English Collection



2022年10月15日 | 英単語
予約していた桐野 夏生の "Grotesque" がやっと借りれて、読み始めました。

Those of us who were entering for the first time--each and every one of us--having successfully passed the entrance exams. had skirts that fell just to the center of our knees, in exact accordance with official school regulations. However, the half who had been in the system since elementary or middle school had skirts that rode up high on their thighs. Now, I'm not talking about the kind of skirts that the girls wear today, skirts that are so skimpy they're hardly there at all. No, these skirts were just the right length to provide a perfect balance with the girls' highquality navy-blue knee socks.

スカートがとても "skimpy" とあります。 "skimp" に「けちけちする」の意味があるし、スカートの長さを話題にしているので、 "skimpy" は布をケチケチして、結局は露出度の高いスカートを意味している様です。辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (of clothes) short and revealing.: ‘a skimpy dress’
・Collins Dictionary: Something that is skimpy is too small in size or quantity.: What do the dancers make of the clothes they are modelling, which are skimpy and slinky?
・Cambridge English Dictionary: not large enough: Skimpy clothing shows a lot of your body.
Collins Dictionaryの例文に出てきた "slinky" の意味もついでに調べます。
Slinky clothes fit very closely to a woman's body in a way that makes her look sexually attractive.: She's wearing a slinky black mini-skirt.


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