English Collection



2020年12月16日 | 英単語
Danielle Steelの'Five Days in Paris' を読んでいます。Peterの家族は夏休みの間、父親、Frankの別荘で過ごしました。
As soon as Peter could, he walked away from him, and a little while later he saw Frank talking to Katie. He could guess what about, and it depressed him watching them. It was obvious to him she was not discussing their proposed vacation. And he knew without a doubt that that little plan would never come to fruition. He didn't say anything more about it to her that night. And for the next two days, they were busy closing up the house. It had never been winterized, and they wouldn't be back until next summer.

"winterize" は冬支度の意味のようです。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Adapt or prepare (something, especially a house or an automobile) for use in cold weather.: ‘a waterfront cottage that Dixon had winterized

・Collins Dictionary: to prepare (a house, car, etc) to withstand winter conditions: All cabins are equipped with electric heat but not fully winterized, and can provide 3 season camping.

そうすると、夏支度は "summerize" となりますが、辞書に載っているでしょうか?
・Random House Unabridged Dictionary: to prepare (a house, car, etc.) so as to counteract the hot weather of summer: to summerize a house by adding air
・Dictionary.com:to prepare (a house, car, etc.) so as to counteract the hot weather of summer: to summerize a house by adding air conditioning.
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