

10 月10日の解答について

2008-11-20 07:56:41 | 英語の学習と研究
正解は、I didn't know that he was ill.(彼が病気だなんて知らなかった)です。動詞は think ではなくて know でした。混乱を引き起こしてしまい申し訳ありませんでした。謹んでおわび申し上げます。


2008-11-19 17:52:41 | 英語の学習と研究
         (   )内は修飾語                                                          S
(1)   (As part of the movement to revive the Hawaiian language), a nursery school
called Punana Leao/ was set up in 1984. 
                            S          V
(2)   The number of young people who can speak Hawaiian /is increasing rapidly.

(1) ハワイ語を復活させる運動の一環として、プナナ・レオと呼ばれる保育所が1984年に設立された。
(2) ハワイ語が話せる若者の数が急速に増えている。



2008-11-18 17:50:12 | 英語の学習と研究

(3)前置詞+名詞句は修飾語句で文の主要素にはなれないので(   )で括る。

問題 設問に答えよ。

(1)   As part of the movement to revive the Hawaiian language, a nursery school called Punana Leo was set up in 1984.

(2)   The number of young people who can speak Hawaiian is increasing rapidly.



2008-11-18 12:17:29 | 英語の学習と研究
(1) 僕はテレビゲームをしているんだ。話しかけないで。
    I (b. am playing ) a video game. Don't talk to me.
(2) 休日は何をしていますか。
    What ( a. do you do ) on holidays?
(3) 僕は毎日自転車で学校に通っています。
    I ( a. ride ) my bicycle to school every day.
(4) 今、マイクは一生懸命テスト勉強をしています。
    Mike ( b. is studying ) hard for the exam now.
(5) 「ジェニーはどこにいるの?」「自分の部屋で本を読んでいます。」
    "Where is Jenny?"  "She ( b. is reading ) a book in her room."
(6) 毎朝母が私を車で駅まで送ってくれます。
    My mother ( a. drives ) me to the station every morning.
(7) 外は雨が降っています。傘を持っていますか。
    I ( b. is raining ) outside. Do you have an umbrella?
(8) 私は土曜の朝はサッカーをしています。
    I ( a. play ) soccer on Saturday mornings.
(9) 私は鍵を探しています。どこに置いたかしら。
    I ( b. am looking ) for my keys. Where did I leave them?
(10) 私は毎日ラジオで英会話番組を聴いています。
    I ( a. listen ) to an English conversation program on the radio every day.



2008-11-17 16:59:27 | 英語の学習と研究

(1) ○ (2) ○ (3) is becoming  (4) am listening  (5) ○  (6) am watching  (7) ○
(8) is looking  (9) ○  (10) ○

look  視線を向ける
watch (動いているもの)を見る
listen  耳を傾ける 
learn ... ~を知る
think about (of) ... ~について考える

see ...  ~見えている
hear ... ~が聞こえている 
know ... ~を知っている
understand ... ~を理解している
think that SV ~だと思っている

問題 日本語の意味にあうように、(  )に入る適切な語句を選べ。
(1) 僕はテレビゲームをしているんだ。話しかけないで。
    I ( a. play  b. am playing ) a video game. Don't talk to me.
(2) 休日は何をしていますか。
    What ( a. do you do  b. are you doing ) on holidays?
(3) 僕は毎日自転車で学校に通っています。
    I ( a. ride  b. am riding ) my bicycle to school every day.
(4) 今、マイクは一生懸命テスト勉強をしています。
    Mike ( a. studies  b. is studying ) hard for the exam now.
(5) 「ジェニーはどこにいるの?」「自分の部屋で本を読んでいます。」
    "Where is Jenny?"  "She ( a. reads  b. is reading ) a book in her room."
(6) 毎朝母が私を車で駅まで送ってくれます。
    My mother ( a. drives  b. is driving ) me to the station every morning.
(7) 外は雨が降っています。傘を持っていますか。
    I ( a. rains  b. is raining ) outside. Do you have an umbrella?
(8) 私は土曜の朝はサッカーをしています。
    I ( a. play  b. am playing ) soccer on Saturday mornings.
(9) 私は鍵を探しています。どこに置いたかしら。
    I ( a. look  b. am looking ) for my keys. Where did I leave them?
(10) 私は毎日ラジオで英会話番組を聴いています。
    I ( a. listen  b. am listening ) to an English conversation program on the radio every day.



2008-11-14 17:12:33 | 英語の学習と研究

(1) I had to stand (a. on) the bus this morning.
(2) I can't stand (b. 不要) this hot weather.*この暑い天気に我慢できない。
(3) My father drives (a. to) work.
(4) It is raining outside. I'll drive (b. 不要) you to the station.
(5) You must not run (a. in) the hall.
(6) My uncles runs (b. 不要) a supermarket.
(7) I'll return (b. 不要) your book tomorrow.
(8) The soccer player will return (a. from) Italy next year.
(9) I am going to fly (a. to) Osaka next month.
(10) In the field, several children are flying (b. 不要) paper planes



問題 次の日本文を英語で表現したときに、下線部の動詞について、進行形にすべきものは進行形にしなさい。しなくともよいものは○を記入しなさい。

   I see my girlfriend every Sunday.
   I hear that the library is closed today.
   The earth becomes hotter every year.
   I listen to the radio. I like this music.
   I believe that I did the right thing.
   "Can I talk to you?" "I watch a drama. I'll call you back."
   I think that everything will be all right.
   Everyone looks at me. Do I have something on my face?
   Chris understands how to use this machine.
   I know Matthew and his family very well. They are very friendly.


