English Collection


cadging cigarett

2018年08月27日 | 英単語
James BaldwinのGiovanni's Roomを読み始めました。どうも主人公はgay, bisexualのようで、何故この本が私の読む本リストに紛れ込んでいたのか分かりませんが、最近話題になることが多くなったLGBTについて参考になれば良いかな?
There were the usual paunchy, bespectacled gentlemen with avid, sometimes despairing eyes, the usual, knife-blade lean, tight-trousered boys. One could never be sure, as concerns these latter, whether they were after money or blood or love. They moved about the bar incessantly, cadging cigarettes and drinks, with something behind their eyes at once terribly vulnerable and terribly hard.
"cadging cigarettes and drinks" の意味が分かりません。辞書で "cadge" を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Ask for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled): He and Nolan cadged free rides on trams driven by Nolan's father.
・Collins Dictionary: to get (food, money, etc) by sponging or begging: Can I cadge a cigarette?
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to (try to) get something from someone else without paying for it: He's always cadging free meals and free trips from/off his clients.
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