English Collection


toe the line

2014年09月29日 | 英語の本を読む

さて、物騒な台詞 "Well, I'd rather see you dead, little girl," で始まるビートルズの曲Run For Your Lifeにあった表現を取り上げます。
Well, you know that I'm a wicked guy
And I was born wih a jealous mind.
And I can't spend my whole life trying
Just to make you toe the line.
You'd better run for your life if you can, little girl,
Hide your head in the sand, little girl,
Catch you with another man,
That's the end, little girl.
さて、私の関心はもっぱら "toe the line" の意味です。辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: to conform to expected standards, attitudes, etc: One day all land will be accessible to everyone, but until then they have to be made to toe the line.
・Vocabulary.com: do what is expected: But in the end, analysts said, Japan has no choice but to toe the line with the United States.
・Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms: to do what you are ordered or expected to do He might not like the rules but he'll toe the line just to avoid trouble. Ministers who refused to toe the Party line were swiftly got rid of.
この歌の場合の "toe the line" は他の男と付き合うなと言う事ですね。

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