


2023年11月20日 | TOEIC240第5章
TOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 第5章は日本語の介在しない構成になっています。
語注のついた英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第1章、英英定義から語注のついたTOEICキーワードを選ぶ問題 TOEIC240第2章、語注のついた例文からTOEICキーワードの英英定義を選ぶ TOEIC240第3章から段階的にレベルアップしていけば第5章に取り組むのは難しくありません。


 8種類の練習問題を用意して学習者がレベルに合った問題を退屈せずに解き進められるようにしているのがTOEICキーワード240英英楽習単熟語 です。
①fasten【fǽsn】(Ex: Please *fasten seat belt while you are seated.)(081)
②preserve【prizə'ːrv】(Ex: How can we *preserve the earth and its resources? )(082)
③apply【əplái】(Ex: Why are you *applying for this position?)(083)
④announce【ənáuns】(Ex: The government *announced tax hikes.)(084)
(A)to keep something in good condition
(B)to put something in a position so that it will not move
(C)to make an official statement about a plan or a decision
(D)to make a formal request for a job


①familiar【fəmíljər】(Ex: I am not *familiar with this neighborhood.)(085)
②successful【səksésfəl】(Ex: She was *successful in business.)(086)
③entire【intáiər】(Ex: He had spent his *entire life in Africa as a doctor.)(087)
④vacant【véikənt】(Ex: This hotel has no *vacant rooms.)(088)
(A)including everything, with nothing missing
(B)achieving the results you intended
(C)knowing something very well
(D)not being used


①article【ɑ'ːrtikl】(Ex: The *article was written in English.)(089)
②popularity【pɑ`pjulǽrəti】(Ex: The TV program has lost *popularity in recent years.)(090)
③opportunity【ɑ`pərtjúːnəti】(Ex: He missed the *opportunity for a promotion.)(091)
④refund【rifʌ'nd】(Ex: For a *refund, you must return the item unopened.)(092)
(A)a situation in which someone or something is liked or enjoyed by many people
(B)an amount of money that is given back to you if you have returned a product, paid too much, etc.
(C)a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine
(D)a chance to do something


①arrange【əréindʒ】(Ex: They *arranged the books according to size.)(093)
②advertise【ǽdvərtàiz】(Ex: Many studies show that *advertising is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.)(094)
③import【impɔ'ːt】(Ex: This is a car *imported from Germany.)(095)
④operate【ɑ'pərèit】(Ex: The costs of *operating a private school vary widely.)(096)
(A)to put things in a particular order or position
(B)to have control of something
(C)to buy products or materials from another country
(D)to make the public aware of a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it


(081) Please f------ seat belt while you are seated.
【to put something in a position so that it will not move】

(082) How can we p------ the earth and its resources?
【to keep something in good condition】

(083) Why are you a------ for this position?
【to make a formal request for a job】

(084) The government a------ tax hikes.
【to make an official statement about a plan or a decision】


(085) I am not f------ with this neighborhood.
【knowing something very well】

(086) She was s------ in business.
【achieving the results you intended】

(087) He had spent his e------ life in Africa as a doctor.
【including everything, with nothing missing】

(088) This hotel has no v------ rooms.
【not being used】


(089) The a------ was written in English..
【a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine】

(090) The TV program has lost p------ in recent years.
【a situation in which someone or something is liked or enjoyed by many people】

(091) He missed the o------ for a promotion.
【a chance to do something】

(092) For a r------ , you must return the item unopened.
【an amount of money that is given back to you if you have returned a product, paid too much, etc.】


(093) They a------ the books according to size.
【to put things in a particular order or position】

(094) Many studies show that a------ is a risk factor for both smoking and drinking.
【to make the public aware of a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it】

(095) This is a car i------ from Germany.
【to buy products or materials from another country】

(096) The costs of o------ a private school vary widely.
【to have control of something】


①maintain【meintéin】(Ex: It is important to *maintain the same high level of productivity.)(097)
②raise【réiz】(Ex: How can we *raise money for a person or family in need? )(098)
③found【fáund】(Ex: She *founded the company five years ago.)(099)
④maximize【mǽksəmàiz】(Ex: How do I *maximize my profit and minimize loss?)(100)
(A)to start something such as an organization, company, political party etc.
(B)to collect money from people for a particular purpose
(C)to keep something in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly
(D)to increase something as much as possible


