English Collection



2010年06月14日 | 英語学習

次ぎの文はReader's Digest 3月号のFOOD FOR THE SOULと題された記事からです。
Having a farm with greenhouses would provide her expanding business with tomatoes and micro-greens all winter and allow Neumark to harvest crops to fit upcoming menus.
"micro-greens" は食用になる何か小さな植物を示していると思いますが、microとなるとクロレラの様な植物を想像してしまいますが文の前後からしてもその様な植物ではないようなので辞書を引きます。
私がいつも使用するOneLook検索で "micro-green/microgreen/micro green" でチェックしましたがリストされたのはWikipediaのみで、しかも "sprouting" の項に転送されモヤシのような写真がでていました。
サイドGoogleで "microgreen" AND dictionary で検索してやっと次ぎの辞書の説明を見つけました。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a shoot of a standard salad plant (as celery or arugula) 
この辞書への掲載は1998年と辞書としてはかなり最新の掲載でした。 更に調べると "microgreen" について詳しい説明のあるサイトを見つけました。
Microgreens (micro greens) are a tiny form of edible greens produced from the seeds of vegetables, herbs or other plants. They range in size from one to two inches long, including the stem and leaves. Microgreens can have surprisingly intense flavors considering their small size, though not as strong as mature greens and herbs.
Microgreens are not the same as sprouts. Some articles about microgreens characterize them as being very much the same as sprouts. There are several important differences. Understanding the different production methods of each can help clear up any confusion between them.
Sprouts are simply germinated seeds. Sprouts are produced entirely in water.
Microgreens are not grown in water. The seeds are planted and grown in soil or a soil substitute such as peat moss, or other fibrous materials. They are generally grown in high light conditions with low humidity and good air circulation. The seed density is a fraction of what is used in sprout processing so each individual plant has space in which to grow and develop. Most varieties require 1-2 weeks growing time, some 4-6 weeks. After the leaves are fully expanded the microgreens are ready for harvest. They are cut above the soil surface and packed without any roots. Some micro greens are sold while still growing so that they can be cut by the end user.
Microgreens have much stronger, more developed flavors than sprouts making them an ideal garnish with a broad range of leaf shapes, textures and colors.

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