English Collection



2024年08月22日 | 英単語
Osam Dazaiの小説 "No Longer Human" を読んでいます。

People speak also of a "sense of wrongdoing," a term that appearently refers to wretched losers and rogues. I feel I have been an outcast since the day i was born. Whenever I encounter someone whom society has branded an outcast, my heart softens, becomes so tender and mild that I could swoon.

"swoon" を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: swoon (over somebody) to feel very excited, emotional, etc. about somebody that you think is sexually attractive: He's used to having women swooning over him.
・Collins Dictionary: If you swoon, you are strongly affected by your feelings for someone you love or admire very much.: Virtually every woman in the '20s swooned over Valentino.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to feel a lot of pleasure, love, etc. because of something or someone: The audience swooned with delight.

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