Japan's Cultural Code Wordsの「懇談会」(Personalizing the Business Process)の項にあった表現です。
There are numerous cultural subtleties that are involved in this kind of negotiation, and several books have been written on the subject. It takes a special kind of personality, including extraordinary patience and perseverance, to do it successfully. Generally speaking, the best approach for the foreign side is to engage the service of a highly competent, highly respected Japanese consultant to lead and guide them through what amounts to a minefield of pitfalls and booby traps.
ゴルフで優勝した経験はありませんが "booby"賞はもらったことがあります。 上記引用文の最後に出てきた "booby traps" は何でしょう?
・Collins Dictionary:
1.a hidden explosive device primed in such a way as to be set off by an unsuspecting victim: He was setting an exploding booby trap when it accidentally went off.
2.a trap for an unsuspecting person, esp one intended as a practical joke, such as an object balanced above a door to fall on the person who opens it
an explosive mine hidden underground; explodes when stepped on or driven over
an unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty:
Specialists have been brought in to deal with any possible booby traps laid by the protesters.
"minefield" に "booby traps" は付き物ですね。
There are numerous cultural subtleties that are involved in this kind of negotiation, and several books have been written on the subject. It takes a special kind of personality, including extraordinary patience and perseverance, to do it successfully. Generally speaking, the best approach for the foreign side is to engage the service of a highly competent, highly respected Japanese consultant to lead and guide them through what amounts to a minefield of pitfalls and booby traps.
ゴルフで優勝した経験はありませんが "booby"賞はもらったことがあります。 上記引用文の最後に出てきた "booby traps" は何でしょう?
・Collins Dictionary:
1.a hidden explosive device primed in such a way as to be set off by an unsuspecting victim: He was setting an exploding booby trap when it accidentally went off.
2.a trap for an unsuspecting person, esp one intended as a practical joke, such as an object balanced above a door to fall on the person who opens it
an explosive mine hidden underground; explodes when stepped on or driven over
an unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty:
Specialists have been brought in to deal with any possible booby traps laid by the protesters.
"minefield" に "booby traps" は付き物ですね。