

Leo Zagami(レオ・ザガミ)について!!①

2009-03-15 11:44:00 | Weblog

Leo Zagami(レオ・ザガミ)の発する警告!!

  レオ・ザガミについて、多くの人は知らない。投稿者も同様である。西欧では広く知られている。日本語による解説は、数少ない。これから多くなるであろう。 ごく最近までP2(フリーメーソンP2ロッジ:イタリアの政界・宗教界・財界・官界に巣くう秘密結社)の枢要な地位にあった人物である。
  以下に詳しいから、参考にして頂くとして、あまりにその欺瞞性にあきれて脱退したという。枢要な地位にあった人物であるから、その暴く内容は恐るべき事が 数多い。陰謀論などと言う世界ではない。陰謀の中枢からの生の暴露である。信ずるも信じないも自由であるが、事は、暴露の内容を世界は地で行っていること は間違いがない。



Videos / Project Camelot Interviews Leo Zagami - Part 1 of 3 (04:49)

Project Camelot Interviews Leo Zagami - Part 1 of 3

Leo Zagami: Illuminati Whistleblower Part 1 of 3
Oslo, Norway, February 2008 Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - the Masonic Executive Committee - of Monte Carlo, was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati. He is a 33rd degree Freemason, and a senior member of the infamous P2 Lodge.

イルミナティ反逆者が、緊急警告を発する(アンコール) By Henry Makow Ph.D.  March 15, 2008 (Originally posted Jan 2007.)


ひとつの古代からのイルミナティ一族の御曹子、ザガミは、2006年の6月に反乱を起こした。 彼は、閉ざされたドアの背後、ロッジの内部で行われていた恐るべき悪魔主義、黒魔術の儀式、マインドコントロール、そして拷問にはこりごりとなった。



「2012 年12月21日の宇宙的整列までには、あなたがたは6年間の準備期間がある...だから、あなたがたすべてがそろそろ目を覚まして、一つの神[訳注:キリ ストのことをいっているのだろう]のもとで自由にとどまるあなたの権利のために闘ってもいいころだ。彼らが完全な支配を得て、一つの神の真の信者の迫害を 開始する前にだ。・・・あなたの剣をとり、あなたの信仰を守るために戦う備えをするか、さもなくば滅びるかだ。・・・これは悪魔に対する戦いである。どう か西側の国々よ、目を覚ましてほしい。さもなくば、あなたがたは2012年12月のある朝、悪夢のなかに目覚めることになるかもしれない。」


モ ンテカルロのComitato Esecutivo Massonico、つまり、メーソン執行委員会(MEC)の元メンバーとして、ザガミは、最近まで、真のインサイダー、33階級のフリーメーソン、そし て悪名高いフリーメーソンP2ロッジの高位メンバーであった。彼は、より古参のイルミナティの「キング」の地位にあったリチェオ・ジェッリの後を継ぐべく 準備された「プリンス」の地位にいた。



私は、ザガミがシオニストを責任から逃れさせているのではないと思う。 彼は単に、彼が直接に知っていることに焦点を当てているのだ。イルミナティはマフィアのようなものである。



Leo Zagami(レオ・ザガミ)について!!②

2009-03-15 11:43:22 | Weblog






「こ れが、どのように最上層部が一つの目的のために協力して働きながら、彼らが完璧な隠れみのとなると考えていることにおいて営業活動するのかという見本 だ。[サウジの]ワハビあるいはワヒビ(ワッハーブ)派はシオニストと自分たちがイスラエルの失われた種族であると考えているその英国の友人たちによって 創り出された。同じことがアラファト議長[故人]と英国諜報機関によって創られたいわゆるムスリム同胞団についても起こった。



ザガミは、フリーメーソン組織の彼の元同僚に挑戦している。「お 前たちの異教徒の悪魔崇拝と黒魔術を公表する。卑怯者ども。それが私が彼らに言うことだ。欧州の貴族は、いつも魔法と黒魔術によって支配されてきた・・・ 彼らはいつも黒魔術と悪の力を用いてきた・・・彼らの自らの市民たちを支配するために。彼らは、これらの悪魔的な方法を彼らのローマの主人たちから学ん だ。ローマ人は、こんどはギリシア人から、以下順々にエジプト人、シュメール人と...それは不変のごまかし操作の終わりなき物語である。」

彼 は言う。G・W・ブッシュは「イルミナティのなかで最も強力な男」の息子で、「彼は、彼の父親とCIAによって、究極の反キリスト・ヴァチカン・シオニス トの傀儡となるべく作り上げられた。そして、彼がホワイトハウスにいようといなかろうと、実際には問題とならない。なぜなら、そのブッシュは、いかなる将 来の俳優がいまホワイトハウスにいこうが、現在の状況のなかで支配するだろうから。


の"www"は、"vav vav vav"で、数値的には666である。そして、あなたがたは、この頃はウェブ・サイトのWWWなしには、たしかにビジネスを行うことができない。

「作 今では、ほとんどのイスラム教、ユダヤ教、福音主義、プロテスタント、そしてキリスト教再生派を含めてすべての宗教はイルミナティによって腐敗させられて いる。これらはみな、フリーメーソン組織、諜報組織、マルタ騎士団そして最後だが重要なおきまりのイエズス会によって秘密裡に支配されている。正真正銘の [宗教的]告白がほとんど不可能なほどにである。」

Leo Zagami(レオ・ザガミ)について!!③

2009-03-15 11:42:44 | Weblog





エ リートは、我々の目の前に、ひとつの食肉処理場を建設している:新世界秩序である。9.11というイヴェントは、それを使うという彼らの意図の証拠となる ものだ。我々は、ひとつの選択肢を持っている:羊のごとく場へ行くか、あるいはザガミの忠告を受け入れ戦いにそなえるかだ。 <後略>【転載終了】
March 13, 2008 Zagami Wants to Move to the US  March 14, 2008

(Illuminati Defector Zagami in Masonic gear)

Dear Henry,

Thank you for your continuous support and please forgive me if I could not reply earlier but as you know they confiscated all my computers and my mobile phones and the nearest internet shop is more then an hour away from were I live.

