


2008-01-31 16:06:52 | 英語の学習と研究

 1. Research on lying shows that there is no difference in the numbers of lies told by men and women, but that there are differences in the types of lies they tell... (p.20)

 1' According to research on lying, there is no difference in ..., but there are differences in ....

 It seems that S'V' も Apparenly, SV、I think (that) S'V' も Perhaps, SVなどのように読めるので、便利です。
  2. The husband who tells his wife that he doesn't like her new hairstyle is asking for trouble.
  2' The husband, if he tells his wife that he doesn't like her new hairstyle, is asking for trouble.

  3. It is often said nowadays that the world is getting smaller and smaller. (p.22)




2008-01-26 10:49:44 | 英語の学習と研究

相手: It's so cold in here.
あなた: Yes, it really is.


相手: It's so cold in here.
あなた: Yes, it really is. Shall I turn on the heater?
相手: Thanks. The winter this year is unusually cold, isn't it? And the price of oil ....


Conversation 1:
相手: Yesterday I went shopping in Ichibancho.
あなた: You did? What did you buy?
相手: I bought a nice tweed jacket. It cost me 40 thousand yen.

Conversation 2:
相手: What should I do, Jun?
あなた: What's the matter?
相手: You know, they're planning to fire 100 workers in my company in a cost-cutting exercise, and I suspect I'm one of them.
あなた: Are you, really? But you're a sales manager and you've done a lot to develop your company. I can't possibly believe they will. 

 相づちの要諦は、相手の発言のうち、情報の核を担う文の述語動詞が一般動詞の場合は You do/ did?、また述語動詞がBe動詞の場合はYou are/ were?、述語動詞が助動詞+動詞句の場合(例: I've finally finished my report.)はYou have?などのように述部をしっかり聞き取る必要がある。
 日本人の相づちに共通して見られる傾向として Really? の多用があるが、場合によっては日本語の「うっそ!」がそうであるように、相手に不快感をもたれる場合があるので注意すべきだ。


2008-01-26 09:50:33 | 英語の学習と研究
 まず、 「こたえる」=answerではないことに注意しよう。Answer は answer a questionのように「質問」に答える、という意味の動詞。与えられた日本語を和文和訳すれば、風呂上りに飲むきりっと冷えたビールほど爽快なものはない、ということなので、英文の構造としては Nothing is more refreshing than ... または Nothing is as refreshing as ...の形が見えてくる。

(1) Nothing is more refreshing than a glass of beer after you've taken a hot bath.
(2) Nothing is as refreshing as a glass of beer after you've taken a hot bath.

 口語では a kick (刺激・スリルなど)を使って、get a kick out of ... とか give you a kickなどの表現がある。

(3) You get a real kick out of a sip of beer after you've taken a hot bath.
(4) It gives you a real kick to have a glass of beer after you've taken a hot bath. 


2008-01-24 12:31:20 | 英語の学習と研究
問題 以下の日本語を英訳せよ。


   When I try to talk about my impression of a country I've visited, the first thing I think of is not the food or architectures but the faces and ways of thinking of the people I met there. It is who was there that I think of first, not what was there. The more I get to know the people I met, the more I like that country. Simply put, when I make friends with the people there, I grow more fond of the country and try to understand it through their eyes. I may sound prejudiced, but what I want to say is that you can't understand a country without making friends with the people there. Strangely enough, diplomats and businessmen, I've heard, who left for their home countries driven by a vehement hatred against Japan don't have any Japanese friends. (Translated by M. U.)

 2行目is以下の部分を... is not food or architectures but faces and waysとしないように。名詞句に定冠詞がつかない場合、どこの話か曖昧になる。ここは、the food, the architectures, the faces, the waysのように定冠詞をつけることで、自分の訪れた国で食べた「食物」、そこで出会った人の「顔」・「考え方」と、名詞句の表す意味が限定される。パッセージの文脈内容に名詞句の表す意味が組み込まれることをcontextualization(文脈化)という。定冠詞には名詞句を文脈化する働きがある。ただ現実問題として、theの頻用は「くどい」感じがするので訳例のように抑制すること。


2008-01-22 12:00:30 | 英語の学習と研究



例題 次の日本語を英訳せよ。    *状況:ディズニーランドで

 話の「枕詞」で、これから話す内容は他言無用にしてほしいという意味。従って、This is a story about this place.は不可。Please keep this secret. Actually, SV.がまず考えられる。Idiomaticに考えれば、Between you and me, SV. Between ourselves, SV.など。
 「話し方」と考えればthe way Mickey Mouse speaks/ talks. ポイント:the way S'V'
 「好きではない」、「嫌いだ」と考えれば、don't like ...とか hate ...が思いつく。

訳例(1): Please keep this secret, but actually I don't like the way Mickey Mouse speaks.
訳例(2): Between you and me,  I actually don't like the way Mickey Mouse talks.
           *Between ourselvesで始めても良い。

FAQ: How to speak/ talkは駄目ですか?

