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2008-06-28 06:23:13 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ will be active once again as ZD8Z from Ascension Island
(AF-003) on 1-15 July, IARU HF World Championship included. Expect
activity on all bands CW and SSB. QSL via AI4U (new QSL route). [TNX
The Daily DX]

VE's IOTA pedi

2008-06-28 06:21:32 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

VE - Igor, VE3ZF (VE2IDX) says he will be active as XM2A from Orleans
Island (NA-128) on 1-6 July, including an entry in the Canada Day
Contest. QSL via VE3ZF.
VE - VO2A will be the callsign that Cezar, VE3LYC and Ken, G3OCA will be
using during their forthcoming IOTA DXpedition [425DXN 879]. Expect
them to operate from Finger Hill Island (NA-194) and Paul Island
(NA-205) between 31 July and 5 August. They intend to be QRV for
three days from each island, with two stations on the air from 6 to
40 metres, CW and SSB. QSL via VE3LYC, direct or bureau (stations in
the UK can confirm via G3OCA). [TNX VE3LYC]


2008-06-28 06:17:58 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

YV - The 4M5 DX Group will be active as YW5IOTA from La Blanquilla
(SA-037) in early August. The team (OH0XX (YV5WW), YV1FM, YV5ANT,
YV5EU, YV5MSG, YV5SSB, YV5TX, YY4MP and YY4RN) expects to be QRV on
160-6 metres SSB, CW and digital modes, indicatively from 4 to 9
August (actual dates will depend on the schedule of the Venezuelan
Navy). QSL via IT9DAA, direct or bureau. The team is looking for
sponsors/donors for this operation, complete information can be
found at http://yw5iota.4m5dx.info/ [TNX IT9DAA]

A25 in Sept

2008-06-28 06:11:54 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

A2 - Manfred/DK1BT, Wolf/DL4WK, Andy/DL5CW, Sigi/DL7DF, Frank/DL7UFR and
Leszek/SP3DOI will operate as A25/DL7DF from Botswana from 23
September to 6 October. They will have four transceivers, three
linear amplifiers and a wide range of antennas, and will be active
on 160-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. One station will be
exclusively dedicated to digital modes. The pilots will be
Bernd/DF3CB and Floyd/N5FG. QSL via DL7DF, direct or bureau. On-line
logs, updates and further information can be found at


2008-06-28 06:10:45 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

EA - Adolfo, EA7TV will be active as EA1/EA7TV from Arosa Island (EU-080)
until 29 June. On the 28th he might go and operate as EA1/EA7TV/p
from the lighthouse at Punta Caballo (ARLHS SPA-222). QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. [TNX EA7TV]
EA - A large team from the OCV DX Team will be active as AM1S from
Sisarga Grande (EU-077) during the IOTA Contest. QSL via EA1OS.
Before the contest the operators (EA1DKV, EA1DAX, EA1US, EA1FDI,
might be active as homecall/p. They have a website at
http://sisargas.calandraca.com [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]


2008-06-28 06:07:52 | Weblog
from 425 DX NEWS

V3 - Eddy, K5WQG and Colin, KU5B will be active as V31MR and V31UB from
Placencia, Belize on 7-21 July, including a M/S entry in the IARU HF
World Championship. Operation will be mostly CW, with some SSB and
RTTY. QSL V31UB via KU5B, QSL V31MR via N5ET. [TNX NG3K]