


2009-05-13 17:28:05 | 英語の学習と研究
* Here're the answers to the questions from yesterday:
1. Where do Ed and Liz live?
2. How long have they been married?
3. What does Liz do for a living?
4. Does she like being a teacher?
5. What does Ed do for a living?
6. Does he enjoy his job?
7. Did he arrest anyone yesterday?
8. Do they have a car?
9. When did they buy it?
10. Are they going (to go) on vacation next summer?
11. Where are they going (to go)? 

* This time make questions with "who" and "what."
"Somebody hit me." "Who hit you?"
"I hit somebody." "Who did you hit?"
1. "Something happened." "What ...?"
2. "Someone lives in that house." "Who ...?"
3. "Somebody gave me this key." "Who ...?"
4. "Henry gave me something." "What ...?"
5. "Tom meets someone every day." "Who ...?"
6. "I fell over something." "What ...?"
7. "Something fell on the floor." "What ...?"
8. "This word means something." "What ...?"


2009-05-12 14:59:07 | 英語の学習と研究
* Here're the answers to yesterday's questions.
Example (2)
(C): I'll get some from the store.
(D): I'm going to get some salt from the store.

 We use both "will" and "going to" to say what we think will happen in the future:
(1)  Do you think Laura will get the job?
(2)  Oh, no! It's already 4:00. We're going to be late.

 We use "going to" (NOT "will") when there is something in the present situation that shows what will happen in the future (especially in the near future). The speaker feels sure what will happen because of the situation now.

(3) Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain. (The clouds are there now.)
(4) I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick. (I feel terrible now.)
Do NOT use "will" in situations like these.

 In other situations, use "will."
(5) Sue will probably arrive at about 8 o'clock.
(6) I think George will like the present you bought for him.

 Down below are today's questions:

Ask questions about Ed and Liz.
Example: (Ed and Liz/ be/ married?)
Are Ed and Liz married? "Yes, they are."

(1) (where/ Ed and Liz live?)   "In Detroit."
(2) (how long/ they/ be married?)  "15 years."
(3) (what/ Liz do for a living?)  " She's a math teacher."
(4) (she/ like being a teacher?)   "Yes, she does."
(5) (what/ Ed do for a living?)  "He's a police officer."
(6) (he/ enjoy his job?)  "Yes, very much."
(7) (he/ arrest anyone yesterday?)  "No."
(8) (they/ have a car?)  "Yes."
(9) (when/ they/ buy it?)  "A year ago."
(10) (they/ go/ on vacation next summer?)  "Yes."
(11) (where/ they/ go?)  "To Florida."


2009-05-11 15:12:52 | 英語の学習と研究
Will or going to?
We use both "will" and "going to" to talk about our future actions, but there is a clear difference.

 Helen's bicycle has a flat tire. She tells her father.

Helen: My bicycle has a flat tire.
         Can you fix it for me?
Father: Okay, but I can't do it now.
         (  A   ).

     1. I'm going to fix it tomorrow.  2. I'll fix it tomorrow.
 Later, Helen's mother speaks to her husband.

Mother: Can you fix Helen's bicycle?
           It has a flat tire.
Father: Yes, I know. She told me.
    (  B   ).
     1. I'm going to fix it tomorrow.  2. I'll fix it tomorrow.

   We use "will" when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. The speaker has not decided before. Before Helen told her father, he didn't know about the flat tire. So, her father's response for (A) would be "I'll fix it tomorrow."

   We use "going to" when we have already decided to do something. Helen's father had already decided to fix the bicycle before his wife spoke to him. So, the response for (B) would be "I'm going to fix it tomorrow."

Example (2):
 Tom is cooking when he suddenly discovers that there isn't any salt.

Tom: Ann, we don't have any salt.
Ann: Oh, we don't? (  C   ).

     1. I'm going to get some from the store.
     2. I'll get some from the store.

 Before going out, Ann says to Jim.

Ann: (  D   ).
     Can I get you anything, Jim?

     1. I'm going to get some salt from the store.
     2. I'll get some salt from the store.


2009-05-09 15:51:42 | 英語の学習と研究
  (1) 3  (2) 2  (3) 1 (... she put in on the chair.から時制が過去だと分かりますか?)
  (4) 1  (5) 1

問題1 各文を否定文にしなさい。
(1) We were happy with the result.
(2) The girl believes in ghosts.
(3) He did his assignment yesterday.
(4) Kate will visit her aunt tomorrow.

(1) We didn't be happy with the result.
(2-1) The girl doesn't believes in ghosts.
(2-2) The girl don't believes in ghosts.
(2-3) The girl believes not in ghosts.
(3) He didn't his assignment yesterday.
(4) Kate willn't visit her aunt tomorrow.

To err is human, to forgive divine.(過つは人の常、赦すは神の業)という格言があるように、人間である限り mistakes からは逃れられません。そこから学習してこそ人間なのです。さあ、どうして上に挙げた誤答が駄目なのか考えなさい。

問題2 各文の下線部を強める感嘆文を書きなさい。
(5) Mai has an expensive computer
(6) Ken spoke French fluently.
(7) She gave me pretty tulips.

