English Collection


pull a face

2022年08月17日 | 英単語
予約順位1位にも関わらず予約している桐野 夏生の "Grotesque" が図書館の最大借用期間の4週間を2週間近く過ぎているのに、まだ借りれないので、仕方なく又、Page Turners シリーズの本を読むことにしました。今回はIrene Barrallの "Reunited" (レベル10)を読みます。

Later that morning, they drove through the green countryside into town. Laura turned on the radio. For the first time Meg noticed her bitten fingernails. Everything else about Launa was so perfect that it was a surprise to see the red skin around her fingers. An old song came on, and Laura began singing quietly.
"Do you remember this song at college?"
"Oh yes," Meg pulled a face. "They always played it at the discos, didn't they?"

"pull a long face" は知っていますが、"pull a face" は意味が違うのでしょうか? "pull a face" の説明を辞書で見ます。

・Vocabulary.com: contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state
・Wiktionary: To make an abnormal facial expression, either intentionally or because of an emotion.

"pull a long face" と同じような意味ですね。"pull a long face" も辞書で再確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An unhappy or disappointed expression.: ‘if you go to the party, don't spoil your Uncle's evening with a long face
・Collins Dictionary: an unhappy or gloomy expression: He's been walking around with a long face ever since he failed the examination

似ていますが、"long" があると "unhappy or gloomy" の感情が出ているのですね。、"pull a face" は "make a face" とも言うとありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (also British pull a face) Produce an expression on one's face that shows dislike, disgust, or some other negative emotion, or that is intended to be amusing.: she made a face and tossed her purse at him
・Merriam-Webster: to distort one's features: GRIMACE: He made a face when I mentioned her name.
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