English Collection



2012年04月03日 | 英語学習
今日の単語はReader's Digest 2月号の記事 HOME IMPROVEMNTからです。
Four and a half years later, the blog has grown to be more than just a pasion and hobby. The Petersiks now live and work on their home and blog full-time, and regularly update the site with their latest home DIY foray and misadventures.
この "misadventures" は何でしょう?辞書で確認します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: misfortune, mishap: His vacation turned into a series of misadventures.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an accident or bad luck: death by misadventure
・Vocabulary.com: an instance of misfortune:Kids are always having misadventures. Falling into a pit of mud, getting stuck between slats in a fence, a monkey stealing the shirt off your back: all classic misadventures. The word is rooted in the French word mesaventure, which translates to “turn out badly.” Some misadventures are only embarrassing, while others are exhausting and sad. The worst part? You can’t prevent a misadventure, because they happen by chance.
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