English Collection



2009年07月04日 | 英語学習
東京駅前のBook Centerは年に2度程在庫処分として洋書の安売りをしますが、大分前にその安売りで買った5百円の本 "The English Language" をやっと読み始めました。 ぱらぱらと見た感じではタイトルの割りには余り硬い本ではなかったので買ったものです。 著者のDavid Crystalは(現在はどうか知りませんが、本のカバーによると) "presenter of BBC Radio 4's English Now" だそうです。
覚えておきたいと最初に思った単語は "yomp" で、次ぎの文にありました。
Is it up-to-date? Given the speed at which English vocabulary is expanding, any dictionary which hasn't been revised in the past five years is likely to contain omissions of importance. Keep a note of a few new words you have come across (e.g. yuppy, yomp), and see whether they are included.
残念ながら、上の文は "yomp" を実際に使った文ではなく単に例としてあげた単語なので意味は全く推測できません。そこで直ぐに辞書を見ます。
Wiktionary: (Royal Marines slang) A long-distance march carrying full kit.
Perhaps an acronym of “Your Own Marching Pace”.
COED: Brit. informal (of a soldier) march with heavy equipment over difficult terrain.
Worthless Word For The Day: [Brit., from the Falklands War] to march with heavy equipment over difficult terrain; to cover a certain distance in this way
Wikipedia: Yomp is Royal Marines slang describing a long distance march carrying full kit.
どうやらイギリスのスラングなので米国系の辞書には見あたりません。 ただマイクロソフトのencartaには "U.K. walk with load: to walk while heavily laden or over difficult terrain ( informal )" とありました。
実例文は次ぎのWikipediaの解説が "yomp" を知るには最適でした。
"The most famous yomp of recent times was during the 1982 Falklands War. After disembarking from ships at San Carlos on East Falkland, on 21 May 1982, Royal Marines and members of the Parachute Regiment yomped (and tabbed) with their equipment across the islands, covering 56 miles (90 km) in three days carrying 80 pounds (36 kg) loads.
Media coverage of this war saw the term yomp become well known and in general use. A computer game called Yomp was produced by Virgin Games shortly after the Falklands conflict. However, the term has since faded somewhat from general use in the decades since the end of the Falklands war."
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