English Collection



2017年11月09日 | 英語の本を読む

Jennifer WeinerのFly Away Homeを読んでいます。
“Not Joe Eido?” she asked, even though she knew what he meant, and that it was more than laughing at jokes. After all their years together, they shared a common dialect, the language of the marriage, shorthand references, the abbreviations and bits of shtick they’d do. Whatever he’d done, whatever he’d become, Richard was the one who knew what she liked on her pizza, and where she liked to be kissed.
"shtick" は英語らしくない響きが感じられます。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A gimmick, comic routine, style of performance, etc. associated with a particular person.: there are many great comics who have based their stand-up shtick on observational comedy: her shtick was to haul out her pet ferret
・American Heritage Dictionary: A characteristic attribute, talent, or trait that is helpful in securing recognition or attention: waiters in tropical attire are part of the restaurant's shtick.
Online Etymology Dictionaryの語源説明を見ます。
also schtick, 1959, from Yiddish shtik "an act, gimmick," literally "a piece, slice," from Middle High German stücke "piece, play," from Old High German stucki

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