①regular【régjulər】(Ex: Complimentary *regular shuttle bus service is available. )(101)
②modern【mɑ'dərn】(Ex: *Modern technology has made our lives more comfortable.)(102)
③accurate【ǽkjurət】(Ex: Her novel is not historically *accurate.)(103)
④strict【stríkt】(Ex: There is a very *strict rule forbidding smoking on the street. )(104)
(A)relating to the present time
(B)arranged so that there is an equal amount of time between events
(C)must be obeyed completely
(D)correct in every detail


①predict【pridíkt】(Ex: Why is it so hard to *predict earthquakes?)(105)
②repair【ripéər】(Ex: It isn't worth *repairing this car. )(106)
③obtain【əbtéin】(Ex: To be able to drive in Japan, you must *obtain a Japanese driver's license.)(107)
④consider【kənsídər】(Ex: I am seriously *considering changing careers. )(108)
(A)to think carefully about someone or something
(B)to get something that you want, usually by effort
(C)to say that something will happen in the future
(D)to put something that is broken or damaged back into good condition


①judge【dʒʌ'dʒ】(Ex: We shouldn't *judge others by their appearances.)(109)
②appoint【əpɔ'int】(Ex: He was *appointed to the president of the company in 2020.)(110)
③reflect【riflékt】(Ex: She saw herself *reflected in the water.)(111)
④forward【fɔ'ːrwərd】(Ex: How do I automatically *forward email to another address?)(112)
(A)to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully
(B)to show the image of someone or something on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water
(C)to send a letter, parcel, email etc. to someone else at another address
(D)to choose someone for a job or position


(097) It is important to m------ the same high level of productivity.
【to keep something in good condition by checking and repairing it regularly】

(098) How can we r------ money for a person or family in need?
【to collect money from people for a particular purpose】

(099) She f------ the company five years ago.
【to start something such as an organization, company, political party etc.】

(100) How do I m------ my profit and minimize loss?
【to increase something as much as possible】


(101) Complimentary r------ shuttle bus service is available.
【arranged so that there is an equal amount of time between events】

(102) M------ technology has made our lives more comfortable.
【relating to the present time】

(103) Her novel is not historically a------ .
【correct in every detail】

(104) There is a very s------ rule forbidding smoking on the street.
【must be obeyed completely】


(105) Why is it so hard to p------ earthquakes?
【to say that something will happen in the future】

(106) It isn't worth r------ this car.
【to put something that is broken or damaged back into good condition】

(107) To be able to drive in Japan, you must o------ a Japanese driver's license.
【to get something that you want, usually by effort】

(108) I am seriously c------ changing careers.
【to think carefully about someone or something】


(109) We shouldn't j------ others by their appearances.
【to form an opinion about someone or something, especially after thinking carefully】

(110) He was a------ to the president of the company in 2020.
【to choose someone for a job or position】

(111) She saw herself r------ in the water.
【to show the image of someone or something on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water】

(112) How do I automatically f------ email to another address?
【to send a letter, parcel, email etc. to someone else at another address】


①suburb【sʌ'bəːrb】(Ex: Do you need a car to live in the Chicago *suburbs?)(113)
②capacity【kəpǽsəti】(Ex: Manufacturing *capacity is the maximum production that a factory is capable of.)(114)
③permission【pərmíʃən】(Ex: Do I need *permission to park here?)(115)
④material【mətíəriəl】(Ex: Consumers have a positive attitude towards products made from recycled *materials.)(116)
(A)the right to do something that is given to you by someone who has power
(B)a substance for making something
(C)an area where people live that is away from the center of a city
(D)the amount of goods that a factory, machine etc. can produce


①wealth【wélθ】(Ex: Health is more important than *wealth.)(117)
②assistance【əsístəns】(Ex: If it had not been for your *assistance, I would have failed.)(118)
③environment【inváiərənmənt】(Ex: Does the *environment of a business impact its productivity?)(119)
④means【míːnz】(Ex: For me, money is only the *means to an end.)(120)
(A)the people and things around you that influence your life
(B)the act of helping or supporting someone
(C)a method of doing or achieving something
(D)a large amount of money, property, or other valuable things


①allow【əláu】(Ex: Swimming is not *allowed in this river.)(121)
②praise【préiz】(Ex: My boss *praised me for my diligence.)(122)
③adjust【ədʒʌ'st】(Ex: You can *adjust the screen color and brightness manually or automatically. )(123)
④manage【mǽnidʒ】(Ex: We *managed to deliver the products on time.)(124)
(A)to succeed in doing something difficult
(B)to change something slightly so that it works better
(C)to express your approval or admiration for someone or something
(D)to let someone do something


