English Collection


teaser rate

2012年04月14日 | 英語学習

さて、NUDGE by R. H.Thaler and C. R. Susteinを読んでいます。蓄財の次ぎの話題はお金を借りる話です。
Many variable-rate morgates are further complicated by so-called <B>teaser rate</B> -- a low interest rate applied for a period of a year or two, after which the rate (and payments) go up, sometimes dramatically.
The interest rate disclosure would include the rate, of course, but also a schedule of payments over a period of years, assuming that the underlying interest rates do not change. This would ensure that borrowers at least know what their payments will be when the <B>teaser rate</B> ends.
"<B>teaser rate</B>" の説明は文中にもありますが、辞書で確認します。金融の専門用語の様なので普通の辞書には "<B>teaser rate</B>" の項目は見あたりませんでしたが、OneLookの辞書検索では次ぎの様な金融関係の辞書がリストされました。
・MoneyGlossary.com: A low initial interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage to entice borrowers, that is Definition: later eliminated and replaced by a market-level rate.
・INVESTORWORDS: A very low but very temporary introductory rate on an adjustable rate mortgage or credit card.
・Farlex Financial Dictionary: In an adjustable-rate mortgage, an initial interest rate that one pays for a certain period of time, at which point the interest rate rises. A <B>teaser rate</B> exists in order to encourage people who would otherwise be unable to qualify for a mortgage to be able to buy a house. While a lender is required to disclose the higher interest rate and payment, their existence has been accused of creating a perverse incentive for unqualified borrowers to buy houses. Many believe this contributed to the housing bubble and the subsequent credit crunch.

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