


2021年08月12日 | 共通テスト英語攻略のための整序&英英挟み撃ち問題
 センター試験の過去問から共通テスト英語攻略のための整序&英英挟み撃ち問題をお届けします。整序問題は文意が通じるように並べて、英英挟み撃ち問題は青字の英英定義を参照して単語を文脈に合う形に完成させてください。青字の英英定義はすべて大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に収録されたものです。

□In many parts of the world, the ①(television / of / is / influence) a matter of increasing concern. For years, critics of television have ②con----- 【to give all your attention to what you are doing】 on the issue of the program content —particularly violence — as it affects viewers. The problem seems especially ③(with / serious / to / regard) younger children. There is ④evi----- 【the facts or objects which cause you to believe that something exists or is true】 that TV does in fact lead people to accept more violence in everyday life. How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, ⑤(and common / as / occurrences / normal)?
□In the last few years criticism of television has moved to a new stage by ⑥(the subject / from / the focus / shifting) matter to the experience of the medium itself. The problem now with TV is not just what is seen but how it is seen. The way children watch it ⑦(them / causes / passive / to be), and some evidence suggests that such viewing might even affect the ⑧(in / development / the brain / of ) small children.
□However, the worst aspect of television is the way ⑨(can / it / family life / interfere with). The “box” has too often become a substitute parent, taking over most of the work of introducing social and moral values to the child and developing them in him. Parents allow this to happen by using television like a drug for the purpose ⑩(children / of / quiet / keeping). Eventually the child comes to depend on the box and it becomes a necessary, lifelong ⑪hab----- 【something that you do often or regularly, often without thinking about it】.
□While many children go through the “television experience” and survive, many others are deeply affected by it. Much of the discussion of TV during the next few years will center on how to ⑫red----- 【to make something smaller in size, amount, number, etc.】 the dangers which it presents, particularly to younger people. Already there are movements to try to ban TV advertising which is directed at children under a certain age. Perhaps this is just the beginning. In the end, some people may even go to the extreme of ⑬(such / the removal / demanding / of a powerful medium from the lives of young people. This might not be a practical solution, but we should not ⑭(of / ignore / television / the dangers).

解答) ①(influence of television is) ②concentrated③(serious with regard to)④evidence⑤(as normal and common occurrences)⑥(shifting the focus from the subject)⑧(development of the brain in) ⑨(it can interfere with family life). ⑩(of keeping children quiet)⑪habit⑫reduce⑬(demanding the removal of such)⑭(ignore the dangers of television)

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は上記長文中の語彙を以下のように網羅的にカバーしています。

□In many parts of the world, the influence of television is a matter of increasing concern. For years, critics of television have concentrated on the issue of the program contentparticularly violence — as it affects viewers. The problem seems especially serious with regard to younger children. There is evidence that TV does in fact lead people to accept more violence in everyday life. How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurrences?
□In the last few years criticism of television has moved to a new stage by shifting the focus from the subject matter to the experience of the medium itself. The problem now with TV is not just what is seen but how it is seen. The way children watch it causes them to be passive, and some evidence suggests that such viewing might even affect the development of the brain in small children.
□However, the worst aspect of television is the way it can interfere with family life. The “box” has too often become a substitute parent, taking over most of the work of introducing social and moral values to the child and developing them in him. Parents allow this to happen by using television like a drug for the purpose of keeping children quiet. Eventually the child comes to depend on the box and it becomes a necessary, lifelong habit.
□While many children go through the “television experience” and survive, many others are deeply affected by it. Much of the discussion of TV during the next few years will center on how to reduce the dangers which it presents, particularly to younger people. Already there are movements to try to ban TV advertising which is directed at children under a certain age. Perhaps this is just the beginning. In the end, some people may even go to the extreme of demanding the removal of such a powerful medium from the lives of young people. This might not be a practical solution, but we should not ignore the dangers of television.