①crowded【kráudid】(Ex: The train was very *crowded.)(125)
②basic【béisik】(Ex: Freedom of expression is a *basic human right.)(126)
③close【klóuz】(Ex: This hotel is *close to the station.)(127)
④missing【mísiŋ】(Ex: We searched everywhere for the *missing child.)(128)
(A)forming the most important part of something
(B)having a lot of people, especially too many
(C)unable to be found in its usual place
(D)not far in distance or time


(113) Do you need a car to live in the Chicago s------ ?
【an area where people live that is away from the center of a city】

(114) Manufacturing c------ is the maximum production that a factory is capable of.
【the amount of goods that a factory, machine etc. can produce】

(115) Do I need p------ to park here?
【the right to do something that is given to you by someone who has power】

(116) Consumers have a positive attitude towards products made from recycled m---- .
【a substance for making something】


(117) Health is more important than w------ .
【a large amount of money, property, or other valuable things】

(118) If it had not been for your a------ , I would have failed.
【the act of helping or supporting someone】

(119) Does the e------ of a business impact its productivity?
【the people and things around you that influence your life】

(120) For me, money is only the m------ to an end.
【a method of doing or achieving something】


(121) Swimming is not a------ in this river.
【to let someone do something】

(122) My boss p------ me for my diligence.
【to express your approval or admiration for someone or something】

(123) You can a------ the screen color and brightness manually or automatically.
【to change something slightly so that it works better】

(124) We m------ to deliver the products on time.
【to succeed in doing something difficult】


(125) The train was very c------ .
【having a lot of people, especially too many】

(126) Freedom of expression is a b------ human right.
【forming the most important part of something】

(127) This hotel is c------ to the station.
【not far in distance or time】

(128) We searched everywhere for the m------ child.
【unable to be found in its usual place】


①duty【djúːti】(Ex: She has to carry out her *duties.)(129)
②form【fɔ'ːrm】(Ex: Please fill in the application *form, all of the items.)(130)
③solution【səlúːʃən】(Ex: He came up with a *solution to the problem.)(131)
④expense【ikspéns】(Ex: The company is trying to cut down on *expenses. )(132)
(A)an amount of money that you spend on something
(B)a way of dealing with a difficult problem
(C)an official document that has spaces where you write information
(D)something that you have to do because it is your responsibility


①remain【riméin】(Ex: Please *remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.)(133)
②inform【infɔ'ːrm】(Ex: We regret to *inform you that the position has now been filled.)(134)
③conduct【kənˈdʌkt】(Ex: Police are responsible for *conducting criminal investigations.)(135)
④combine【kɑ'mbain】(Ex: How does hydrogen and oxygen *combine to form water?)(136)
(A)to stay in the same state or condition
(B)to organize something and carry it out
(C)to cause two or more things to be together
(D)to give information to someone officially


①flight【fláit】(Ex: All *flights to London are delayed because of bad weather. )(137)
②invitation【ìnvətéiʃən】(Ex: I am glad to accept your *invitation to the banquet.)(138)
③profit【prɑ'fit】(Ex: Stock investments do not always yield *profit.)(139)
④method【méθəd】(Ex: They adopted a new *method of teaching English.)(140)
(A)the money that you make from your business
(B)a journey on an airplane
(C)a particular way of doing something
(D)a written or spoken request asking someone to go somewhere or to do something


①serve【sə'ːrv】(Ex: The restaurant *serves excellent Indian cuisine.)(141)
②accompany【əkʌ'mpəni】(Ex: All children under the age of 13 must be *accompanied by an adult.)(142)
③develop【divéləp】(Ex: We need to *develop renewable energy sources.)(143)
④distinguish【distíŋgwiʃ】(Ex: She is old enough to *distinguish between fact and fantasy.)(144)
(A)to recognize a difference between people or things
(B)to go a place or event with someone
(C)to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc.
(D)to provide someone food or drink, especially in a restaurant or bar


(129) She has to carry out her d------ .
【something that you have to do because it is your responsibility】

(130) Please fill in the application f------ , all of the items.
【an official document that has spaces where you write information】

(131) He came up with a s------ to the problem.
【a way of dealing with a difficult problem】

(132) The company is trying to cut down on e------ .
【an amount of money that you spend on something】


(133) Please r----- seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.
【to stay in the same state or condition】

(134) We regret to i----- you that the position has now been filled.
【to give information to someone officially】

(135) Police are responsible for c----- criminal investigations.
【to organize something and carry it out】

