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YI next year ?

2009-11-17 07:13:36 | Weblog
from OPDX news

YI9, IRAQ. Paul, N6PSE, has reportedly been issued the callsign of YI9PSE by the Iraqi Ministry of Telecom and is currently planning a 6-8 person pedition to Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) for late spring/early summer of 2010. There will be three stations on the air from the International Hotel in Erbil, Northern Kurdistan (near Turkey). Operations are expected to be on all bands and modes. More details are forthcoming.

IOTA NA-153 is rare !

2009-11-17 07:09:18 | Weblog
from OPDX news

NA-153. (Update) Operators Zalo/XE3N, Jose/XE3PP, Benigno/XE2WK and
Juan/XE3RR will be active as XF3RR from Isla Cerrito between
December 10-14th. This operation is organized by the Radio
Club Cancun, and it will be a low scale operation as the
island is a protected area. QSL via EB7DX. Suggested frequencies
SSB - 3790, 7060, 14260, 18140 and 21260 kHz
RTTY - 3585, 7044, 10104, 14085, 18104 and 21085 kHz

VP2M next year !

2009-11-17 07:06:34 | Weblog
* Mike, W1USN will be QRV as VP2MPR from February 28 until March 13, 2010 working mainly SSB and PSK31.
* Bob, AA1M will operate mostly CW as VP2MPL from March 6 until March 11, 2010. QSL both via home call.

E4 update

2009-11-17 07:00:08 | Weblog
from OPDX news

E4, PALESTINE (Update). A little more details about the upcoming E4X
operation were released this past week. Specific dates were not announced
yet, but the 2010 operation lead by Antonio, EA5RM, will have at least
3 stations on the air at the same time on different bands and modes.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters (including 30/17/12 meters) using CW,
SSB and RTTY. Suggested frequencies were announced:
---- ----- ----- -----
160m 1824 1845
80m 3501 3780
40m 7004 7056/7180 7035
30m 10104 10140
20m 14024 14195 14080
17m 18074 18145 18100
15m 21024 21295 21080
12m 24894 24945 24920
10m 28024 28495 28080
6m 50103 50103

Some of the equipment has been listed on the E4X Web page, and the QSL
route for the operation will be via EA5RM. An interesting survey is being
taken on the Web site for bands/modes needed for this operation. The
survey is in real-time (it lists the results and your callsign). It looks
like there "may" be online logs during the operation. For updates and
possible other details, visit the E4X Web page at: