彫りの深い顔立ちを英語で何と言うのか知りませんが、Raymond ChandlerのFinger Manを読んでいたら、もしかしてこのことかなと思う表現が出て来ました。
I got away from the Grand Jury a little after four, and then sneaked up the back stairs to Fenweather's office. Fenweather, the D.A., was a man with severe, chiseled features and the gray temples women love.
"chiseled features" は彫りの深い顔立ちを意味するのだと思いますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (Of a facial feature, typically a man’s) strongly and clearly defined: the chiseled features of a male model
・Macmillan Dictionary: a man who has a chiseled face, mouth, etc. has a face, mouth, etc. that looks very strong and is perfect in size and shape: Russ had the chiseled features of a male model.