English Collection


right on the nose

2012年11月30日 | 英語学習
Pinball, 1973: 主人公の友人(?)であるRatは中古のタイプライターをある女性から買いますが、それが縁でその後何回か彼女と会います。
After seeing her several times, the Rat had guessed her to be twenty seven. And he was right on the nose.
"right on the nose" の表現は初めて見ますが、文脈からして、「的中」した意味だと容易に推測できます。 一応辞書で確認します。
辞書には "on the nose" だけで慣用句として載っていました。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: exactly right, often an exact amount of money or time: Her description of the play was really on the nose.
・Vocabulary.com: being precise with regard to a prescribed or specified criterion: “his guess was on the nose
・American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms: Exactly, precisely; especially, at the appointed time or estimated amount. For example, The busload of students arrived at the museum at ten o'clock right on the nose , or He guessed the final score on the nose . This term, like on the button, may come from boxing, where the opponent's nose is a highly desired target.
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