On the coming Monday I will finally be able to check the proceedings of the case with my lawyer and the false accusations moved by my wife against me after her sudden betrayal , but my lawyer told me today she doesn't seem to have a strong case against me as she doesn't have at the moment any eye witness that can support her outrageous claims of abuse and manipulation from my side. Obviously
this could change if in the next few months they bring some corrupt witness in the picture so they can screw me up like Fritz Springmeier
, but at the moment it's her word against mine dear Henry even if Fatma Suslu [wife] stated to Greg at the Arctic Beacon and elsewhere on the net a quite different story, a false and insulting tale made up of my
supposed violence against her and the kids (total rubbish) and many witness on her side (another lie).

Well my conscience is clear my friend as I have always been a good and honest family man, a husband deeply in love with my wife and totally dedicated to my children who should never go through such a terrible experience (I say children because this include also the child from her previous marriage called
Zaccaria who I consider as my child). The Norwegian Kingdom and the Norwegian police have in any case already acted illegally against me , abusing their power with my forced arrest on the 4th of March 2008 as also stated by my lawyer who is furious with the police authorities of this country for their abuse of power.

The Norwegian Police loves this insane NWO agenda and their Turkish brothers from the Fethullah Gulen Movement, a right wing Movement secretly manipulated by the CIA and the Vatican Illuminati (including Jesuits like Thomas Michele SJ) and spiritually driven by the most corrupt descendants of Prophet Mohamed, sick said families like the Suslu family of my wife who think of themselves as the elite of the illuminati, people that think they have a special reserved place in Heaven and the right to act as they wish above the law even in western countries like Norway thanks to the support of the usual suspects ....

Dear Henry I dont want my son to grow up brainwashed by the Gulen Movement and their insane NWO ideology, I want Isak Rumi Zagami to be a free and honest man who respects and loves his father, I don't want Isak to become a Muslim fundamentalist who hates me and thinks I'm the Dajal so I will try in any way possible to get the courts permission to see my son regularly, in this way they cant ruin him completely with their false Muslim ideology.

I also received a very interesting e-mail a couple of days ago from a politician in the same party as my wife Fatma Suslu
(the Norwegian Socialist party called SV) who told me that my wife as been working for the government for a long time on various projects. He wanted to warn me earlier about her dishonest intentions towards me but He felt it was to dangerous to tell me anything about at that time, I really don't know yet if I can trust this politician but He seems honest ...I know for a fact that my wife as been working recentely on a project with the government for the establismhent of a cultural center owned by Norwegian Freemasons , a place which should be also connected to futures research and so called ecological friendly activities.

She got involved in this project with a certain Anne thanks to an english right wing Freemason called Jonathon Boulter who used to be working with me when I was in the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge. I warned my wife that what she was doing by working with these people was wrong but she didnt listen to me. My wife has been unfortunately brainwashed against me by the Fethullah Gulen Movement ( a sectarian version of Islam close to the Jesuits) and some people in the Norwegian political and masonic establishment who obviously advised my wife to distance herself asap from me and my anti-NWO position if she wanted to get back in their evil and sick political game, and Fatma unfortunately wants to be a politician again.

It's very hard as you can immagine to front the fact that the mother of your only child is actually working for your enemy and even sending you to prison as your birthday gift but I will have to survive this difficult moment in every way possible and even after all this I'm still very much in love with Fatma, but that's because I'm quite sure she was forced to betray me in this way with the police and she is probably already regretting the moment she left me for her new privileged position in the Muslim Illuminati establishment.

The situation is in any case very difficult for me as Im in great danger dear Henry in this corrupt country of Norway now that my only protection (the Gulen Movement) has betrayed me and put me in the hands of the Freemasonic enemy of the Swedish Rite that have already persecuted me in the past. So my intentions is to leave Europe all together as soon as possible and join my suppporters in the USA were we gonna finaly start my Tour of Hope and my new anti-NWO project against this sick illuminati bastards that have ruined my life over and over again. Committee's of Hope will start gathering all over the States in the next few months under my presence and many important things will happen. I want to thank already my friends and my supporters in the United States who are giving me the possibility to start a new life in a safe and protected way after such a horrible experience.

No problem the Illuminati managed to get their black magic working against me and my wife and successfully destroyed my family (they really didn't like my happy little family unfortunately) , but I'm not a dead man yet and I'm sure that one day my wife will realize she was only the innocent tool of the dark side and she should have been praying and protecting herself more from these evil Jinns that are now controlling her..

Keep me in your prayers Henry and if God want I will be visiting you soon in Canada .If not don't let my message die and keep the Illuminati resistance alive as my future is still uncertain.

Fraternally yours,
Leo Lyon Zagami
Leo will be my guest on Male Mentoring on RPN March 23.