こたえ: Do you know how to get to Sendai Station?が成立するので、上の質問を良く受けます。How to doにおける、howは基本的には疑問詞で、「どんなふうに、どのようにして」という意味なので、Do you know how to get to Sendai Station?は「どのようにして仙台駅に行けるか知っていますか?」 (= Do you know how you can get to Sendai Station?)が文字通りの意味。例題の「口ぶり」には疑問の意味がないので、how to speak/ talk(=どんなふうに話すか)は不可、という事になります。

練習(1): 彼が私を見るときの目つきが気に食わないのよ。
練習(2): 外見から人を判断するのはやめてください。
練習(3): 身のこなしから判断すると、彼女は茶道のたしなみがあるに違いない。

訳例(1):  I don't like the way he looks at me.
訳例(2):  Please stop judging people by the way they look..(一般論)
             Please stop judging me by the way I look.
訳例(3):  Judging from the way she moves, she must have learned tea ceremony.
             From the way she moves, I believe she knows something about tea ceremony.





2008-01-19 11:12:44 | 英語の学習と研究

A hunch.

2008-01-18 11:33:29 | 英語の学習と研究
 虫の知らせ、とか予感というものには馬鹿にできないものがあります。センター試験にここ最近出ていない単語にvertical、horizontal、diagonalがありますがこれらは念のため押さえておきましょう。数年前に、第5問で、ペン(あるいは箸だったかもしれません)の持ち方について、You should hold your pen vertically, not diagonally.が設問対象になっていたのですが、この部分が読み取れなかったといって泣かれたことがあります。「垂直」、「水平」、「斜め」はビジュアル問題では必須の語彙です。
 ちなみに、虫の知らせ(予感)は英語で a hunch といいます。I had a hunch you wouldn't show up on time.(君が時間通りに来ないという予感がしておりました)のように使います。


2008-01-17 10:39:26 | 英語の学習と研究

問題 空所に入れるのに最適な語句を選べ。
(1) The little boy (   ) doesn't understand why his mother died.
      1. already  2. never  3. still  4. yet
(2) A: Have you (   ) been to Canada?
     B: Yes, twice on business.
      1. ever  2. since  3. ago  4. still
(3) I heard the news over the radio (   ).
      1. since two days  2. two days ago  3. before two days  4. two days early
(4) There is hardly (   ) water in the lake.
      1. a little  2. no  3. some  4. any
(5) It seems that he has been studying English very hard (   ).
      1. lately  2. late  3. later  4. latest
(6) As soon as she got (   ), it began to rain.
      1. at home  2. home  3. the house  4. to home
(7) Run to the station; (   ) you will miss the last train.
      1. unless  2. otherwise  3. provided  4. suppose

解答 順に3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2

(8) I hear you (   ) haven't finished your report. The teacher is going to be very angry.
      1. already  2. so far  3. still  4. yet
(9) Has Tom (   ) been to New York in his life?
      1. already  2. since  3. ever  4. yet
(10) Last summer she left the company that she had joined (   ).
      1. five years before  2. five years ago  3. since five years  4. before five years
(11) I was so late arriving at the airport yesterday that I (   ) had time to do any souvenir shopping.
      1. almost  2. scarcely  3. nearly  4. seldom
(12) He (   ) studied but he passed the entrance examination easily.
      1. nearly  2. rarely  3. accordingly  4. always
(13) He (   ) visits me even though he lives nearby.
      1. seldom  2. little  3. somewhat  4. slightly
(14) Mother has not been feeling well (   ).
      1. late  2. lately  3. later  4. latter
(15) The batter hit the ball (   ) into the air.
      1. height  2. heighten  3. high  4. highly
(16) Please be here at seven (   ) tomorrow morning.
      1. exact  2. just  3. precise  4. sharp
(17) There are many things that I want to do after the examination, but (   ) I just want to sleep.
      1. first  2. at first  3. from the first  4. for the first time
(18) Hurry up. (   ) we'll miss the train.
      1. And  2. Hence  3. Otherwise  4. Sooner
(19) My father is strict about manners, but (   ) he is very tolerant.
      1. however  2. somehow  3. otherwise  4. yet

解答 順に3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 3

*毎年、どのクラスにもE判定から逆転現役合格を果たす奇跡が起きています。奇跡はあなたが引き起こすのですよ。Miracles do happen.