(5-1) How an expensive computer Mike has!
(5-2) How an expensive computer has Mike!
(5-3) What an expensive computer has Mike!
(6-1) How fluently spoke Ken French!
(6-2) What fluently Ken spoke French!
(7-1) How pretty tulips she gave me!
(7-2) What pretty tulips gave me she!


2009-05-07 17:51:13 | 英語の学習と研究
(1) can  (2) may  (3) would  (4) may  (5) will have to  (6) something to drink
(7) are  (8) take  (9) is  (10) speak


Tom (     ) breakfast and then read a book.

   1. ate   2. eats   3. is eating   4. has eaten

(1)着眼点:read の時制は?
 主語がTom(3人称単数)なので、もし時制が現在なら reads になるはず。ところが3単現の s がないということは?
 「トムは朝食を(   )してそれから本を読んだ」
(3)文法:eat - ate - eaten 正解は1番 ate。

問題 (   )に入る最適な英語を選べ。
(1) I (     ) London tomorrow.
   1. had gone to   2. went to   3. am going to go to   4. have gone to
(2) He (     ) a letter to me the day before yesterday.
   1. send   2. sent   3. will send  4. is sent
(3) Yumi (     ) a bag and she put it on the chair.
   1. made   2. make   3. makes   4. has made
(4) The children (     ) in Tokyo since they were little.
   1. have been   2. has been   3. were   4. are
(5) Look! The old women (     ) over there.
   1. are walking   2. is walking   3. walk   4. has walked 


2009-05-02 15:02:21 | 英語の学習と研究


   You (   ) watch TV now if you do your homework later.
   1. will   2. may   3. should   4. shall



   One of those girls (   ) tennis after school.
   1. have practiced   2. practice   3. practices   4. are practicing


(1) You (     ) use my bike, but please be careful.
     1. must   2. can   3. will   4. should
(2) "You (     ) go home now."  "Thank you."
     1. would   2. will   3. shall   4. may
(3) We (     ) love to play soccer in the field.
     1. will   2. would   3. have   4. had
(4) The sky is getting dark. It (     ) rain at any moment.
     1. may   2. is able to    3. had better   4. need
(5) Ken cannot fix the bike himself, so he (     ) find someone to help him.
     1. may not   2. will be able to    3. cannot   4. will have to
(6) Would you like (     )?
     1. drink something   2. drinking something  
     3. drink to something   4. something to drink
(7) What flowers (     ) those?
     1. be   2. is   3. am   4. are
(8) Both George and I (     ) lessons in karate.
     1. taking   2. takes   3. is taking   4. take
(9) The number of students in our class (     ) thirty-five.
     1. be   2. are   3. is   4. being
(10) People in this country (     ) English very well.
     1. speaks   2. speak   3. spoken   4. is speaking 




2009-05-02 13:43:58 | 英語の学習と研究

   Don't (   ) me alone in the house at night.
   1. give  2. leave  3. stay  4. take

  「leave + 名詞 + 形容詞」で「~を○○のままにしておく」を表すので正解は 2番。

 この問題は、まだ「文型」について学習していない中卒生には厳しかったかもしれません。Leaveは5番目の文型(SVOC)を作る動詞の1つです。ほかに keep, makeなどがあります。
                動詞 + 名詞 +形容詞
  We must keep our classroom clean. (SVOC) 
 *keep + 名詞 + 形容詞:いつも~を○○の状態にしておく・保つ

  I will make you  happy. (SVOC)
 *make + 名詞 + 形容詞:~を○○にする

練習問題:英訳せよ。(   )内はヒント。
(1) いつも仕事でとても忙しい。(私の仕事はいつも私を忙しい状態にしておく)
(2) 誰が窓を開けっ放しにしたの?
(3) 自分の寝室はいつも綺麗にして(綺麗に保って)おくようにしなさい。
(4) 君の笑顔を見ていると幸せになる。(あなたの微笑みは私を幸福にする)
(5) 急いで!君のせいで仕事に遅れてしまいそうだよ。

(1) My job keeps me really busy.
(2) Who left the window open?
(3) Try to keep your bedroom clean.
(4) Your smile makes me happy.
(5) Hurry up--you're going to make me late for work.


2009-05-01 11:18:35 | 英語の学習と研究


2009-05-01 09:03:36 | 英語の学習と研究

(   )(   )(   )(   )(   ) the success of his business.

[ about, because, happy, he, looks, very ]


× He looks very happy because the success of his business.

 なぜ、because でだめなのか、不思議に思った人も多かったと思いますが、becauseは接続詞で、後ろには「文」(SV...)が続きます。the success of his business は名詞句なので、名詞句を後ろに従える前置詞が必要になります。

○ He looks very happy about the success of his business.

They knew that it would take a long time to get the lake clean again.の和訳。

 この文はThey(=S) knew(=V) that ...(O)なので、「彼らはthat 以下のことを知っていた」が全体の構造の解釈になります。ポイントはthat以下の部分で、it ... to 構文が掴めるかどうか。「to以下のことをすることは長い時間がかかるだろうということ」が直訳になります。したがって、この文の解釈は以下のとおり:
