English Collection


hip to

2011年03月21日 | 英語学習
RD Dec., 2010のReality TVについての記事からです。
Is it really real?
Short answer: Sometimes. Producers have been busted dubbing in words and editing scenes to create confilict.
Viewers seem hip to such fabrication; in a recent poll in the US, only 30 percent of respondents believed the shows reflect what really happened.
この "hip to" はスラング的な表現ですが、いずれにせよ意味が分からないので調べます。
・WordNetR 3.0: informed about the latest trends
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: hip to someone or something: Inf. knowing about someone or something; adapting to someone or something. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; become ~.) The boss began to get hip to Mary and her deviousness. She finally began to get hip to what was going on.
単に "hip" の項を丁寧に見ると、形容詞としての "hip" の次ぎの意味と同じで、精通している/知っている対象を "to" の後に置くと "hip to something/someone" の形になる事が分かりました。
・Wordnik: Slang Keenly aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.
・Wiktionary: (slang) aware, informed, up-to-date, trendy
・Encarta: be hip to something to be aware of something that is going on (informal)
・Infoplease: familiar with or informed about the latest ideas, styles, developments, etc.: My parents aren't exactly hip, you know.
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Pet Psychology

2011年03月20日 | 英語学習
Seen on the Internet:
In the mind of the dog: "The humans offer me food, love and shelter. They must be my gods."
In the mind of the cat: "The humans offer me food, love and shelter. I must be their god."
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2011年03月19日 | 英語学習
4年前から始めたこのEnglish Collectionのアクセス合計が50万を超えたのに気がつきました。最近のアクセスは日に250件程度なので(昨日、一昨日はちょっと増えて400件/日)、4年間で50万の計算にはならないのですが、2~3年前に1日のアクセスが千件を越えていた時期があったので、多分この記録は一応信用できそうです。English Collectionは自分の語彙を増やすために書いているのでアクセス数は余り気にしていないとは言え、アクセスが確実に増えると、塵も積もれば山となるを実感するので、続けていれば語彙は必ず増えると信じてこれからも頑張ります。
さて、次ぎの会話もDeath of a Salesmanからです。
HAPPY: Would you object to a compliment from a stranger?
You ought to be on a magazine cover.
GIRL (loking at him a little archly): I have been.
HAPPYの台詞はナンパそのものですね。GIRLの様子、"archly" が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Webster Dictionary, 1913: In an arch manner; with attractive slyness or roguishness; slyly; waggishly. Archly the maiden smiled. Longfellow.
・Webster's New World College Dictionary: in an arch manner; pertly and mischievously
・WordNet 3.0: in an arch manner; with playful slyness or roguishness
ほとんどの辞書の説明に "in an arch manner" が使われているので、この "arch" の意味を更に調べる必要が出てきたのでまた辞書を見ます。
・American Heritage Dictionary: Mischievous; roguish: an arch glance
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: marked by a deliberate and often forced playfulness, irony, or impudence (known for her arch comments)
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: describes behaviour that is not serious and suggests you are behaving this way intentionally for the effect that it will have
・Collins Pocket English Dictionary: coyly playful, he gave an arch smile to indicate his pride
HAPPYが声をかけた女性は内気、純情とは正反対の性格の様です。 "I have been." と返事していますが、もしかしてHAPPYをからかっているのかも。
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Lazy Susan

2011年03月18日 | 英語学習

中華料理屋でよく見かける回転式のテーブルの事を英語で "Lazy Susan" と言うのは通訳ガイドの受験勉強で覚えた単語ですが、当時は試験に出さそうな単語を丸暗記しただけなので、何故 "Lazy Susan" が回転式テーブルになるのか気にしていませんでした。
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: a circular piece of wood or plastic which is put on a table and can be turned around so that everyone can reach the food that is on it
先日、Feb.25, 2011の単語メルマガArcaMax にその "Lazy Susan" の由来について触れていました。
Lazy Susan: This term may be named for a lass, but, alas, we don't know which one. Some suggest "Lazy Susan," which first appeared in English during the early 1900s, is derived from a common first name for a female servant, just as "Bridget" became a general term for an Irish maid.
Others believe a clever advertising copywriter simply concocted the term because he liked the repeated "z" sound in "Susan" and "lazy." On this one, it seems we're destined to go round and round.