2008-01-16 17:49:12 | 英語の学習と研究
問題 空所に入れるのに最適な語句を選べ。

(1) My alarm clock is broken. I have to buy (   ) as soon as possible.
      1. that  2. it  3. one  4. the one
(2) The population of Tokyo is larger than (   ) Osaka.
      1. it is  2. that is  3. that of   4. those of
(3) The rules in this school are different from (   ) in her school.
      1. one  2. it  3. them  4. those
(4) We found (   ) difficult to develop a new product within a year.
      1. that  2. how  3. it  4. out
(5) (   ) seems to be perfect.
      1. This your plan  2. Your this plan  3. Your plan of this  4. This plan of yours
(6) I did a lot of experiments, but (   ) went well.
      1. any  2. some  3. no  4. none
(7) (   ) of my parents likes meat dishes.
      1. None  2. No one  3. Neither  4. Any
(8) (   ) of my daughters has her own room.
      1. Every  2. All  3. Each  4. Some
(9) The Olympic Games are held (   ).
      1. at four years  2. between four years  3. four years  4. every four years
(10) This station has two exits. One is the "North Exit" and (   ) is the "South Exit."
      1. others  2. other  3. the other  4. the others
(11) She spent (   ) her summer vacation in Hokkaido.
      1. most of  2. more  3. many of  4. most

解答 順に3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1



2008-01-16 12:09:14 | 英語の学習と研究

問題 空所に入れるのに最適な語句を選べ。

(1) We were able to eat (   ) rice during the tour to Europe.
      1. few  2. a few  3. little  4. many
(2) There were (   ) spectators at the soccer game because of heavy rain.
      1. few  2. a few  3. little  4. a little
(3) You have quite a (   ) friends, don't you?
      1. many  2. lot  3. few  4. number
(4) The movie was so (   ) that I want to see it again.
      1. bored  2. boring   3. interesting  4. interested
(5) The audience looked (   ) when he started to sing the song.
      1. excite  2. excited  3. exciting  4. to excite
(6) Who is your (   ) actor?
      1. favor  2. favorable  3. to favor  4. favorite
(7) (   ) to finish writing the novel within a week?
      1. Is he possible  2. Is it able for him  3. Is it capable for him  4. Is it possible for him
(8) His views are not worth (   ) about.
      1. talked  2. talk  3. to talk  4. talking 

解答 順に3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4

(9) There were (   ) when we got there.
      1. a little very people left  2. few very left people  3. very few people left
      4. very little people left
(10) There were quite (   ) books in his room.
      1. a few  2. a little  3. any  4. little
(11) It is (   ) to watch soccer games on TV.
      1. interest  2. interesting  3. interested  4. interestingly
(12) They were (   ) at the singer's fantastic voice.
      1. amaze  2. amazed  3. amazing  4. amazement
(13) I didn't enjoy the movie. It was (   ).
      1. bored  2. boring  3. excited  4. exciting
(14) After a little more work she went to bed, (   ) what she had done.
      1. enjoyed with  2. pleased with  3. satisfying with  4. pleasing with
(15) The Tigers fans were terribly (   ) because their team lost in extra innings.
      1. disappointed  2. disappointing  3. satisfied  4. satisfying
(16) We went to the circus last night, which was really (   ).
      1. excite  2. excited  3. excitement  4. exciting
(17) A: Is Madonna your (   ) singer?
      B: No, I dislike her.
      1. like  2. fond  3. favorite  4. favorable
(18) She must be a very (   ) writer.
      1. imaginary  2. imaginable  3. imagined  4. imaginative
(19) The radio is not (   ) enough to receive distant stations.
      1. sensible  2. sensitive  3. sensory  4. susceptible

解答 順に3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 2

(20) Although Joan's young, she shows a lot of good sense. And her brother's very (   ), too.
      1. senseless  2. sensible  3. sensibly  4. sensitive
(21) If you are not (   ) toward your elders in Japanese society, you will often get into trouble.
      1. respective  2. respectable  3. respectful  4. respecting
(22) The Japanese are an (   ) people.
      1. industrious  2. industrial  3. industrialized  4. industrializing
(23) This year the price of rice is (   ) compared to that of last year.
      1. high  2. expensive  3. many  4. much
(24) My salary is very (   ).
      1. cheap  2. discounted  3. inexpensive  4. low
(25) My watch is two minutes (   ).
      1. after  2. below  3. lately  4. slow
(26) A: Hello! Is Mary there?
      B: Oh, I'm sorry, but you've got the (   ) number.
      1. bad  2. mistaken  3. false  4. wrong
(27) It is (   ) for him to solve the problem by himself.
      1. impossible  2. unable  3. not enable  4. incapable
(28) It was unlucky that I was (   ) to see the president.
      1. impossible  2. unable  3. incapable  4. improbable
(29) (   ) come to the meeting half an hour late.
      1. It is likely for him to   2. He is probable to
      3. It is probable that he will  4. He is likely that he will

解答 順に2, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3