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、以下のような四択問題200問と英英挟み撃ち問題800問からなる練習問題にしました。

①obey【oubéi】(Ex:Should soldiers always *obey orders?)
②pray【préi】(Ex:We *prayed for peace.)
③melt【mélt】(Ex:What is the best way to *melt snow?)
④select【silékt】(Ex:He was *selected for the Japan National Team.)
(A)to cause something to change from solid to liquid
(B)to do what you are told to do
(C)to speak to a higher being in order to give thanks or to ask for help
(D)to choose someone or something carefully from among others



①Should soldiers always obe------- orders?
【to do what you are told to do】

②We pra------- for peace.
【to speak to a higher being in order to give thanks or to ask for help】

③What is the best way to mel------- snow?
【to cause something to change from solid to liquid】

④He was sel------- for the Japan National Team.
【to choose someone or something carefully from among others】

解答)①obey ②prayed ③melt ④selected

 予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に準拠した共通テストキーワード800語を定義→単語→例文の順で英語字幕を見ながら書き取る穴埋め式ディクテーション用紙は無料提供しています。
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語で意味を確認すると英語力は飛躍的に向上します。


 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(321)~(336)

(321)to (      ) for something to (      )(       )at a later time=(        )

All things (       ), the chorus club decided to (         ) its winter concert.

(322)to make someone feel unhappy by not being as good as (        )=(       )

The company president was (         ) with the poor (         ) of her new secretary.

(323)to make something such as time or money (         ) for something=(       )

Susan (     )(     ) her job, so she has a lot of time to (       ).

(324)to show that something is (           ) true =(       )

It has (     ) to be (         ) whether there are any survivors of the accident.

(325)to (        ) time or money on something=(     )

Investors (       ) to (     ) money in as markets near a peak.

(326)to make you feel (       ) or angry because you cannot do what you want=(        )

One of the reasons customers get (        ) about long wait times is that
they're on their feet or (        ) in place.

(327)to (           ) someone or something and say who or what they are=(        )

The (       ) of claws is important in (         ) a wolf's footprint.
(328)to (      ) something to a large number of people=(           )

For centuries newspapers were printed on paper and (            ) to readers.

(329)an (       ) in (         )=(     )

Many of the castles in Japan are (         ) with quite a few young people
because of the recent history (       ).

(330)the (        )of exchanging information or ideas=(            )

To (       )(           ), it is important to recognize (         ) in (      ).

(331)the amount of water (       ) in the air=(         )

The effects of (         ) on the human body can be (        ) and (         ).

(332)a (         ) of different things or people=(          )

Jazz fusion is a (          ) of rock and jazz.

(333)easy to (        ) or understand=(       )

That he was tired was (      ) to see.

(334)(        ) forever=(       )

The hotel can (        ) a special ceremony to exchange (       ) of (        ) love.

(335)not as good as something else=(         )

(          ) foods are in some ways (        ) to their unprocessed counterparts.

(336)(        )large nor small in amount, size, strength, or (       )=(        )

You should be able to (      )(   )a conversation if you are doing a (        )(       ).

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(337)~(352)

(337)showing a fact or situation that is (       )(    )something=(         )

Consumers' tastes (      ), and markets (      ) their (      )(         ).

(338)exactly=(         )

It's not easy to (        ) sleep (         ).

(339)in a way that was not planned or (     )=(         )

(         ) eating meat is the worst thing that can happen to you if you're a vegetarian.

(340)often=(       )

In most supermarkets, foods which people buy (       ) may be (       )in different parts of the store on purpose.

(341)to change your (      ) and (      ) in order to deal with a new situation successfully
=(        )

Even if (         ) work very hard in their new country, they might (     ) it difficult to (       ) themselves to the new culture.

(342)to make something (       )=(      )

(         ) and (        ) mistakes does not make you look weak; it actually makes you look stronger.

(343)to pay the costs of a particular event in order to (       ) your products or services=(        )

The event was (       ) by several local businesses.

