English Collection



2023年08月22日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 7月号の記事 "The Best Snack in Every State" からの引用です。

These stuffed bread bundles have German-Russian roots. Brimming with seasoned ground beef, cabbage and onions, the savory parcels are so beloved in Nebraska that we've named them the state sandwich and signature dish in previous years. The runza's snack status was a shoo-in, too, considering that many fans call them the original Hot Pockets.

"shoo-in" の意味を辞書で調べます。

・Collins Dictionary: someone or something expected to win easily in an election, a race, etc.: Ms Brown is still no shoo-in for the November election.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: someone who is certain to win an election or a competition: He's a shoo-in for the White House.
・Wiktionary: A candidate or contestant generally agreed upon as the presumptive winner; somebody who is well-liked or widely agreed upon.: She's very popular and good with numbers, so I expect she'll be a shoo-in for treasurer.

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