2008-11-13 16:59:03 | 英語の学習と研究
(1) I had to stand (a. on  b. 不要) the bus this morning.
(2) I can't stand (a. with  b. 不要) this hot weather.
(3) My father drives (a. to  b. 不要) work.
(4) It is raining outside. I'll drive (a. with  b. 不要) you to the station.
(5) You must not run (a. in  b. 不要) the hall.
(6) My uncles runs (a. with  b. 不要) a supermarket.
(7) I'll return (a. with  b. 不要) your book tomorrow.
(8) The soccer player will return (a. from  b. 不要) Italy next year.
(9) I am going to fly (a. to  b. 不要) Osaka next month.
(10) In the field, several children are flying (a. on  b. 不要) paper planes.


2008-11-13 08:13:43 | 英語の学習と研究
(1) James and I (a. discussed) global warming yesterday.
(2) We (b. talked) about possible problems today.
(3) Let's (b. think) about other ideas.
(4) (a. Consider) the plan carefully. It will cost a lot.
(5) Amundsen (a. reached) the South Pole in 1911.
(6) We (b. arrived) at the hotel about 3:00.
(7) I'm sorry that I didn't (b. reply) to your e-mail.
(8) Could you please (a. answer) my question?
(9) When they (a. entered) the museum, the students became quiet.
(10) Let's (b. go) into the kitchen and look for something to drink.

なお、今日から「英文法のFAQ」をシリーズで発行します。今回は「時・条件を表す副詞節」 vs 「名詞節」です。解説の部分が多いので、問題演習をしたければ、このブログの5月25日のところをご覧ください。.


2008-11-12 17:59:50 | 英語の学習と研究
(1) Look (a. at) this picture. Dad was young, wasn't he?
(2) Look ( b. 不要) ! Taro and Hanako. They are going out together.
(3) The students listened carefully ( b. 不要) while their teacher was talking.
(4) There is a good music program. Come over here and listen (b. 不要).
(5) Mr. Smith will come back (a. to ) the office in an hour.
(6) I have visited (b. 不要 ) Hawaii twice.
(7) I will leave (b. 不要) the office at 5:30.
(8) A: Kevin is going to marry (b. 不要) a model!
     B: I can't believe it!
(9) We succeeded (a. in  ) the experiment last night.
(10) A: John is very smart.
      B: I agree (a. with  ) you.

(1) James and I (a. discussed  b. talked) global warming yesterday.
(2) We (a. discussed  b. talked) about possible problems today.
(3) Let's (a. consider  b. think) about other ideas.
(4) (a. Consider  b. Think) the plan carefully. It will cost a lot.
(5) Amundsen (a. reached  b. arrived) the South Pole in 1911.
(6) We (a. reached  b. arrived) at the hotel about 3:00.
(7) I'm sorry that I didn't (a. answer  b. reply) to your e-mail.
(8) Could you please (a. answer  b. reply) my question?
(9) When they (a. entered  b. went) the museum, the students became quiet.
(10) Let's (a. enter  b. go) into the kitchen and look for something to drink.



2008-11-11 17:59:30 | 英語の学習と研究

1. When I arrive home, my dog jumps (b. happily).
2. You don't look (a. happy). What's the matter?
3. When our baby is sleeping, we talk (b. quietly).
4. My students became (a. quiet) after I scolded them.
5. I cry (b. easily) when I see a sad movie.
6. The exam seemed (a. easy) at first, but it was difficult.
7. Be (a. careful) when you use a knife.
8. You must drive (b. carefully) on busy streets.
9. My wife looked (b. angrily) at me when I went out.
10. Miho often gets (a. angry) at her children. I don't think it's good.

(1) Look (a. at  b. 不要) this picture. Dad was young, wasn't he?
(2) Look (a. at  b. 不要) ! Taro and Hanako. They are going out together.
(3) The students listened carefully (a. to  b. 不要) while their teacher was talking.
(4) There is a good music program. Come over here and listen (a. to  b. 不要).
(5) Mr. Smith will come back (a. to  b. 不要) the office in an hour.
(6) I have visited (a. to  b. 不要) Hawaii twice.
(7) I will leave (a. from  b. 不要) the office at 5:30.
(8) A: Kevin is going to marry (a. with  b. 不要) a model!
     B: I can't believe it!
(9) We succeeded (a. in  b. 不要) the experiment last night.
(10) A: John is very smart.
      B: I agree (a. with  b. 不要) you.