English Collection


no quarter

2011年03月31日 | 英語学習
"HOW MANY MILES TO BABYLON?" の主人公Alecは母親の希望に従い軍隊に入ります。 幼友達のJerryも同じ軍隊に入りますが、階級が違うので(Alecは地主の子、Jerryは下層階級)軍隊でお互いに親しく付き合う事は許されません。Alecは上官のMajor Glendinningに目を付けられます。
He paused and started at me, his eyes becoming thin angry slits in his grey face.
'You are all amatueus. I will make you professionals. For me you must be on thing only. Soldiers. Nothin else matters. I will give no quarter. Understand?'
Majorに "I will give no quarter." と言われていますが、この "quarter" とは何でしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: [mass noun] pity or mercy shown towards an enemy or opponent who is in one's power: the riot squad gave no quarter
・Macmillan Dictionary: [uncountable] literary kind behavior toward someone who you have defeated or someone who is under your authority: give/get no quarter: Any man found breaking the rules would be given absolutely no quarter.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: merciful consideration of an opponent (a team that gave no quarter during the championship game); specifically: the clemency of not killing a defeated enemy
なるほど意味は良く分かりましたが、以前取り上げた動詞の "quarter" (Ref. http://blog.alc.co.jp/blog/3302827/archive/2008/09/28 ) とは違って何故この様な意味があるのか不思議です。この意味の語源を載せている辞書は見つかりませんでしたが、Wiktionaryに出ていた "quarter" の意味と例文が引用した小説及び上記辞書の意味の元になったものと思いますが、どうでしょうか?
(uncountable) Accommodation granted to a defeated opponent: "Sir, they have asked for quarter." "Have they? Well, we will give no quarter."
(quarter: You can refer to the room or rooms provided for a person such as a soldier to live in as that person’s quarters. ...the officers’ quarters.)
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