English Collection



2013年12月03日 | 英語学習
"buck" も色々な意味をもつ単語ですが、Eranest Hemingwayの短編、Cross-Country Snow、に出てきた次ぎの "buck" は私の知らない意味で使われています。
The funicular car bucked once more and then stopped. It could not go father, the snow drifted solidly across the track.
"funicular car" も知らない言葉ですが、スキー場での話しなのでケーブルカーの事だろうと推測できます。(funicular: a railway going up and down a mountain that carries people in cars pulled by a moving cable)
"buck" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: (US & Canadian, informal) (esp of a car) to move forward jerkily; jolt
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to move or react jerkily: the car bucked and stalled
・Dictionary.com: To move or operate in a sharp, jerking, or uneven manner.: The motor bucked and sputtered before dying completely.
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