(136) How does hydrogen and oxygen c----- to form water?
【to cause two or more things to be together】


(137) All f------ to London are delayed because of bad weather.
【a journey on an airplane】

(138) I am glad to accept your i------ to the banquet.
【a written or spoken request asking someone to go somewhere or to do something】

(139) Stock investments do not always yield p------ .
【the money that you make from your business】

(140) They adopted a new m------ of teaching English.
【a particular way of doing something】


(141) The restaurant s------ excellent Indian cuisine.
【to provide someone food or drink, especially in a restaurant or bar】

(142) All children under the age of 13 must be a------ by an adult.
【to go a place or event with someone】

(143) We need to d------ renewable energy sources.
【to think of or produce a new idea, product, etc.】

(144) She is old enough to d------ between fact and fantasy.
【to recognize a difference between people or things】


①pour【pɔ'ːr】(Ex: She *poured some wine into a glass.)(145)
②describe【diskráib】(Ex: The police officer asked the witness to *describe the situation as accurately as possible.)(146)
③organize【ɔ'ːrgənàiz】(Ex: I asked Tom to help me *organize a farewell party for Mary.)(147)
④search【sə'ːrtʃ】(Ex: The police *searched the woods for the missing child.)(148)
(A)to say what something or someone is like
(B)to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container
(C)to try to find someone or something by looking carefully
(D)to make arrangements for an activity or event


①postpone【poustpóun】(Ex: They *postponed their departure because of the storm.)(149)
②object【ɑ'bdʒikt】(Ex: Almost all the workers *objected to working on holidays)(150)
③establish【istǽbliʃ】(Ex: Harvard University was *established in 1636.)(151)
④negotiate【nigóuʃièit】(Ex: *Negotiating price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.)(152)
(A)to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement
(B)to express your opposition to something
(C)to create something that is intended to exist for a long time
(D)to delay the date or time of a planned event


①suggestion【səgdʒéstʃən】(Ex: I appreciate your *suggestion.)(153)
②president【prézədənt】(Ex: The owner of a company can choose to appoint a *president.)(154)
③factor【fǽktər】(Ex: What *factors contribute to climate change?)(155)
④background【bǽkgrɑùnd】(Ex: Do you know her *background?)(156)
(A)something that causes or influences a result
(B)an idea or plan that you offer for someone to think about
(C)the experiences, knowledge, education, etc. that someone has had
(D)the person who has the highest position in a company or organization


①determine【ditə'ːrmin】(Ex: Our lives are *determined by our environment.)(157)
②experience【ikspíəriəns】(Ex: She has *experienced many hardships so far.)(158)
③participate【pɑːrtísəpèit】(Ex: I wanted to *participate in the discussion.)(159)
④prove【prúːv】(Ex: The advertisement *proved to be effective.)(160)
(A)to be the cause of something
(B)to take part in an activity or event
(C)to have a particular situation happen to you
(D)to show that someone or something has a particular quality


(145) She p------ some wine into a glass.
【to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container】

(146) The police officer asked the witness to d------ the situation as accurately as possible.
【to say what something or someone is like】

(147) I asked Tom to help me o------ a farewell party for Mary.
【to make arrangements for an activity or event】

(148) The police s------ the woods for the missing child.
【to try to find someone or something by looking carefully】


(149) They p------ their departure because of the storm.
【to delay the date or time of a planned event】

(150) Almost all the workers o------ to working on holidays.
【to express your opposition to something】

(151) Harvard University was e------ in 1636.
【to create something that is intended to exist for a long time】

(152) N------ price with customers is a crucial skill for sales representatives.
【to discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement】


(153) I appreciate your s------ .
【an idea or plan that you offer for someone to think about】

(154) The owner of a company can choose to appoint a p------ .
【the person who has the highest position in a company or organization】

(155) What f------ contribute to climate change?
【something that causes or influences a result】

(156) Do you know her b------ ?
【the experiences, knowledge, education, etc. that someone has had】


(157) Our lives are d------ by our environment.
【to be the cause of something】

(158) She has e------ many hardships so far.
【to have a particular situation happen to you】

(159) I wanted to p------ in the discussion.
【to take part in an activity or event】

(160) The advertisement p------ to be effective.
【to show that someone or something has a particular quality】

TOEICキーワード800英英楽習単熟語 はTOEIC800点レベルの難単語まで合計800のキーワードを上記のような形で解いて学べます。TOEICキーワードを英英定義と例文で学ぶと英語を英語で理解できるようになり飛躍的なスコアアップが可能です。

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