(344)to move (    ) your hands and knees=(     )

When the rocks (      ) stopped falling, we (      ) out of the (   ).

(345)to make a (       ) between different people or things=(      )

The green house (      ) is thought to be (       )with global warming.

(346)to look at someone or something for a long time (    )moving your eyes=(     )

(        ) at the sun without (       ) eye protection is a clearly bad idea.

(347)to (      ) suddenly=(     )

What would become of our (      ) if humans (      )to (      )?

(348)to (        ) give someone a (      )=(      )
Mr. Suzuki is a top salesperson for a cosmetics company who has been (        ) many prizes
for his (          ).

(349)a collection of paintings, photographs, or other (      ) that are shown to the (      )
=(        )

Art (         ) will (        ) the viewer to (        ) an (         ) better.

(350)the things that happen to someone or something, especially in a way
that cannot be (       ) or changed=(     )

The (     ) of the many homeless dogs is (     ).

(351)an interesting or enjoyable place to visit=(     )

(      )30 km from Paris, the theme park offers you many (         ) that will (       ) your family.

(352)an (        ) or (        ) between people, groups or countries=(     )

A meeting of the two nations' foreign (       ) finally (   ) an (   ) to the (     ).

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(353)~(368)

(353)a large (      ) meeting where a lot of people (      ) a particular subject=(         )

A (         ) was held to discuss the (      ) benefits of using insects as an (       )(      )of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.

(354)a (      ) condition in which the (        ) of your body is higher than normal=(      )

My grandmother always said you should sweat to (      ) the (      ) when you have the flu.

(355)a person who has been chosen to act or speak (   )(     )(   ) a group=(        )

The (         ) made a plan for the school festival, and the other students carried it out.

(356)an (       ) action that is carried out to (       ) a particular purpose=(      )

To (       ) business performance, the company decided to (       ) to drastic (       ).

(357)doing something or arriving somewhere at (       ) the time that has been (       )=(       )

Trains in Japan are (        )(        ).

(358)unhappy or (       ) because something unpleasant has happened=(      )

Bruce was (       )(      )when his girlfriend left him, but he soon (    )(    ) it.

(359)remarkable=(        )

The story was (       ), but his acting was (      )(   )(         ).

(360)having a large (        ) between (       ) sides=(       )

(       ) eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like the (       )of the world is on your nose.

(361)to be different from each other=(      )

Some people are (     )to consider their own way of life as being the (      )one and to look down on life-styles that (      ) from it.

(362)to choose to (     ) your job=(     )

Permanent employees (      )(      ) until they are (     ) or choose to (     ).

(363)to try to (       ) all the facts about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem=(     )

Not (   ) one percent of the (       ) in today's rainforests have been (         ) by researchers.

(364)to make someone feel (       ) about someone or something=(      )

It never (      ) to me that my actions had (      ) my parents.

(365)to watch and check something carefully over a (       ) of time=(     )

Watching TV programs can be good for the education of children if it is carefully (       ).

(366)to make the meaning of something (      ) by using examples=(      )

This picture (      )a method of (         )(       )by many animals.

(367)to refuse to accept something such as a (       ), a (       ), or an offer=(      )

Although he had a lot of experience in teaching,
John's (       )for the position of full-time professor was (      ).

(368)to (      )a child to do everything that they want=(    )

Is it child (      ) for parents to (     ) their children too much?

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(369)~(384)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(385)~(400)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(401)~(416)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(417)~(432)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(433)~(448)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(449)~(464)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(465)~(480)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(481)~(496)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(497)~(496)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(497)~(512)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(513)~(528)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(529)~(544)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(545)~(560)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(561)~(576)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(577)~(592)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(593)~(608)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(609)~(624)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(625)~(640)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(641)~(656)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(657)~(672)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(673)~(688)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(689)~(704)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(705)~(720)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(721)~(736)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(737)~(752)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(753)~(768)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(769)~(784)

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(785)~(800)
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