

The Rational Clinical Examination

2009-09-24 | 医療一般
JAMA に掲載されていた身体所見に関するReview集を収録、マグギーの身体診察学(現在第2版)、Bates’と並ぶ身体診察学のバイブル。53トピックスから構成される。 
JAMAのLog in IDをもっていればJAMA Home pageからも各章をダウンロードできる。 

1 A Primer on the Precision and Accuracy of the Clinical Examination
2 Does this patient have abdominal aortic aneurysm?
3 Is Listening for Abdominal bruits useful in the evaluation of hypertention?
4 Does this patient have an alcohol problem?
5 Does this adult patient have appendicitis?
6 Does this patient have ascites?
7 What can the medical history and physical examination tell us about low back pain?
8 Does this patient have breast cancer?
9 Does this patient a clinically important carotid bruit?
10 Does this patient have carpal tunnel syndrome?
11 Does this patient have abnormal central venous pressure?
12 Does this patient have acute cholecystitis?
13 Does the clinical examination predict airflow limitation?
14 This patient have clubbing?
15 Is this patient taking the treatment as prescribed?
16 Can the clinical examination diagnose left-sided heart failure in adults?
Does this dyspneic patient in the emergency department have congestive heart failure?
17 Is this patient dead, vegetative or severely neurologically impaired? Assessing outcome for comatose survivors of cardiac arrest
18 Does this patient have deep vein thrombosis?
19 Is this patient clinically depressed?
20 Does this patient have a family history of cancer?
21 This patient have a goiter?
22 Does this patient have hepatomegaly?
23 This patient have hypertension?
24 Is this adult patient hypovolemic?
25 Is this child dehydrated ?
26 Does this patient have influenza?
27 Does this patient have a Torn Meniscus or Ligament of the knee?
28 Is this adult patient malnourished?
29 Does this patient have a mole or a melanoma?
30 Does this adult patient have acute meningitis?
31 Is this woman perimenopausal?
32 Does this patient have aortic regurgitation?
33 Dos this patient have an abnormal systolic murmur?
34 Does this patient have myasthenia gravis?
35 Is this patient having a myocardial infarction?
36 Does this woman have osteoporosis?
37 Does this child have acute otitis media?
38 Does this patient have Parkinson disease?
39 Is this patient allergic to Penicillin?
40 Does this adult patient have community-acquired pneumonia, adult
41 Does this infant have pneumonia?
42 Is this patient pregnant?
43 Does this patient have pulmonary embolism?
44 Does this patient have an instability of the shoulder or a labrum lesion?
45 Does this patent have sinusitis?
46 Does this patient have splenomegaly?
47 Does this patient have strep throat?
48 Is this patient having a stroke?
49 Dos this patient have temppral arteritis?
50 Does this patient have an acute thoracic aortic dissection?
51 Does this woman have an acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection?
52 What is causing this patient’s vaginal symptoms?
53 Does this dizzy patient have a serious form of vertigo?

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