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2009-11-14 10:35:03 | Weblog
from 425DX news

FK - JA1NLX will be active as FK/JA1NLX from Ouvea Island (OC-033), New
Caledonia on 19-23 November. He plans to operate CW and RTTY on
40-10 metres, and possibily on 80m as well, with 100 watts and a
vertical antenna. QSL via JA1NLX direct, bureau or LoTW. Further
information and log search at


2009-11-14 10:32:26 | Weblog
from 425DX news

C9 - Igor, UY5LW will be active as C91LW from Maputo, Mozambique from 13 November to 3 December. He will operate CW with some RTTY and PSK on 80-12 metres, including an entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. Activity on 160 metres will depend on local situation. QSL direct to UY5LW. Logsearch and further information can be found at http://www.c91lw.dxer.com.ua


2009-11-14 10:31:12 | Weblog
from 425DX news

3W - Retu, OH4MDY and Henry, OH3JR will be active from Vietnam as XV2RZ
and XV2JR respectively until 7 December. They operate CW, SSB and
RTTY on the HF bands. QSL for both calls via OH4MDY (direct


2009-11-14 10:29:55 | Weblog
N6PSE has been issued the call sign of YI9PSE by the Iraqi Ministry of Telecom, and is planning a 6-8 person

DXpedition to Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) for late spring/early summer of 2010.

Three stations activated by 6 /8 operators , al modes and bands will be on the air from The International Hotel

in Erbil,
Northern Kurdistan (near Turkey).

More information to bepublished in due time:

Paul Ewing-N6PSE
Jerry Griffin K6MD (formerly YI9MD)
Andreas Junge, N6NU


2009-11-14 10:28:27 | Weblog
Al, ZL1UFB has updated his VP6AL QRZ.com details to indicate he is again back on Pitcairn Island (since September 2009) and will be there until March 2010.
Al says he is happy to eQSL and if you prefer a glossy QSL card then send direct to his home address with a self addressed envelope and US$2 to:
* C/O P.D.C. Hahei, RD1, Whitianga, New Zealand.
All direct requests will be answered by Al on his return to New Zealand. Bureau cards will not be answered.


2009-11-14 10:26:42 | Weblog
The LARC (Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club) in cooperation with the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (EARS) will be operating out of Dubai, Nov 23rd to 30th 2009. Activity is planned on all bands 160-10m, using CW/SSB/Digi Modes and also in the CQWWDX CW contest.

QSL via bureau to DO7ZZ, but if you want to QSL direct, only use the new IRCs as cards will not be ready to distribute by December 2009.