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2009-11-02 15:08:15 | Weblog
from OPDX news

5R, MADAGASCAR (Update/Also ZS5). Sam, G4OHX, will be active as 5R8HX from Madagascar (IOTA AF-013 and WLOTA L2455) between December 28th and January 3rd (2010). Activity will be mainly CW. He will also be active from South Africa as ZS5/G4OHX between January 4-17th. QSL via his home callsign direct only.

4U1A as HB9

2009-11-02 15:06:35 | Weblog
from OPDX news

4U1A, SWITZERLAND (Awareness about HIV/AIDS through Amateur Radio).
According to UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS),
estimates, there are now 33.2 million people living with HIV, including
2.5 million children. During 2008, some 2.5 million people became newly
infected with the virus. Around half of all people who become infected
with HIV do so before they are 25 and die of AIDS-related illnesses
before they are 35. Around 95% of people living with HIV reside in
developing countries. However, HIV today is a threat to men, women and
children throughout the world. Started on December 1st, 1988, the aim
of "World AIDS Day" is to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice
and improve education. "World AIDS Day" is important in reminding
people that HIV has not gone away, and that much still needs to be done.
A special amateur radio station will be operating at UNAIDS HQ in Geneva,
Switzerland, from December 1-7th, 2009, with the special event callsign
4U1AIDS. They invite people to observe the "World AIDS Day" and demonstrate
global HIV awareness.
International World Aids Day 2009 Amateur Radio Certificate: Those
amateur radio stations which have a radio contact with 4U1AIDS on any
3 amateur radio bands, will awarded a special commemorative certificate
“World AIDS Day Award”.
Amateur radio stations that have radio contact with 4U1AIDS on 5 amateur
radio bands will be awarded a special commemorative UNAIDS pennant.
Special QSL card: For each radio contact with 4U1AIDS, a special QSL
card will be sent.
QSL information: For further information, please get in contact with:
Andrey Fedorov, UNAIDS, 20 Avenue Appia, CH-1211, Geneva 27, Switzerland.
WEB sites: Official UNAIDS WEB site: http://www.UNAIDS.org
Amateur Radio 4U1AIDS WEB site: http://www.DX-World.com/4u1aids

another CE0Y

2009-11-02 14:57:05 | Weblog
Look for Bob, YV5IAL to be active from Easter Island (SA-001) between January 8 – 11, 2010 as CE0/YV5IAL
Mainly active on 20m PSK, Bob may also try 40, 30 & 15m. Transmission times generally 22:00 – 01:00z.
QSL via HC.