English Collection



2014年06月21日 | 英語学習

歳を取るにつれて髪は薄くなりますが、"hairy" は必ずしも良いことではないのです。Tom Clancy's Net Forceからその個所を引用します。
Muffin continued to stare into the fridge.
"If you don't shut the door, everything in there will rot and go hairy," Maj said, "and stuff will come crawling out at night and hide under your bed...."
"rot" に腐る意味があるので "go hairy " は腐ることよりもその上を行く酷い状態でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: informal Alarming and difficult: ‘we drove up yet another hairy mountain road'
・Cambridge English Dictionary: frightening or dangerous, especially in a way that is exciting: I like going on the back of Laurent's motorbike, though it can get a bit hairy.
・Wiktionary: Difficult, complex, intricate, or intimidating. It’s a hairy problem, and will probably take several weeks to sort out.

"hairy" は 5年前に読んだ子供向の話にも出てきて覚えたはずですが忘れていましたね。

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