


2008-12-24 13:52:36 | 英語の学習と研究
問題 各組の(   )には共通の1語が入る。その英語を書け。
(1) Ramses II built temples (          ) the Nile River.
     I saw the city of Los Angeles (          ) the horizon.
(2) There was a (          ) smell around every bus station in the South.
     I felt (          ) that I had passed the test.
(3) If you miss your bus and take another, your life will take a different (          ).
     Will you (          ) on the TV?
(4) I had to stand all the (          ) to Tokyo from Sendai on the train.
     Could you tell me the (          ) to Furukawa Station?
(5) There was little time (          ). We had to hurry.
     When she was (          ) alone, she burst into tears.
(6) Though there are many different races in Hawaii, we seem to be getting (          ) very well.
     Walking (          ) the street, I saw Kenta.
(7) Do you see a pair of large stones standing (          ) in front of you?
     Jane Goodall says every living thing has the (          ) to live.
(8) She bought a Christmas (          ) for her husband.
     We have to look at the (          ) situation of Japanese people who are suffering from poverty.


2008-12-22 11:59:30 | 英語の学習と研究
Q:現在分詞 vs. 過去分詞
問題(   )内に入る最適な形を選び、番号で答えよ。
(1) (   ) the cat, the dog ran away.
  1. Seeing 2. Seen
(2) (   ) from high above, Japan looks like a seahorse.
  1. Seeing 2. Seen
(3) (   ) at the desk, she thought about her boyfriend.
   1. Writing 2. Written
(4) (   ) in simple English, this book is easy to read.
   1. Writing 2. Written
A:SV~ vs. 受動態
*主節の主語に続けて、次の2つのモデルのうちどちらが成立するか検討します。 (1') The dog saw the cat. (SVO)   The dog was seen the cat. (受身)
 SV~が成立すれば(   )内にはINGが、受身が成立すれば(   )内には過去分詞が入ります。
 (1’)の場合SV~は成立しますが受身は成立しません。Be + done(受身)は基本的には自動詞なので、目的語は不要です。Seeing the cat, the dog ran away.(ネコを見るなりその犬は逃げ出した)
 (2’) Japan sees from high above. (SV) Japan is seen from high above. (受身)  動詞see は基本的には他動詞で目的語が必要なので、(2’)の最初の文は成立しません。一方2つ目の文は成立します。Seen from high above, Japan looks like a seahorse.(上空から眺めれば、日本はタツノオトシゴに似ている)
 (3’) She wrote (was writing) at the desk. (SV) She was written at the desk.(受身) ここでは、最初の文は成立しますが、2つ目は成立しません。Writing at the desk, she thought about her boyfriend.(机に向かって書き物をしながら、彼女はボーイフレンドのことを思った)
 (4’) This book writes in simple English. (SV) This book is written in simple English. (受身) ここでは、最初の文は成立しませんが2つ目は成立します。Written in simple English, this book is easy to read.(簡単な英語で書かれているので、この本は読みやすい)

*前任校の卒業生の車田君はこの手の問題をパーフェクトに解くので、何か秘訣があるのか聞いたところ、こんな答えが返ってきました:「他動詞の分詞を特定する場合、(   )の直後に名詞があればINGが入る。一方、名詞がない場合、(   )には過去分詞が入る。」私が絶句したのは言うまでもありません。


2008-12-22 11:48:13 | 英語の学習と研究



A: ポイント:「先行詞+(   )+後続節」
 (1)後続節が不完全な文の場合、(   )に入るのは関係代名詞
   (2)後続節が完全な文の場合、(   )に入るのは関係副詞または「前置詞+関係代名詞」(これはまだやっていません)
 (3)後続節が不完全な文で、先行詞がなければ(   )に入るのは what(高1現時点)
 (4)後続節が完全な文で、先行詞がなければ(   )に入るのは関係副詞(先行詞の省略)

問 空所に入る最適な英語を選び、解答欄に記号で答えなさい。

1. This is the hospital (     ) I was born in.
     (a) which  (b) where  (c) when  (d) why  (e) what
2. The reason (     ) I kept silent was that I was a total stranger at the meeting.
     (a) which  (b) where  (c) when  (d) why  (e) what
3. The year 2008 is (     ) every one us will remember forever, because we saw the birth of the first black President of the United States.
     (a) which  (b) where  (c) when  (d) why  (e) what
4. The time will soon come (     ) there will be no war.
     (a) which  (b) where  (c) when  (d) why  (e) what
5. Southampton is the city (     ) James-sensei was born.
     (a) which  (b) where  (c) when  (d) why  (e) what
 下線部を見てみましょう。(1) I was born in. は前置詞の目的語が欠けている不完全な文です。(2) I kept silent. は完全な文です。(3) Every one  of us will remember forever. は目的語が欠けている不完全な文、さらに先行詞がありません。(4) There will be no war. は完全な文。(5) James-sensei was born. は完全な文。
  1. (a)  2. (d)  3. (e)  4. (c)  5. (b)


