


2021年03月23日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英英ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube動画の公開をしています。
 今回紹介するのはー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(289)~(304)です。

(289)an important work that a person or group of people has to do which (        ) traveling somewhere
=(        )

What kinds of (          )are (         ) by the (       )?

(290)an (      ) event such as an earthquake or a plane crash that causes a lot of damage
=(        )

The European heat wave is one of the (      ) natural (        ) which happened in the world.

(291)the (        ) to do something dangerous or difficult without showing (     )=(        )

It took a great deal of (       ) for the early (       )to set sail for (       ) places.

(292)a person or thing that is not (         )in a rule, group, or pattern=(         )

There is no rule (       ) has some (         ).

(293)a sum of money that you (      )=(      )

The (         )(    ) of Japan has grown to more than twice the country's (        ) gross domestic product.

(294)a person who is receiving medical (         )=(        )

To (       ) his (       ), the (       )was made to raise his arms above his head many times every day.

(295)time when you can (       ) and do things you enjoy without working or studying=(         )

Due to the (        )brought about by technology, many people have the problem of (       ) to a new way of life.

(296)an act of (      ) from one place to another=(       )

During the (     )of that day there was no other (       ) to (       )the peace of their (        ).

(297)more (      ) or (      )=(        )

When you have to drive, it's (         ) to use a vehicle that includes eco-friendly (        ).

(298)dirty or (      )=(       )

When a neat person lives with someone who is more inclined to be (      ), it can (      ) quite a few problems.

(299)having a small (        )between (        ) sides=(        )

Shabu-shabu is a delicious Japanese dish (      ) of (     ) slices of meat or fish.

(300)strange or unusual, often in an (      ) way=(      )

When you sit in the car after it has been (      ) in the sun for a few hours, you'll notice a (      ) smell in the car.

(301)to (        )(      ) that something happens=(       )

(        ) a smoke alarm does not (       ) the safety of your family.

(302)to decide that something that was (         )(     )will not take place=(       )

Can I (      )my (      )if there's been an (         )?

(303)to (      ) a person or thing with (      ) tools or equipment=(      )

Consumers (      ) to purchase a computer (      ) with a touch screen.

(304)to do (       )a law or rule (       ) you must do=(       )

Drivers always have to (        )(      ) the speed (     ) of the road.

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テス トのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、以下のような練習問題にしまし た。

①mission【míʃən】(Ex:What kinds of *missions are *conducted by the *army?)(289)
②disaster【dizǽstər】(Ex:European heat wave is one of the *horrible natural *disasters happened in the world.)(290)
③courage【kə'ːridʒ】(Ex:It took a great deal of *courage for the early *explorers to set sail for *distant places.)(291)
④exception【iksépʃən】(Ex:There is no rule but has some *exceptions.)(292)
(A)a person or thing that is not *included in a rule, group, or pattern
(B)an important work that a person or group of people has to do which *involves traveling somewhere
(C)unexpected event such as an *earthquake or a plane *crash that *causes a lot of damage
(D)the *quality to do something dangerous or difficult without showing *fear



次に以下のような英英挟み撃ち問題に取り組みます。定義文を読んでから例文を 作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに有効です。

(289)What kinds of mis------ are conducted by the army?
【an important work that a person or group of people has to do which involves traveling somewhere】

(290)European heat wave is one of the horrible natural dis------ happened in the world.
【unexpected event such as an earthquake or a plane crash that causes a lot of damage】

(291)It took a great deal of cou------ for the early explorers to set sail for distant places.
【the quality to do something dangerous or difficult without showing fear】

(292)There is no rule but has some exc------ .
【a person or thing that is not included in a rule, group, or pattern】

 予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。

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