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P29VCX canceled OC-117 for bad wx.

2009-11-13 21:28:17 | Weblog
Hi Maury.This is Hans SM6CVX.
PLEASE inform on our web-page,that we can not make OC-117,
captain of boat says no landing possible,,,to bad wx.
So I have started from Normandby Isl OC-116 an will stay until saturday0100 GMT.
Also from OC-240 as planned .Qsl via SM6CVX
THANKS for all your help



2009-11-13 06:49:57 | Weblog
Mike, K9NW will be in Botswana between Nov 23 – Dec 1, 2009 using the callsign A25NW
Expect activity during CQWW CW contest
QSL via home call.

TT QRV now !

2009-11-13 06:48:23 | Weblog
TT8JT 09/11/12 2141Z 7003.0 up 1.5 UA4ALI
TT8JT 09/11/12 2133Z 7003.0 QSX 7004.5 W0EWM
TT8JT 09/11/12 2130Z 7003.0 up2 tks JA7MBT
TT8JT 09/11/12 2116Z 7003.0 QSX 7005.67 TU N4NN
TT8JT 09/11/12 2115Z 7003.0 up2-3 gud, strong JA8BMK-#
TT8JT 09/11/12 2108Z 7003.0 tnx qso IK6MNB
TT8JT 09/11/12 2104Z 7003.0 up, Jovica QSL->E73Y DJ2MX
TT8JT 09/11/12 2102Z 7003.0 up2 599 IZ8EDJ
TT8JT 09/11/12 2057Z 7003.0 up 1.6 K9CT
TT8JT 09/11/12 2055Z 7003.0 up JA1DDZ-#
TT8JT 09/11/12 2053Z 7003.0 PSE 80M DL6CY
TT8JT 09/11/12 2052Z 7003.0 QSX UP E73Y
TT8JT 09/11/12 2052Z 7003.0 up KF3B


2009-11-13 06:46:13 | Weblog
Jovica, E78A (ex-6W1SJ, ex-T98A, ex-ST0RM, ex-ST2A) has been in Chad since 25 September, 2009.
He has now received the renewal of his TT8JT license and will be on the bands from Abeche (KK03KU) for the next three or four weeks, with mostly CW activity during his free time. Activity during CQ WW CW is not confirmed at this moment.
As in 2008, the main purpose of Jovica’s travel to Chad is his work for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

* QSL via E73Y: Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, BA-71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.