見えない鳥の存在: Blog版

Blog: L'oiseau Invisible


2015-02-13 | Bruxellesの原稿

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Depopulation Diplomacy
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Depopulation Diplomacy.mp3
 (Recorded On 28 August 2009)


Thus, the American bombing was aiming to kill unarmed citizens indiscriminately as many as they could, including babies, children, women and old people. It was against international law, but the American pilots comforted their guilty conscience saying to each other, "Killing Japs is not killing people" or "They are all cooperating with the military forces, so, they are the same as soldiers." By these carpet bombings of various cities in Japan including Tokyo, they killed about 600,000 Japanese citizens in total.
 And the last bombings were the atomic bombs, which killed about 300,000 Japanese citizens in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in total. The American government explained to the American public, "Those bombings were necessary to end the war early." But it was a lie which many of the Americans still believe. Because historians know that prior to the atomic bombings, the Japanese government had asked the Soviet Union to mediate between the USA and Japan to end the war, although the offer was refused. The American government had known that fact by hearing it from the Soviet Union and by intercepting the Japanese communication ciphers. Thus, prior to dropping the atomic bombs, the USA had already known that Japan had a will to surrender. Japan would have soon surrendered only by conventional weapons.
In spite of this, the USA dropped the atomic bombs. They had three reasons for doing so. Firstly, they wanted to confirm the effect of the new weapon. The atomic bomb on Hiroshima was made of uranium, and the bomb on Nagasaki plutonium. They wanted to use both types, and did an experiment on human beings. After the war, the American forces built hospitals immediately in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were very convenient for them to research the effect on human bodies.
Secondly, they already used an enormous amount of money to develop the new weapon. If the new bomb was not used even once, the congress would say, "Why did you waste a large amount of money for making such a needless weapon?" So, to avoid hearing this from the congress, the American president needed the use the bombs before the surrender of Japan, and he had to explain to the American public, "The bombs were necessary to end the war early." And thirdly, they wanted to make a demonstration of the great American power to the Soviet Union, thinking of the postwar days.

Dianna Spingolaが涙ながらに語っている上の内容とほぼ同じです。