English Collection


dormer window

2011年02月18日 | 英語学習
久しぶりに大人向けの本を読み始めました。 "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller です。この本も薄いので借りたものです。
ACT ONE の最初に舞台の説明があります。次の文はその一部です。
Behind the kitchen, on a level raised six and a half feet, is the boy's bedroom, at present barely visible. Two beds are dimly seen, and at the back of the room a dormer window.
"dormer window" がどんな窓なのか分かりません。"dormer" からは "dormitory" とか "dormant volcano" を連想しますが、関係はあるのでしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・American Heritage Dictionary:
1. A window set vertically into a small gable projecting from a sloping roof.
2. The gable holding such a window.
1.Also called dormer window. a vertical window in a projection built out from a sloping roof.
2.the entire projecting structure.
・Online Etymology:
1590s, originally "window of a sleeping room," from M.Fr. dormeor "sleeping room," from dormir "to sleep" (see dormant).
なるほど "dormitory" と "dormant" とも "sleeping" が共通点なのですね。
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