2008-12-12 17:31:20 | 英語の学習と研究

1. The young man lay (dream) about his future.
 この文の裏には、The young man was dreaming about ...が隠れています。従って、答えは dreaming。意味は「その若者は将来について夢見ながら寝転がっていた」。

2. Kate stood (wait) for her friend.
 Kate was waiting for her friend.が隠れているとすると、答えはwaiting。

3. He looked (surprise) to see me.
 He was surprised to see me.が隠れているので、答えはsurprised。

4. The student went (swim) in the lake last summer.
 これは、go + doing の成句。

5. I saw a cat (watch) the gold fish in the pool.
 A cat was watching the gold fish in the pool.が隠れている。答えはwatching。
6. She heard a pitter-patter of feet (coming) toward her.
7. He felt himself (lifted) up as if by magic.
8. I couldn't make myself (heard) above the noise of the traffic.
9. I won't have him (talking) like that.
10. Someone must have left the water (running).
11. The teacher kept the student (waiting) outside the classroom.
12. Can you make yourself (understood) in English?
13. He made himself (acquainted) with all the people at the party.
14. He kept the stove (burning) all night.


2008-12-11 15:17:10 | 英語の学習と研究
1. 祖父は食後に薬を飲みます。
   My grandfather (a. takes) medicine after each meal.
2. 今夜、外食します。
   We (b. are going to eat out) tonight.
3. 最近、3歳の息子が電話に出ます。
   My three-year-old son (a. answers) the phone these days.
4. 「電話よ。」 「僕が出るよ。」
   "The phone is ringing!" " (b. I'll answer) it."
5. 父は毎晩ビールを飲みます。
   My father (a. drinks) beer every night.
6. 「飲み物は何にしますか。」 「ワインにします。」
   "What would you like to drink?"  "(b. I'll have) wine."
7. いつも週末に本を何冊か借ります。
   (a. I borrow) some books every weekend.
8. 毎週火曜日に医者に行きます。
   (a. I go) to the doctor every Tuesday.
9. 歯がとても痛い。歯医者に行くよ。
   I have a terrible toothache. (b. I'll go) to the dentist.
10. 「英語の教科書を忘れた。」 「私のを貸してあげるわ。」
   "I forgot my English textbook." " (b. I'll lend) you mine."

問題 各文の(   )内の語を適切な形にせよ。
1. The young man lay (dream) about his future.
2. Kate stood (wait) for her friend.
3. He looked (surprise) to see me.
4. The student went (swim) in the lake last summer.
5. I saw a cat (watch) the gold fish in the pool.
6. She heard a pitter-patter of feet (come) toward her.
7. He felt himself (lift) up as if by magic.
8. I couldn't make myself (hear) above the noise of the traffic.
9. I won't have him (talk) like that.
10. Someone must have left the water (run).
11. The teacher kept the student (wait) outside the classroom.
12. Can you make yourself (understand) in English?
13. He made himself (acquaint) with all the people at the party.
14. He kept the stove (burn) all night.


2008-12-02 17:14:23 | 英語の学習と研究
日本語の意味にあうように、(   )に入る適切な語句を選べ。
1. 祖父は食後に薬を飲みます。
   My grandfather (a. takes  b. will take) medicine after each meal.
2. 今夜、外食します。
   We (a. eat out  b. are going to eat out) tonight.
3. 最近、3歳の息子が電話に出ます。
   My three-year-old son (a. answers  b. will answer) the phone these days.
4. 「電話よ。」 「僕が出るよ。」
   "The phone is ringing!" " (a. I answer  b. I'll answer) it."
5. 父は毎晩ビールを飲みます。
   My father (a. drinks  b. will drink) beer every night.
6. 「飲み物は何にしますか。」 「ワインにします。」
   "What would you like to drink?"  "(a. I have  b. I'll have) wine."
7. いつも週末に本を何冊か借ります。
   (a. I borrow  b. I'll borrow) some books every weekend.
8. 毎週火曜日に医者に行きます。
   (a. I go  b. I'll go) to the doctor every Tuesday.
9. 歯がとても痛い。歯医者に行くよ。
   I have a terrible toothache. (a. I go  b. I'll go) to the dentist.
10. 「英語の教科書を忘れた。」 「私のを貸してあげるわ。」
   "I forgot my English textbook." " (a. I lend  b. I'll lend) you mine."


2008-12-01 14:24:57 | 英語の学習と研究
 まず、ノートの取り方ですが、見開き2頁で1時間分であることは4月に確認しているとおりです。英語のできる人のノートは、左側の頁(つまり、英文のコピー)が、マーカーや矢印、(   )などで汚れているのが特徴的です。英語の苦手な人のノートは、左側の頁が大変綺麗であることも気になります。左側の頁が汚れれば汚れるほど、英語の力がつくのかもしれません。また、授業中は、消しゴムは使わず、直しはすべて赤ペンで自己添削しましょう。

