:見捨てる(動詞)
(3) progress:進歩(名詞)  progress:進歩する

(1) police 
(2) manager
(3) calendar
(4) pattern
(5) interval

(1) immediate  (2) influence  (3) particular  (4) police  (5) comfortable  (6) interfere
(7) appreciate  (8) concentrate




センター直前最終確認(1) 続き

2008-01-12 11:51:29 | 英語の学習と研究


1.アクセントがある語尾: 実際に発音してみましょう。
(1) career,  engineer,  volunteer,  pioneer  (-eerにアクセント)
(2) guarantee,  agree,  degree (-eeにアクセント) *例外:comittee, coffee
(3) interfere,  sincere  (-ereにアクセント) *例外:atmosphere
(4) entertain,  maintain,  complain,  explain (-ainにアクセントのある「動詞」)
 *例外:fountain,  mountain,  certainなど動詞以外
(5) oriental,  fundamental,  environmental (-entalにアクセント)
(6) biology,  technology,  psychology (-ologyにアクセント)
(7) persuade,  parade,  serenade (-adeにアクセント)*例外:decade

2.直前の母音にアクセントがある語尾: 実際に発音してみましょう。
(1) economic,  energetic (-icの直前の母音)
(2) fantastic,  characteristic, mathematics (-icsの直前の母音)*例外:politics
(3) chemical,  physical,  practical (-icalの直前の母音)
(4) industrial,  official,  artificial,  beneficial,  financial,  social (-ialの直前の母音)
(5) individual,  intellectual,  habitual (-ualの直前の母音)
(6) musician,  physician,  politician (-ianの直前の母音)
(7) decision,  region,  religion,  education,  illusion (-ionの直前の母音)
(8) ancient,  sufficient,  efficient,  convenient (-ientの直前の母音)
(9) biography,  photography (-graphyの直前の母音)
(10) expensive,  progressive (-siveの直前の母音)
(11) unique,  technique (-queの直前の母音)
(12) barometer,  thermometer (-meterの直前の母音)
(13) attitude,  altitude (-itudeの直前の母音)
(14) substitute,  constitute (-ituteの直前の母音)


2008-01-12 10:40:06 | 英語の学習と研究


1.発音: 次のペアにおける下線部の発音の違いが識別できるか?

(1) heart ⇔ heard  (2) allow ⇔ arrow  (3) through ⇔ though 
(4) southern ⇔ mouth  (5) breathe ⇔ breath  (6) rough ⇔ through 
(7) height ⇔ weight   (8) smooth ⇔ mouth  (9) tough ⇔ cough 
(10) steak ⇔ bread (11) lose ⇔ rose  (12) bathe ⇔ bath 
(13) famous ⇔ infamous  (14) prove ⇔ stove  (15) wool ⇔ boots
(16) loose ⇔ blood  (17) hood ⇔ flood  (18) wild ⇔ wilderness  (19) laugh ⇔ fault
(20) abroad ⇔ approach  (21) breath ⇔ breathe  (22) break ⇔ measure 
(23) meant ⇔ cease  (24) pleasure ⇔ please  (25) brow ⇔ bow
(26) know ⇔ knowledge  (27) drought ⇔ country  (28) soul ⇔ alou
(29) cousin ⇔ group  (30) hearth ⇔ heard  (31) bear ⇔ tear (涙) 
(32) receive ⇔ neighbor  (33) ceiling ⇔ freight  (34) cease ⇔ disease 
(35) loose ⇔ lose  (36) dessert ⇔ success  (37) pressure ⇔ scissors
(38) extreme ⇔ exhaust  (39) exhibit ⇔ exhibition  (40) anxious ⇔ anxiety
(41) examination ⇔ execute  (42) worth ⇔ worthy  (43) cloth ⇔ clothe
(44) scheme ⇔ chamber  (45) touch ⇔ machine  (46) scare ⇔ scene
(47) accurate ⇔ accept  (48) occasion ⇔ access  (49) ghost ⇔ enough
(50) education ⇔ question