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make something stick

2011年03月17日 | 英語学習
我が家のマンションはイオンに隣接しているので、9am - 11pmまで利用できる大型食料庫・冷蔵庫付きのマンションと長年思っていましたが、先週の金曜日以来状況は一変してきました。朝のオープン前から行列はできているし、とにかくほとんどの食料が売れ切れて棚にはほとんど在庫がありません。そんな訳で毎朝一枚食べている食パンにはしばらくありつけない様です。
さて、RD Dec., 2010の人身売買についての "Freeing the Sex Slaves" と題された記事から引用します。
Also, trafficking charges are hard to make stick, since victims are routinely deported when authorities find them - or, if still around to testify, often are too terrified to come forward.
"make stick" は文脈からすると確実にすると言う様な意味ですが、知らない慣用句なので辞書で確かめます。
・Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms: to cause something to be accepted or agreed to Investigators didn't have the evidence to make the charges stick. Workers got a good agreement and made it stick by threatening another costly strike.
・The American HeritageR Dictionary of Idioms: Make effective or permanent, as in They tried to appeal but our lawyers made the verdict stick . This idiom uses stick in the sense of "adhere."
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: to show something bad that has been said about someone is true; They've arrested him for fraud but they'll never make the charges stick.
普通は "make something stick" で使われるようですね。
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limber up

2011年03月16日 | 英語学習
Death of a Salesmanの一場面から引用します。
Willy: Well, come on, everybody! Ebbets Field next stop! Where’s the pennants? (He rushes through the wall-line of the kitchen and out into the living-room.)
Linda (to Biff): Did you pack fresh underwear?
Biff (who has been limbering up): I want to go!
"limber up" 何かの動作なのか、状態なのかも分からないので辞書を引きます。
・American Heritage Dictionary:
To make limber: limbered up his legs.
To make oneself limber: players limbering up before the game.
・Macmillan Dictionary: to do gentle exercises that make your muscles stretch, especially in order to prepare for taking part in a sport
・WordNet 3.0: cause to become limber; "The violist limbered her wrists before the concert"
卓球やテニスの練習前に毎日のように準備運動、柔軟体操はしているのに英語で "limber up" と言うのを知りませんでした。(warm upやstretchは知っていましたが) 単に "limber" とも言うようですが、辞書にある多くの例は"limber up" でした。 良く考えると "limb" に手足の意味があるのは知っていました。 どうも私は頭の方の柔軟体操が必要な様です。
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winding down and taking stock

2011年03月15日 | 英語学習
さて、English Journal の連載対談記事の Cultural Crossroads、1月号では 日英米の年末年始の文化的な違いについて話しています。 その中で米国人のAnnさんの表現が目に留まりました。
Ann: You know what I mean? 'Cause there's a, a kind of, that feeling of winding down and taking stock. I don't know. Do you feel that?
記事は日本語訳も載せてあり、この個所は「だんだん終わりに近づいて、振り返る」となっておりました。 "winding down" が「だんだん終わりに近づいて」となるのは分かりますが、"taking stock" の方はどうしてこれが振り返るになるのと言う感じです。 恐らくこれは慣用句、もしくは "stock" に私の知らない意味があるのでしょう。 まず "take stock" を辞書で調べます。
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: To take stock (of something) is to think carefully about a situation or event and form an opinion about it, so that you can decide what to do; After two years spent teaching abroad, she returned home for a month to take stock of her life
・Dictionary.com: to make an appraisal of resources or prospects: She took stock of her decorating scheme and decided it was time for a change.
・TheFreeDictionary: to make an appraisal of resources and potentialities. I spent some time yesterday taking stock of my good and bad qualities. We all need to take stock now and then.
"take stock" が何故この様な意味を持つのか不思議に思いますが、American Heritage Dictionaryに次ぎの説明がありました。
Make an estimate or appraisal, as in We have to take stock of our finances before we can undertake a new project , or The career counselor advised Mark to take stock before changing his plans . This expression transfers making an inventory of goods ( stock ) to other kinds of appraisal. [Early 1800s]
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spring for

2011年03月14日 | 英語学習
RD Dec., 2010の記事、 "Seriously Cheap People" から取り上げる最後の表現です。
But there's a secret about cheap people: They aren't necessarily cheap on all fronts. Some spring for education or holidays, or they're generous with others if not with themselves.
文脈からすると、cheap peopleは単なるケチではないので、"spring for" の意味は、教育や休日(の遊び)には金を使う、の様ですが、どうでしょう? 辞書で確かめます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: to pay for someone else’s share of something; I’ll spring for dinner tonight
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to treat someone by buying something. I'm bouncing for pizza. Any takers? Ralph sprang for drinks, and we all had a great time..
・American Heritage Dictionary: Pay another's expenses, treat, as in I'll spring for the dinner this time . [Slang; c. 1900]
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Blood type

2011年03月13日 | 英語学習
When asked for his blood type in his identification form, my friend's younger brother in year one wrote down: "RED."

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2011年03月12日 | 英語学習
さて、Death of a Salesmanの会話にあった基本的な単語ですが、意味が分かりません。
WILLY: Yes, yes! Linda, Linda!
(LINDA enters as of old, with the wash.)
LINDA: Oh, you're back?
答えを知ってしまえば、ナーンダ、と言う簡単な単語ですが、"wash" は動詞しか頭に浮かばず、上記の "the wash" の意味がピンと来ません。 辞書を見ました。
・American Heritage Dictionary: A quantity of articles washed or intended for washing: The wash is on the back porch.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: all the clothes, sheets, etc. that are washed together, especially in a washing machine; Can I put this shirt in (with) the white wash?
"Where's my pink shirt?" "It's in the wash" (= being washed or in a pile of clothes that is going to be washed).
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